- - Camera feature for close-ups
- - Camera feature that rhymes with "doom"
- - Camera feature that let's you take up-close photos of faraway items
- - Digital camera feature
- - Camcorder feature
- - Video camera feature
- - Modern camera feature
- - Camera lens feature
- - Camera feature
- - 2012 song by Last Dinosaurs ... or photography feature for closeups
- - Videoconferencing app
- - Flash's speedy nemesis Professor ..
- - Enlarge image
- - Very little time: Australia back in race
- - What's essential for paparazzo, ominously?
- - Adjustable telephoto lens
- - Lens function
- - Come in closer
- - use of this video call software rocketed during the pandemic.
- - Super-fast achenemy on "The Flash"
- - virtual meeting app
- - medium for many a meeting
- - Online meeting medium
- - App with a "Join a Meeting" button
- - app that might be used for conducting class remotely
- - Type of lens for close-ups
- - Company that became a verb in 2020
- - Videoconferencing platform
- - really speed along
- - ... raiding, term popularized during the pandemic to refer to uninvited intrusions during video calls
- - Camera lens function for close-ups
- - noisy scene, mass online chat
- - Hurtle (inf)
- - Video meeting app
- - Popular app for modern meetings
- - 1982 top ten hit single by Fat Larry's Band
- - Modern meeting facilitator
- - popular video conferencing app
- - app whose virtual backgrounds might hide a messy home office
- - telemeeting service
- - Merseyside's first safari park starting to change focus rapidly
- - software with breakout rooms
- - Travel very quickly
- - big name in video visitation
- - virtual learning tool, often
- - ........ in [get a closeup]
- - Camera lens used for moving in closer
- - 1970s PBS show
- - Zero in, in a way
- - Video communications system
- - Type of lens that can get really close
- - Type of lens for close-up shots
- - TV-camera lens
- - Super-fast archenemy on "The Flash"
- - Show that asked kids to write to "Boston, Mass., 0-2-1-3-4"
- - Rush around
- - Move up sharply
- - Move quickly — rise rapidly
- - Meeting facilitator, often
- - Kind of TV lens
- - Kind of camera lens that focuses on small or faraway objects
- - Go like 90
- - Get close, with "in"
- - Dogfight tactic
- - Close-up, in filming
- - Climb sharply
- - 1970s kids' show that introduced Ubbi Dubbi
- - ...... in on (come in really close with a camera)
- - Aerobatic stunt
- - Auto slogan beginning in 2000
- - Swoop
- - Web-based conferencing app
- - PBS kids' show that taught Ubby-Dubby
- - With 5 Across, camera's closeup attachment
- - Video chat company based in San Jose
- - Really fly
- - Camera function
- - Move very quickly
- - Camera lens to move rapidly
- - Lens for close-ups
- - It brings you closer to your subjects
- - Camera lens type
- - Repeated Mazda ad word
- - Go a mile a minute
- - Tear along
- - Enlarge animal park before first of March
- - Whiz along
- - Go like a jet
- - Lens with a variable focal length
- - Shooter's piece
- - George —, gave his name to a form of algebra
- - Go like heck
- - Closeup lens
- - Quickly pan (in)
- - With 9-Across, an auto ad slogan
- - With 5-Across, quickly
- - Archenemy of the Flash
- - Fly fast
- - Digital camera option
- - Camera lens function; move quickly
- - Shoot reserve, male
- - Whiz (by)
- - Go really fast
- - Type of camera lens
- - Quickly change focus
- - Where animals are held captive, months go very fast
- - Billy of X
- - More than motor
- - Take off like a rocket
- - Really race
- - Choice for a long shot
- - Camera shop item, informally
- - Camera lens
- - Browser option
- - Whoosh!
- - When repeated, part of a Mazda ad campaign
- - When doubled, a Mazda catchphrase
- - Sound heard from a kid with a toy car
- - Repeated word in 56-Across commercials
- - Move like a rocket
- - Close (in)
- - Get closer to the action, in a way
- - Increase suddenly and sharply
- - Prepare for a closeup
- - Repeated word in Mazda commercials
- - Speed by
- - Paparazzo's camera attachment
- - It brings people closer?
- - Cinematographic technique
- - It helps reveal more details
- - Camera attachment, informally
- - PBS show "by kids, for kids"
- - Camera device
- - Lens for Ansel Adams
- - Sort of lens
- - Commodores tune
- - Move like mad
- - Get close, in a way
- - Camera accessory
- - Go like the Road Runner
- - Hurry along
- - Speed along
- - Go speedily
- - Go rapidly
- - Lens
- - Go fast
- - Kind of camera lens.
- - Jet sound?
- - Camera lens for close-ups
- - Close-up lens
- - Certain lens
- - Lens type
- - Kind of lens
- - Lens for closeups
- - Really move
- - Aerobatic maneuver
- - Skyrocket
- - Go like a rocket
- - Rocket
- - Move rapidly
- - Move fast
- - Move quickly
- - Go quickly
- - Camera attachment
- - Rush
- - ...... streak
- - .. whiz
- - Speed
- - Type of lens.
- - Zip
- - Online meeting software
- - Rush, whizz
- - ...... lens, camera refinement
- - Fly over low zone
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