- - In a recklessly hurried manner
- - Recklessly
- - Occupant of No 10 has measure introduced, that measure bringing confusion
- - Confusedly, game once having Europeans replacing Americans
- - Helter-skelter, headlong
- - Disordered exercises left learner and me with lines
- - Full-tilt, hurriedly
- - In confused haste
- - With undue hurry and confusion
- - In a reckless way
- - In chaotic disorder
- - In a reckless hurry
- - Confusedly
- - In disorderly fashion
- - Overhastily
- - In furious haste.
- - Lacking order
- - With reckless abandon
- - Willy-nilly
- - Headlong
- - Helter-skelter
- - Hastily
- - Disorderly
- - Lickety-split
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