- - Ink-maker with bottom becoming black in lampoon
- - News filler
- - Filler news item
- - Filler in print
- - In Harry Potter books, nonmagical offspring of wizard parents
- - Tidbit in a newspaper
- - Kind of kick, in football
- - A cracker of a short satire
- - Drivers quibble about banger perhaps
- - Exploding firework
- - Lampoon succeeded with British after pound out of depth
- - If damp it's unlikely to make much impact
- - small, partly irrelevant objections for firework
- - Fizzing firework
- - .... kick: tricky football ploy
- - Non-magical person like Arabella Figg or Argus Filch
- - Firework (disappointing, if damp)
- - Firecracker
- - Old firework
- - Short news story
- - Couple of quagmires disrupting relative's firework
- - Small firework
- - Small firecracker
- - Lampoon; firework
- - Firework displays finally cease (time's gone) before 6th of November
- - Lampoon little sister, maybe, for suppressing question
- - Short satire
- - Hissing firework
- - Firework, burns with a fizzing noise
- - Line-drive kickoff
- - Short news item
- - Short story
- - Short newspaper item
- - Witty saying
- - Short news bit
- - Difficult-to-field kick
- - Short bit of writing
- - A brief witty writing.
- - Firework
- - Lampoon
- - Witticism
- - Firework that fizzes and ends with a bang
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