- - Frog's cousins
- - Kermit's cousins
- - Bufonophobe's fear
- - They cross the road en masse towards a vacant Debenhams
- - Frog lookalikes
- - Cousins of Kermit
- - Limit leading posters for despicable sorts
- - bumpy hoppers
- - Warty critters
- - "horned" amphibians
- - They catch flies
- - animals falsely believed to cause warts
- - mr. ...... wild ride
- - dry-skinned creatures
- - Cousins to frogs, which are said to cause warts (plural)
- - Bumpy pond-dwellers
- - Horned ... (animals that are actually lizards)
- - warty-skinned croakers
- - Certain hoppers
- - Tailless creatures
- - Certain amphibians
- - Wart causers?
- - Tree and horned
- - They only become princes in fairy tales
- - Spadefoots or bufos
- - Mr. ...... Wild Ride (Disneyland attraction)
- - Loathsome people
- - Loathsome individuals
- - Hop and tree
- - Future Prince Charmings?
- - Frog-like animals
- - Disgusting ones
- - Critters sometimes licked to get high (it doesn't work, trust...my friend)
- - Bumpy-skinned amphibians
- - Bufos, sPAdefoots, e.g.
- - Amphibians that have warts
- - A knot of ............
- - ......-mouth (snapdragon)
- - ..........-eye (tinstone)
- - Hateful ones
- - Disagreeable ones
- - Creek croakers
- - Bumpy amphibians
- - Swamp hoppers
- - Warty amphibians
- - Warty jumpers
- - Warty creatures
- - 'Horned' creatures
- - Untamed leapers
- - Moist animals and loathsome people
- - Terrarium amphibians
- - Squat amphibians
- - Marsh croakers
- - Frog cousins
- - Frogs' kin
- - Heron prey
- - Tailless hoppers
- - Terrarium hoppers
- - Garden amphibians
- - Sticky-tongued amphibians
- - Warty hoppers
- - Hoppy amphibians
- - Tadpoles, in time
- - Pride : lions :: knot : ......
- - Bufotoxin producers
- - Onetime tadpoles
- - Princes in disguise?
- - Historic New Haven, CT venue ...... Place
- - A group of them is called a knot
- - Frog relatives
- - Witches' brew ingredients
- - Ugly ones
- - Some hibernators
- - Ones with warts and all?
- - Natterjacks
- - Fly-catching croakers
- - Lita Ford "Smokin' ......"
- - Frogs' relatives
- - Pod : whales :: knot : ......
- - Some pond creatures
- - Hibernating creatures
- - Some former polliwogs
- - Some witches' familiars
- - What Lita Ford was "Smokin"
- - They have wet sprockets?
- - Horned hoppers
- - Some amphibians
- - Some Okefenokee fauna
- - Warty pond denizens
- - Amphibious hoppers
- - Frogs' cousins
- - Despicable people
- - Detestable ones
- - Tongue-flicking critters
- - Herd : buffalo :: knot : ......
- - Bumpy-skinned creatures
- - Warty-skinned critters
- - Prince Charming wannabes
- - Grown-up polliwogs
- - Witches' familiars, often
- - Creatures said to cause warts
- - Bumpy-skinned critters
- - Potential princes?
- - Ones making amphibious landings?
- - Terrarium creatures
- - They probably look before they leap
- - Natterjack, e.g.
- - Relatives of frogs
- - Warty ones
- - Bufos
- - Natterjacks, e.g.
- - Tailless amphibians
- - Garden dwellers
- - Some are horned
- - Unpleasant types
- - Horned critters
- - Wild leapers
- - Princely beginnings
- - Warty croakers
- - Land hoppers
- - Princely hoppers?
- - Pond critters
- - Little hoppers
- - Hoppers
- - Small hoppers
- - Fly catchers.
- - Contemptible sorts
- - Loathsome ones
- - Contemptible people
- - Contemptible ones
- - Despicable ones
- - Leaping amphibians
- - Pond croakers
- - Some tadpoles, eventually
- - Adult tadpoles
- - Pond hoppers
- - Croakers
- - Pond denizens
- - Insect eaters
- - Amphibians
- - Garden hoppers
- - Amphibians with bumpy skin
- - Frogs' wartier cousins
- - Four-legged hoppers
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