➠ SNOBS - 5 Letters : Crossword Clue

We have 1 Solutions

  • - Those with noses in the air
  • - They look down their noses.
  • - People who turn their noses up in the air
  • - People who think they're better than you
  • - Those with upturned noses
  • - Nose-in-air types
  • - People with upturned noses
  • - They feel they are superior
  • - They're discriminating to a fault
  • - Ones with their noses in the air
  • - They don't mix with just anybody
  • - Nose-in-the-air sorts
  • - They're stuck up
  • - They're elitists and they know it
  • - They put on airs
  • - They have upturned noses
  • - They're exclusive
  • - People with upturned noses, perhaps
  • - People with turned-up noses
  • - Nose-in-the-air types?
  • - Socially pretentious people
  • - Elitists saving face - honest!
  • - critics with high-hat sensibilities
  • - Social bigots
  • - Ones with "superior" taste
  • - Aficionados, humorously
  • - Elitists
  • - Aloof group
  • - Pretentious sorts
  • - Hoity-toity types
  • - Stuffed shirts
  • - Ones looking down
  • - Superior sorts
  • - Snooty people
  • - Uppity types
  • - Pretentious people
  • - Snooty sorts
  • - Some pretenders
  • - Condescending sorts
  • - Classist types, perhaps
  • - Hardly humble sorts
  • - Snooty ones
  • - Some selective socializers
  • - Self-important sorts
  • - Stuck-up types
  • - People with self-proclaimed superiority
  • - Hoity-toity sorts
  • - Those on a high horse
  • - Highfalutin sorts
  • - Uppity sorts
  • - Uppity bunch
  • - Those on high horses
  • - Snooty types
  • - Elitist types
  • - Ones who may annoy hoi polloi
  • - High-horse sorts
  • - Stuck-up twerps
  • - Social pests
  • - Hoity-toity group
  • - Supercilious group
  • - Patronizing types
  • - Snotty people
  • - Pretentious ones
  • - Ones whose tastes you obviously wouldn't understand
  • - Exclusionary sorts
  • - Self-appointed superiors
  • - Supercilious people
  • - Haughty types
  • - Uppity ones
  • - Unfriendly sorts
  • - Name-droppers
  • - Uppity folks
  • - Self-styled superiors
  • - Aloof types
  • - Priggish people
  • - Thackeray's "The Book of ......"
  • - Social climbers, perhaps
  • - Uppity group
  • - Stuck-up ones
  • - Status seekers
  • - High-hatters
  • - Priggish sorts
  • - Elitist group
  • - Brahmins
  • - Aloof ones
  • - Persnickety types
  • - Stiff necks
  • - Some Brahmins
  • - Condescending ones
  • - Affected ones
  • - Supercilious sniffers
  • - Hoity-toity people
  • - Self-important people
  • - Uppish folks
  • - Undemocratic types
  • - Insufferable ones
  • - Uppish ones.
  • - Would-be VIP's.
  • - Boston Brahmins.
  • - Self-superior persons.
  • - High-hats
  • - Social liabilities.
  • - Highbrows
  • - Parvenus
  • - Social climbers
  • - Snoots
  • - Haughty ones
  • - Wine ......
  • - Some oenophiles
  • - Toffee-nosed people
  • - Arrogant stuck-up people
  • - cries about new elitists
Crossword Clues by Letters: