- - Burrowing ground squirrel relative; native to the North American plains
- - Rodent with plain tail
- - I paid Roger off for American Marmot of the Grassy Plains
- - Great Plains rodent
- - Burrowing critter of the plains
- - Great Plains tunneler
- - Great Plains dweller
- - Plains animal that tunnels
- - Great Plains burrower
- - Grassland burrower
- - Burrower that barks
- - Burrower
- - animal that lewis and clark called a "barking squirrel"
- - Burrowing rodent with a barking cry (2 words)
- - Animal in the meadow to follow
- - it's a rodent
- - Ground squirrel relative
- - Herbivore named for its habitat
- - Burrowing member of the squirrel family
- - Lewis and Clark's "barking squirrel"
- - North American ground squirrel
- - Tunnel-creating rodent
- - Atmosphere breathed in by podgier foreign rodent
- - It's actually a rodent
- - It's not a canine
- - What Meriwether Lewis called a "barking squirrel"
- - Barking rodent?
- - Natural tunnel creator
- - College of Santa Fe mascot
- - Rodent with a barklike cry
- - Misnamed rodent
- - Communal rodent
- - Squirrel-like animal.
- - It can wait
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