- - What you'd find in the kitchen — Aga best for cooking?
- - they steep
- - packets in pantries
- - They hold leaves for infusions
- - In mess eat loads: we'll make brew
- - They get into hot water
- - They're likely to get into hot water
- - Packets in caddies
- - Things steeped in tradition?
- - Porous containers let out liquid soap in moving passage-boat
- - Leaves in water
- - They usually have strings attached
- - They usually come with strings attached
- - They often have strings attached
- - They're often in hot water
- - They're apt to get into hot water
- - They're dipped in water for a popular drink.
- - They come with strings attached
- - Holders of individual portions of Lipton or Tetley to be steeped: 2 wds.
- - Pouches for infusion
- - Earl Grey pouches: 2 wds.
- - Pekoe portions
- - Brewing items
- - Leaf beverage sachets
- - Earl Grey sachets
- - Stack by a kettle
- - Holders of leaves
- - Sachets for infusion
- - Oolong holders
- - Sachets for the pot
- - Lipton pouches
- - Brewing pouches
- - Earl Grey pouches
- - Packets from Twinings of London, e.g.
- - Pekoe packets
- - Herbal array, perhaps
- - Pouches for Earl Grey
- - Pekoe pouches
- - Paper packages of pekoe
- - Leaves holders
- - Lipton boxful
- - Steep requirements?
- - Brew packets
- - Beverage-steeping units
- - Beverage containers
- - Pantry staple
- - Leaf holders
- - Brewers' needs
- - Brewing needs
- - Lipton products
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