- - Basely cater
- - Play to the crowd
- - Indulge or cater to
- - Philanderers have no relish to play to the crowd
- - Give gratification (to)
- - Cater to others' wants
- - Kowtow to the base
- - Basely play to the base
- - Cater basely
- - Cater dishonorably (to)
- - Cater, in a way
- - Cater basely with to
- - Cater basely to
- - Cater (to)
- - Bow (to)
- - gratify a bear, say
- - Gratify black and white animal, say
- - Indulge, gratify desires
- - Give 'em what they want
- - Kowtow
- - Go-between
- - Indulge
- - Severely criticise the German seen in Bow
- - Gratify
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