- - the us joined it in '41
- - Where DDE made his name
- - Global conflict of the 1930s and 1940s: Abbr.
- - "Captain America: The First Avenger" setting, briefly
- - The U.S. joined it in 1941
- - It had theaters in Europe and the Pacific, for short
- - Conflict with the European Theater of Operations, for short
- - The U.S. entered it in 1941
- - 'The Greatest Generation' subj
- - Battle of the Bulge conflict, briefly
- - "The Enemy Below" setting, briefly
- - "The Big One"
- - When D-Day happened
- - When the O.S.S. was formed
- - DDE focus
- - When the USA and USSR joined forces
- - The Big One: Abbr.
- - When DDE oversaw the ETO
- - Reason for ETO
- - "The Big One," to vets
- - "The Longest Day" setting: Abbr.
- - Event of the '40's
- - "The Big One," briefly
- - "Jojo Rabbit" setting: Abbr.
- - v-j day's conflict
- - D-Day conflict [abbr.]
- - Event with V-E Day and V-J Day
- - d-day helped end it
- - "band of brothers" setting, briefly
- - d-day conflict, in brief
- - 1940s event [abbr.]
- - Frequent documentary subj.
- - "McHale's Navy" backdrop
- - Olympics-canceling event, briefly
- - Huge chapter in 20th cent. history
- - Global conflict that ended in 1945: Abbr.
- - Axis and Allies conflict
- - "Slaughterhouse-Five" subject, briefly
- - "Saving Private Ryan" conflict: Abbr.
- - V-J Day ended it
- - 1940s conflict, for short
- - D-Day conflict
- - D-Day's conflict, briefly
- - What V-J Day ended
- - Major 20th-century conflict, briefly
- - Axis vs. Allies conflict, briefly
- - "Band of Brothers" conflict, briefly
- - Depression follower, for short
- - Axis-vs.-Allies event
- - It ended in 1945
- - It ended on V-J Day
- - Setting for many movies, for short
- - "Hogan's Heroes" setting, briefly
- - Conflict in FDR's presidency
- - Big conflict, briefly
- - Global conflict, briefly
- - Period of rationing (abbr.)
- - Conflict that ended in 1945, briefly
- - Intl. 1940s conflict
- - D-Day's conflict
- - Axis vs. Allies conflict
- - "Saving Private Ryan" setting: Abbr.
- - It ended on Sept. 2, 1945
- - D-Day milieu
- - Hitler started it: Abbr.
- - Tom Brokaw subject
- - Intl. conflict of 1939-45
- - Axis/Allies event, briefly
- - RAF's finest hour
- - Guadalcanal's conflict, for short
- - It ended with V-J Day
- - FDR's conflict
- - 1939-45 event, briefly
- - 1940's conflict, for short
- - VJ Day ended it
- - Event in FDR's presidency
- - Enigma setting, in brief
- - 20th-c. upheaval
- - Subj. written about by Tom Brokaw
- - D.D.E. concern
- - VE Day setting
- - 1939-45 conflict (abbr.)
- - D-Day was its turning point
- - What some vets recall: Abbr.
- - "Victory at Sea" subj.
- - Axis vs. Allies
- - Chapter in 20th-century hist.
- - It ended Aug. 14, 1945
- - Event ref. to in 41 Across
- - Axis/Allies conflict: Abbr.
- - V-E Day conflict
- - Allies vs. Axis
- - E.T.O. period
- - In which D.D.E. headed E.T.O.
- - 20th-cen. calamity
- - V-E Day setting
- - James Jones book: 1975
- - Allies vs. Axis: Abbr.
- - See 89-Across
- - See 60 Across
- - conflict in "saving private ryan," for short
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