- - Meatless meal
- - average tin possibly for one with a restricted diet?
- - Meat abstainer
- - person who doesn't eat meat
- - Agent I rave about is a conscious eater
- - Plant eater
- - Person who eschews the starred answers' deleted portions
- - The type of restaurant review I rate welcomed by person on a strict diet
- - One strangely negative about a beefburger, finally
- - Flier's request
- - I get a raven trained so it's not eating worms, for example
- - A number are eating fresh vegetables and fruit
- - Yes: broccoli, ice cream, bread; No: pork, steak, fish
- - End of verse
- - What the British beefeater is turning into.
- - Herbivore
- - Non-meat-eater
- - Menu heading
- - person with a diet that suggests what should be removed from answers to asterisked clues
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