- - Now's the time for this - lots of room for it
- - Time period that began with Sputnik in 1957
- - Technologically advanced period that began with the launch of Sputnik: 2 wds.
- - Sputnik era
- - Period that started with Sputnik
- - Sputnik's launch began it
- - Room at the top bar for middlemen is the epitome of what's technologically advanced
- - Era that began with Sputnik
- - 1950's to today (2 words)
- - Room at the top bar for middlemen concerned with what's a world apart from us, technologically speaking
- - Period beginning with Sputnik
- - It started with Sputnik
- - Sputnik's legacy
- - Period of Sputnik and Apollo 11
- - Period that began with Sputnik I's launch
- - Like the Jetson's house
- - From Sputnik I on
- - 1950's to today
- - Sputnik started it
- - Era of exploration beyond Earth
- - Highly advanced, technologically
- - One in fashion pages is very modern
- - very modern wise man - step inside
- - Apes cage form high time [2 words]
- - Like "the house of tomorrow"
- - Modern, as technology
- - (Technologically) highly advanced
- - Our time.
- - Era that began in the late 1950s
- - Modern philosopher gathering momentum
- - Using very modern technology
- - Ultra-modern sort of green gathering speed
- - Similar to 6 down consuming speed for a period concentrating on Dark Side of the Moon, for example
- - Futuristic
- - Modern sort of Green embracing speed
- - Technologically-advanced step adopted by green
- - Wise step to enter modern era
- - We're living in it
- - It began in 1957
- - Launch time?
- - Era that began in 1957
- - Modern and technologically advanced
- - From October 1957 to now
- - Period since 1957
- - Very up-to-date
- - Period that began in 1957
- - Forward-looking
- - 1957 onward
- - Era important to Houston
- - Modern era
- - ...... Modern
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