- - Area of a cross-shaped church lying at right angles to the principal axis
- - a cross-section of the church
- - Part of church at right angles to nave
- - Time passed: some 30 days in cathedral wing
- - Wing and tail feathers missing one month
- - patterns recreated for part of the church
- - Trains kept one kilometre away from this part of the church
- - rants about pet wandering in part of church
- - Odd patterns seen in part of church
- - sent out for having rapt attention in church
- - It crosses the nave of a church
- - strange patterns in the wing of a church
- - in the past, a letting fee was required in church
- - strange patterns found in church
- - Part of church that may be divided into ten parts
- - patterns used for part of a church
- - rants about pet loose somewhere in church
- - strange patterns in church
- - wing of a church
- - Part of a cruciform church — patterns (anag)
- - Part of a church — patterns (anag)
- - It crosses the nave in church
- - Strange patterns found in the chapel
- - Strange patterns in church area
- - Intricate patterns in part of church
- - New parents' first time in the chapel
- - Strange patterns in part of church
- - Part of a church at right angles to the nave
- - Ornate patterns in church area
- - Somewhere in church, patterns all over the place
- - Part of church
- - Either of the two wings of a cruciform church
- - Intricate patterns in one part of church
- - Time artist spent unwisely in part of church
- - A month after one leaves school one comes across the church
- - Where there may be stained glass with varied patterns
- - Patterns formed in wing of church
- - Ten parts for reassembling somewhere in church
- - Strange patterns found in the church
- - Redesigned patterns for part of church
- - Church cross-section
- - Part of a cruciform church
- - Part of Westminster Abbey.
- - Part of a church.
- - rant about short month in part of church
- - Part of a cross-shaped church
- - Area that separates a nave from a sanctuary
- - Area near the apse
- - Cathedral wing
- - Nave crosser
- - It crosses the nave
- - Area that separates the nave from the sanctuary
- - Area crossing the nave
- - It intersects the nave
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