- - Muslim law council
- - Moslem law council
- - Mohammedan council.
- - Learned Moslem council.
- - a body of islamic scholars with special knowledge of their sacred laws
- - muslim scholars (anagram of a mule)
- - Body of Muslim religious leaders
- - Muslim scholars
- - Islamic doctors
- - Panel of Islamic scholars
- - Moslem learned men
- - Moslem scholars
- - Moslem brain trust
- - Body of Moslem scholars
- - Moslem body of scholars
- - Turkish scholars
- - Moslem wise men.
- - Group of Islamic savants
- - Muslim learned men.
- - Group of Muslim scholars.
- - Islam group of scholars.
- - Group of Moslem scholars.
- - Turkish body of scholars.
- - Learned Moslem religious body.
- - Doctors of Moslem religion.
- - Group of Moslem theologians.
- - Turkish college.
- - Body of Muslim scholars expert in Islamic sacred law and theology
- - Group of theologians involved in rulemaking
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