- - Large flatfish prized as food
- - Flatfish — trout B (anag)
- - Expensive flatfish
- - Flatfish, valued as food
- - Food flatfish
- - Round-bodied flatfish
- - Tasty flatfish
- - Edible flatfish
- - Diamond-shaped flatfish
- - Large flatfish
- - European flatfish
- - Flatfish
- - Bachelor tucking into cooked trout — or flatfish
- - Note fresh trout surrounding another fish
- - Trout swimming round top of burn meets another fish
- - Getting up to dry fish
- - Fish has to dry up
- - Fish starters: twenty-one to go with style of champagne served up
- - On reflection, sounds like it's too dry for a champagne and for a fish dinner
- - Flip over to dry fish
- - Swimmer to dry back
- - Trout swimming around black fish
- - Sort of trout swallowing Black Sea fish
- - Trout swimming round black fish
- - Child catching more than half of city's fish
- - Species of fish
- - Bouillabaisse fish
- - European angler's catch
- - European flounder.
- - European fish
- - Fish
- - bass hidden by fantastic trout or another fish
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