- - Pub submerged in the river could be more watery
- - More like a wafer
- - More narrow
- - More emaciated
- - More svelte.
- - More diluted.
- - Volatile solvent used as a diluent for paint
- - less fat when solvent
- - Solvent such as turpentine
- - solvent, yet less fat
- - pub included by the right slimmer
- - carrying less weight in the rn, perhaps
- - thorium that's inside solvent
- - Stephen King book about severe weight loss
- - newspaper exclusive, one that causes a drop in concentration levels!
- - Less weighty article right outside tavern
- - slimmer finding pub in the rain originally
- - Diluting agent
- - Not so wide
- - Paint solvent
- - Leaner.
- - Painter's need
- - Finer; turps, e.g.
- - Type of chemical intern working around hospital
- - Slight on geek falling short? Painter could need one
- - Less beefy article right outside tavern
- - Paint diluter
- - Not so thick
- - Chemical every weightwatcher tries to get?
- - Container ships missing Picasso? The painter finds it helpful!
- - Agent in paints
- - Less corpulent
- - Turpentine, e.g.
- - Richard Bachman novel
- - It's used for the sake of consistency
- - Turps, for one
- - Turpentine, at times
- - Turpentine, for one.
- - Turpentine, for example.
- - Additive to paint.
- - Liquid added to paint.
- - Not so bulky
- - Paint additive
- - Less fat
- - Less thick
- - Solvent
- - Painter's aid
- - pub included by the ringleader, slimmer
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