- - One eats all foods
- - Drunk in Rome, swallowing extremes of vino? One'd swallow everything
- - Say badger new man in Cockney house?
- - Possibly badger new man in East End residence?
- - One who'll eat anything
- - One taking it all in
- - Animal that eats any type of food
- - Move in or out? I'll take everything in!
- - Move in or out, as it'll eat away at everything
- - One who may order a salad and a steak
- - Being able to take everything in?
- - Say badger new man in East End residence?
- - Moron I've confused who will swallow anything?
- - One who eats everything wasted more vino
- - One eats everything micro oven cooked except for carrot top
- - Far-from-fussy eater
- - One who sees value in any fare?
- - One eating anything
- - One eats everything
- - Goat, for one
- - person who eats all kinds of food
- - two eggs, one taken by terrible vermin – it eats everything
- - one eating every food
- - any animal of a species that eats and digests both plant and animal matter
- - Meat-and-plant eater
- - pour out more vino - i will eat everything!
- - Eater of all foods
- - Maybe goat butting merino, removing innards!
- - Not a fussy eater!
- - He's hardly a picky eater?
- - Bear or human
- - Consumer of both plant and animal matter
- - Animal that feeds on both animal and vegetable substances
- - Hardly a picky eater
- - Adaptable eater
- - S/he eats everything
- - Human, typically, diet-wise
- - Hardly a fussy eater?
- - He'll eat anything
- - Stuffed, I've room to eat end of chicken -- I'm not a fussy eater
- - Human, e.g., foodwise
- - Badger, as a rule
- - Plant and meat consumer
- - Not a picky eater
- - Man, e.g.
- - An animal that feeds on animal and vegetable substances
- - more vino free? i'm not fussy at mealtimes
- - consumer of plants and animals
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