- - Green olive stuffing
- - Olive stuffing
- - .... cheese sandwich, popular Augusta National menu item sold for $1.50
- - Popular stuffing
- - Sweet red,yellow or green pepper
- - Point me out the Jamaican pepper
- - One could make the pepper pot mine
- - A spice you could manage to point out for me
- - Horse, mare, outside in a tree
- - top men confused about one west indian spice
- - Miners perhaps love hot pepper
- - For myself and the horse, brought out something to eat
- - grilled-cheese option
- - Pinto goes all round me for allspice
- - The workers in the mine have nothing but allspice
- - pepper and beer has me ordering first
- - ...... cheese (tangy southern spread)
- - Pepper pot shaken over fried carbon-free mince
- - Pepper often stuffed in Manzanilla olives
- - point me out a spice
- - I'm in enclosure with last bits of hot jalapeño pepper
- - Type of "Pepper"
- - Olive filler
- - Red sweet pepper
- - Workers in mine find old spice
- - Blokes in depression love hot pepper
- - Allspice
- - Jamaica pepper
- - Sweet red pepper
- - Olive stuffer
- - Bar bit
- - Kind of cheese flavored with peppers
- - Allspice tree
- - Aromatic spice
- - Chinese vermilion
- - Sweet pepper
- - Spanish paprika.
- - Colorful part of antipasto.
- - Kind of cheese
- - Olive center
- - Vivid red
- - Pepper ....
- - Type of cheese
- - point me out a pepper
- - Cheese
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