- - Ultra: Slang
- - Extremely: Slang.
- - Extreme; ultra: Slang.
- - Extreme: Slang.
- - Over-repetitive - frightfully!
- - Overly, emphatically
- - Way over the top: Hyph.
- - A bit much
- - Overly, informally
- - Extravagantly and affectedly sentimental
- - Way overdone
- - Overly affected
- - Blast soot is unlimited and gushing
- - Oh so very
- - Blow rings -- exquisite!
- - Affectedly cute
- - Way over the top
- - Tastelessly overdone
- - Excessively affected
- - Pretentious, informally
- - Very affected
- - Excessively cute
- - Artily affected
- - Unenjoyably overdone
- - Tastelessly affected
- - Terribly affected
- - Elegant to the point of absurdity
- - Overly and then some
- - Beyond fashionable
- - Hamlet's "...... solid flesh"
- - Repetitive superlative.
- - Overly pretentious
- - Pretentious
- - La-di-da
- - Over-the-top
- - Overdone
- - Extreme
- - Exceedingly
- - Excessive
- - Ultra
- - Overly
- - Affected
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