- - Thin decorative layer
- - a thin, decorative covering of fine wood applied to coarser wood or other material
- - Good quality outward appearance of the Northeast, ever variable
- - thin surface layer of a fine material
- - Wooden-faced beauty
- - Finish part of degree, never going back!
- - Covering layer
- - Fine-wood overlay
- - thin outer coating
- - wood-facing
- - Thin surface covering
- - Thin surface sheeting
- - Thin decorative covering, usually of wood
- - Thin, decorative surface layer
- - even worried about queen's top layer
- - Coating layer
- - Wood cover
- - Surface wood layer
- - Thin top layer of decorative wood
- - Thin decorative covering of fine wood
- - Superficial layer
- - Specious outward appearance of good quality
- - Wood overlay
- - Thin wood finish
- - Thin coating on a surface
- - Thin outer layer
- - Plywood layer
- - Thin layer of a fine material on the surface
- - Thin wood layer
- - Thin wooden facing
- - Thin layer of wood
- - Decorative layer
- - Outer layer of wood
- - Thin covering of fine wood on a coarser one
- - Thin wood facing
- - Furniture layer
- - Thin layer glued to the top
- - Thin wooden covering
- - Shiny wood overlay
- - External layer
- - A thin coat that often cracks
- - Thin covering
- - Plywood layer, perhaps
- - Tortoiseshell layer
- - Use for expensive wood
- - Thin layer as of wood
- - Facade of sorts
- - Form of fakery
- - Wood layer
- - Thin coating
- - Thin layer
- - Surface layer
- - Top layer.
- - Wood finish
- - Outer layer
- - Capital of Kenya
- - thin layer on top of a tooth, wood etc.
- - Facing a group of offensive ne'er-do-wells
- - Perhaps facing north and then east in turn
- - Superficial attractive appearance
- - even out again when up to superficial coating
- - never point to it - that's only outward show!
- - for superficial refinement change direction round the north-east
- - Verne novel about Nemo's second appearance
- - after 5, point to rene being confused and being superficial
- - five go east and rene follows putting on an outward show
- - Verne novel about eastern front
- - reverend born to put on a show
- - Delvene! Ernie's preparing some surface coating
- - concerns even superficial show
- - Never wrong about European facade
- - That skin-deep beauty
- - Superficial appearance even upset Queen Elizabeth
- - Skin-deep beauty
- - front wheel has new fasteners at the centre
- - Polish film?
- - Ornamental facing
- - Covering that disguises someone's true nature
- - surface even confused queen
- - Decorative overlay
- - Ornamental furniture facing
- - the outside intended to mask the inside
- - Facing material damage to revenue after United's exit
- - Furniture surface
- - Misleading external appearance
- - Decorative facade
- - Gloss; façade
- - Archdeacon always in disguise
- - Agree never to bring up somewhat superficial appearance
- - Decorative mask for disguise?
- - Turn featuring latest characters in the television show
- - Superficial exterior
- - Silly revenge? Not good to show superficial refinement
- - Overlay
- - Never to tour round the East? It's superficial
- - Furniture maker's overlay
- - Furniture facade
- - False front or facade
- - Mask; gloss
- - On the surface, cover provides even break in hospital
- - Woodworker's facade
- - Varnished surface, sometimes
- - Furniture overlay
- - Superficiality
- - Superficial characteristic
- - Outward appearence
- - Antique owner's concern
- - Attractive but superficial display
- - Surface elegance
- - Superficial polish
- - Shallow quality
- - Furniture factory material.
- - Superficial display.
- - Surface civilization.
- - Superficial shine
- - Specious appearance
- - Superficial show.
- - Superficial coating.
- - Dental treatment
- - Guise
- - Furniture finish.
- - Gloss
- - Facing
- - Coating
- - Deceptive front
- - Superficial appearance
- - Coat
- - Facade
- - Surface
- - Outward appearance
- - Front
- - False front
- - Gloss over
- - Shine
- - Finish
- - Deceptive outward appearance
- - Deceptive outward gloss
- - Swing with nurse in front
- - Plywood portion
- - Beauty but skin deep
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