- - Waits to publish, as an article
- - Uses, as a chair - or the floor if you don't understand what a chair is
- - Keeps under wraps
- - Suppresses, as bad news
- - Doesn't divulge, as bad news
- - Uses as a bench
- - Uses as a chair
- - Holds back, as a report
- - Is part of, as a committee
- - Keeps warm, as nest eggs
- - Occupies, as a chair
- - Does not take sides in a dispute; doesn't make a clear choice
- - Is a member of a board and delays decisions
- - Perches atop: 2 wds.
- - Holds back, for now
- - Refuses to release
- - Holds in abeyance
- - Does nothing about
- - Is a member of.
- - Rebukes: Colloq.
- - Squelches
- - Suppresses
- - Quashes
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