- - Organisation's involvement or contact in the community
- - Charity organization effort
- - Group's activity in the community
- - Some community work
- - Community service program
- - Unconventional composer's topless community work
- - Word after "community"
- - Teach our criminals it's available in the community programme
- - Community program
- - Open University right to get in tutor for community work
- - Community worker's effort
- - Feature of community work
- - Community
- - an organisation's involvement with the surrounding community, often for welfare
- - an effort to bring services to people who might not have access otherwise
- - Type of charity
- - Unsolicited social welfare assistance, usually from non-governmental bodies
- - Stretch forth
- - Type of program
- - Transcend expression of pain obtaining endless pleasure
- - Exceed
- - Surpass
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