- - Eddy gently
- - Eddy or ripple.
- - Eddy
- - What knitting stitch is made by doing a plain stitch backwards?
- - pixar short about a ball of yarn
- - Inverted stitch
- - to knit something of great value, we hear
- - Do some knitting
- - Knitting instruction
- - Knitting chart instruction
- - Knit's opposite
- - Knitter's stitch
- - 2018 Pixar short whose title is a knitting term
- - Knitting stitch
- - Knit and ......
- - Having left for a run, run smoothly, getting a stitch
- - Knitting term
- - Kind of knitting stitch
- - Stitch in knitting
- - Knitting stitch type
- - Reverse of a knit
- - A kind of stitch
- - "Knit one, ...... two"
- - Do some knitting and babble
- - It's a stitch
- - Knitter's direction
- - Use reverse stitches
- - Knit with a reverse stitch
- - Knitting loop
- - Ornamental lace edging
- - Lace loop
- - Reversal of sorts
- - Knitter's loop
- - Knit alternative
- - Finish with loops
- - Movement with a ripple
- - Stitched loop
- - Reverse knit
- - Reverse movement, of a sort
- - Finish lace
- - Knit partner
- - Reverse stitch
- - Use a reverse stitch
- - Brook sound
- - Basic knitting stitch
- - Knit's reverse
- - Knit's partner
- - Knit's companion
- - Small loop
- - Knit in reverse
- - Linda of TV's "Happy Days"
- - Inverse of a knit stitch
- - Ripple
- - Small loop on the edge of lace
- - Homophone for pearl
- - Knit one, ...... one
- - Term in knitting
- - Knitter's word
- - Knitters' word
- - Murmur of ripples.
- - Move in ripples.
- - Invert (stitches) in knitting.
- - Inversion of stitches in knitting.
- - Backstitch.
- - Murmuring sound
- - Kind of stitch
- - Swirl
- - Knit
- - Stitch used to knit a rib
- - Knitting stitch, the opposite of knit stitch
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