- - Calculates.
- - Agrees that everybody lashes out
- - Agrees the whole of men's wear must come out
- - Agrees to put everything into bonds
- - Corresponds with the labels
- - labels for matches
- - Matches and the score
- - Counts needing time with friends
- - Agrees with the scores
- - neckwear everyone wears fits
- - agrees to put the lot in bonds
- - Agrees; scores
- - Recordings made of time with friends
- - Counts, as votes
- - Vote counts
- - ... matches entirely in draws
- - Agrees everything must be within limits
- - Marks down, in a way
- - Keeps score
- - Election results
- - Counts.
- - Adds (up)
- - Counts up
- - Tots up
- - Corresponds
- - Scores
- - Matches
- - agrees to have fastenings around everything
- - corresponds with everybody surrounded by restrictions
- - Agrees with tip-top associates
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