- - Forgo neutrality
- - Eschew neutrality
- - consider the teams but don't be impartial
- - become partial
- - Back one cause another
- - Seizes day to commit to alliance
- - what biased sporting photographers do!
- - Come off the fence?
- - Be partisan
- - Not stay neutral
- - Choose in a dispute
- - Profit on salad and chips to support one of the parties
- - Support one group and tease kids naughtily
- - It's an option for someone in the restaurant provided one isn't expected to sit on the fence
- - Join the struggle
- - Have more sympathy for one of the parties as Keats dies mysteriously
- - Show partisanship
- - Become a partisan
- - Show partiality
- - Support a faction
- - Turn partisan.
- - Stop being neutral
- - Form an opinion
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