- - Apparel biz
- - Garment district biz
- - Fashion biz
- - Missile sent skywards in anger suits industry
- - The clothing industry
- - The clothing business
- - Vogue includes returning spring fashion
- - remodelled gear including traditional clothing made for the market
- - Horse that won the 1976 Grand National
- - The clothing business; the .... ........
- - Fashion industry, colloquially
- - Fashion industry
- - Garment business
- - Anger about trad clothing industry
- - Get working with radar industry
- - Clothing business
- - Fashion business
- - Garter ad edited for clothing makers
- - Artist great at painting, for example, the fashion business
- - Industry needing tabloid deal?
- - Get radar working with some industry
- - Clothing business (informal)
- - Playful garter ad for couture business
- - Clothing industry
- - Vogue must carry traditional fashion business
- - Garment industry
- - Clothing industry, casually
- - Colloquial expression for the clothes business
- - Fashion industry (informal)
- - Art grade for modelling in fashion industry
- - The garment industry, slangily
- - Fashion industry, slangily
- - The textile business
- - The garment industry
- - Fashion industry, in slang
- - Garter ad edited for couture business
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