- - Old judge has to make a speech
- - Deliver a speech from the floor at eleven
- - Get up on a soapbox
- - Give a formal speech, say (anagram of "oater")
- - Give a skilled delivery
- - Talk at no speed
- - Give a public address to many
- - Make a speech, initially outlining charge
- - go on before a crowd
- - There's a blob - a tear drop - as you speak
- - talk with electorate, and opt out
- - Give an address for a test sample
- - Deliver a grand message
- - Ring for a price and give your address
- - stir a crowd
- - Give an address or a note
- - stump, in a sense
- - Speak from a dais
- - Speak so as to merit being given an Oscar?
- - talk of nothing at speed
- - give people your address?
- - speak like a stump speaker
- - perform "a visit from st. nicholas," for example
- - Make a speech, say
- - give your address
- - Speak of a zero charge
- - Old judge to make a speech
- - Speak from a podium, perhaps
- - deliver a stem-winder, say
- - Speak on a soapbox
- - nothing to assess but talk
- - Provide address given by old judge
- - Make a speech to only half the electorate
- - Deliver a keynote address, say
- - Talk over judge
- - Old rat finally contrite gives speech
- - Deliver a speech
- - Give a valedictory, say
- - Make a grand speech
- - Give a keynote address
- - Get on a soapbox
- - Deliver a keynote
- - Give one's address
- - Give addresses
- - Give speech
- - Employ a silver tongue
- - Give a valedictory
- - Take to a soapbox
- - Pronounce from a podium
- - Give a long-winded talk
- - Give a lecture
- - Give a keynote
- - Give a grand speech
- - Give a formal speech
- - Filibuster, in a way
- - Use a soapbox, e.g.
- - Use a podium
- - Talk from the soapbox
- - Talk formally
- - Spout off on a soapbox
- - Speak to a large crowd
- - Speak in a pompous manner
- - Speak from a lectern
- - Mount a soap box
- - Give a valedictory, e.g.
- - Give a sermon
- - Give a mighty speech
- - Give a keynote, e.g.
- - Give a commencement address, say
- - Give a big speech
- - Emulate a valedictorian
- - Deliver from a dais
- - Deliver a valedictory
- - Deliver a stump speech
- - Deliver a formal speech
- - Deliver a declamation
- - Be eloquent, in a way
- - are to possibly speak
- - Harangue Oscar judge
- - hold forth when there's nothing to grumble at!
- - Speak in grand manner
- - hold forth in horror at election meeting
- - Speak at length as an alternative to tea-break
- - make speeches for zero payment
- - Speak at length with old judge
- - Emulate Douglass
- - emulate sojourner truth
- - corporate insiders hold forth, pompously
- - Exhibit grandiloquence
- - Old judge's discourse
- - Speak of love that comes with cost?
- - Speak over judge
- - Something politicians and professors do
- - dancing characters are to speak
- - emulate sojourner truth, say
- - Love to indulge in abuse and make speeches
- - No noun in fancy lecture
- - emulate martin luther king jr.
- - Address the U.N. assembly, say
- - Ordinary charge to speak
- - Speak of making love for payment
- - speak of love and regard
- - Speak politically
- - Make pompous speech no-one admires?
- - Winner might do this if Oscar went to Speed
- - get windy, perhaps
- - have the floor
- - The hapless are to speak
- - Speech from procurator at Edinburgh
- - Speak of nothing but speed?
- - possibly are to speak
- - Deliver speech
- - Speak in old clip
- - Speak from floor at eight
- - Ring and scold, or at least speak
- - Address the crowd, say
- - Emulate Churchill
- - speak at zero speed
- - Speak in stentorian tones
- - Zero speed so to speak
- - Hold forth to half the electorate
- - Hold forth; speak
- - Make boring speech no-one admires?
- - Supply addresses
- - Emulate Cicero
- - Wax eloquent
- - Emulate Demosthenes
- - Practice public speaking
- - Be bombastic
- - Speak bombastically
- - Get on the soapbox
- - Emulate Bryan
- - Address the public
- - Address the crowd
- - Stand up and speak
- - State your address?
- - Speak to the masses
- - Emulate W. J. Bryan
- - Be grandiloquent
- - Address grandly
- - Speak to crowd
- - Speak from the stump
- - Make an allocution
- - Emulate Isocrates
- - Do some campaign work
- - Address the convention
- - Address crowd
- - Address Congress, e.g.
- - Wax Websterian
- - Wax grandiloquent
- - Speak like Cicero
- - Speak grandiloquently
- - Make the keynote address
- - Make public speech
- - Go on at length
- - Deliver an impassioned speech
- - Address the hall, e.g.
- - Use the soapbox
- - Spout for an audience
- - Speak to one's countrymen
- - Grandiloquize
- - Get on one's soapbox
- - Emulate Red Jacket
- - Address Congress
- - Valedictorians do it
- - Use the bully pulpit
- - Use assembly language?
- - Take to the pulpit
- - Spout rhetoric
- - Spout from the dais
- - Speak to the people?
- - Speak pompously, e.g.
- - Speak on the stump
- - Speak like Clay or Bryan
- - Speak in the Senate
- - Speak from the rostrum
- - Speak for everyone in the room?
- - Sound off in the Senate, e.g.
- - Recite rhetoric
- - Preach, maybe
- - Preach, e.g.
- - Offer addresses
- - Magniloquize
- - Harangue the crowd
- - Furnish an address
- - Expound at length
- - Emulate Everett
- - Do some stumping
- - Do like Demosthenes
- - Deliver lectures
- - Deliver an impassioned presentation
- - Captivate the crowd with words
- - Be Bryanesque
- - Address the throng
- - Address the hall
- - Address the assembly
- - Work on the stump
- - Word from the Latin for "pray"
- - What spread-eagleists do
- - What spell-binders do
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