- - Like the grammar police
- - Overly fussy writer with a selection of good books in photo
- - Like teacher, editor and social worker featured in illustration
- - Like a schoolmaster punishing inept cad
- - Like a smug know-it-all
- - Narrow-minded, as a teacher
- - over-fussy daughter interrupts exercise class caper
- - over-learned
- - Insistently precise
- - Fussily precise
- - Insistent on formal rules
- - dance tip sort of formal
- - Over-concerned with correctness
- - Showing off one's learning
- - Schoolmasterly
- - Overconcerned with correctness
- - Excessively precise
- - Finical.
- - Finicky
- - Overly precise
- - By the book
- - Nit-picking
- - Over-concerned with minor details
- - Hung up on minor academic details
- - Dance pit built by finicky sort
- - Movingly depict an academic
- - Overly concerned with minor details
- - Overly focused on minor rules
- - Over-concerned with details
- - Political correctness drowning confused date in nit-picking
- - Overly fussy editor, under pressure, opposed to chapter
- - Pretentious in one's teaching
- - Ostentatious, academically
- - Schoolmasterish.
- - Pretentiously learned.
- - Overscholarly.
- - Ostentatious of learning.
- - Excessively scrupulous
- - Narrow-minded
- - Fastidious
- - Fussy.
- - Doctrinaire
- - nice muscle covering girl boxing soldier, perhaps
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