➠ Words that end with y

List contains 19875 Words that end with "y".

  • - Feel jealous of a minister who lacks nothing
  • - One sent on a mission devoid of ordinary jealousy
  • - Feeling of jealousy
  • - Go green with ... (jealousy)
  • - Jealousy or covetousness
  • - Jealousy of loveless envoy
  • - Experience uncharitable emotion when taking over from diplomat
  • - Resentful jealousy
  • - Jealousy's next of kin
  • - Jealousy without resentment
  • - Deadly sin related to jealousy
  • - Jealousy
  • - Jealousy, begrudgery
  • - Jealousy's kin
  • - Begrudge diplomat lacking nothing
  • - Covetousness of diplomat dropping round
  • - From ........, hatred and malice […], Good Lord deliver us (Litany, 1662 Book of Common Prayer)
  • - Be jealous of diplomat lacking nothing
  • - Resentment seen in diplomat dropping round
  • - Emotion akin to jealousy
  • - Look green at a diplomat who has lost nothing
  • - jealousy from diplomat, nothing less
  • - Resent deputy deficient in nothing
  • - Green with ...
  • - Alphabetically in English, the first of the seven deadly sins
  • - Resentful longing at anotheru2019s possessions, luck etc.
  • - Covetous sin
  • - Grudging desire
  • - "Se7en" sin
  • - Green-eyed sin
  • - sin that sounds like a shortened state
  • - Major theme of "Othello"
  • - Green-eyed deadly sin
  • - Feel "green"?
  • - Resent calling out characters in mid-canvas
  • - Feeling of resentful longing
  • - Coveted object
  • - Sailors abandoning American on base - it's a sin
  • - Grudging resentment
  • - emotion associated with the color green
  • - "Deadly" sin for the green-eyed?
  • - you can go green with it
  • - desire with rivalry
  • - "His talent was an object of ... to all his friends." (covetous feeling)
  • - Be resentful of English ivy on the borders
  • - Admire and want
  • - Go green because of a resentful feeling
  • - Resentful covetousness
  • - a feeling of grudging admiration and desire to have something that is possessed by another
  • - Emotion that makes one desire for another's property
  • - spite and resentment at seeing the success of another
  • - 1 of 7 deadly sins
  • - "i want what you've got" feeling
  • - Begrudge, resent
  • - "I wish I had that!" feeling
  • - "Our ... always lasts longer than the happiness of those we ...": Heraclitus
  • - One of the seven deadlies
  • - Object of desire?
  • - Green person's sin
  • - Be resentful of
  • - Sin of the green-eyed
  • - Sin for the green-eyed
  • - Green with ...... (very jealous)
  • - "Men always hate most what they ...... most": Mencken
  • - Wish for thing or quality belonging to another
  • - What Gay called "a kind of praise"
  • - Tenth Commandment sin
  • - Spiteful resentment
  • - Sin that sounds like two letters
  • - Sin in the film "Se7en"
  • - Sin for one who's gone green?
  • - Shakespeare's "green sickness"
  • - Resentment at another's success
  • - Resentful desire
  • - Resent another's ascent
  • - Need to keep up with the Joneses
  • - List partner of avarice and gluttony
  • - Jealous desire
  • - It "slayeth the silly one": Job
  • - Gruesome septet member
  • - Green feeling that's not good
  • - Feeling known as "the green-eyed monster"
  • - Exhibit covetousness
  • - Emerald-eyed one's feeling
  • - Desire to own
  • - Desire to have something that is possessed by another
  • - Deadly desire
  • - Covetousness cousin
  • - Comparer's problem, maybe
  • - Begrudging feeling
  • - Be covetous
  • - Another deadly sin
  • - "The ulcer of the soul," according to Socrates
  • - "Pity is for the living, ...... is for the dead": Mark Twain
  • - "Pain at the good fortune of others": Aristotle
  • - "As rust corrupts iron, so ...... corrupts man": Antisthenes
  • - "A kind of praise": John Gay
  • - "...... slayeth the silly one": Job
  • - One of a deadly seven
  • - Resent
  • - "King of Rock and Roll"
  • - Have one's heart set on responsively releasing spoilers
  • - That "green" feeling
  • - Sin often associated with green
  • - Jealous feeling
  • - You might be green with it
  • - Covetous emotion
  • - 2004 film starring Ben Stiller and Jack Black
  • - "Green" emotion
  • - Deadly sin that's a hint to the starred answers' "initials"
  • - Green feeling
  • - "To feel ...... is human, to savour Schadenfreude is devilish": Schopenhauer
  • - First witness against Faithful in 'The Pilgrim's Progress'
  • - Sin that Gore Vidal called 'the central fact of American life'
  • - Emotion linked to schadenfreude
  • - Green party requirement?
  • - 'Green-eyed' feeling
  • - Covetous feeling
  • - "Green" sin
  • - Sin among men vying
  • - Be covetous of
  • - What the Joneses may elicit
  • - Sin for Iago
  • - Begrudger's emotion
  • - Be begrudging of
  • - One of a well-known septet
  • - Grudging feeling
  • - Reason to go green?
  • - Grudging discontent found in Nevada, by the sound of it
  • - Go green?
  • - Sin people want to commit
  • - Bitter sin
  • - Resentful longing
  • - Green state?
  • - Every second of recital's incandescent; every lyric manifesting desire
  • - Responsively releasing spoilers for part of The Deadly Sins
  • - Sin associated with the color green
  • - Resent man with message leaving fourth item out
  • - Have one's heart set on borders with English ivy
  • - Ambassador has no love for jealous type
  • - 50% of moral indignation, per Vittorio De Sica
  • - Courier emitting zero? That might make him green
  • - One of a sinful septet
  • - 'The ulcer of the soul,' to Socrates
  • - Feeling of discontent with messenger dropping round
  • - 'Pain at another's good,' per Plutarch
  • - Word homophonically hidden in the eight longest puzzle answers
  • - "Green-eyed" emotion
  • - Turn green?
  • - Begrudger's feeling
  • - Green attitude?
  • - Gucci scent named for a deadly sin
  • - Reason to turn green?
  • - 'Men always hate most what they ...... most': H. L. Mencken
  • - Vineyard doesn't want arid bitterness
  • - Deadly sin #6, traditionally
  • - Begrudge Trevelyan releasing alert
  • - Naively knocks out Ali? You wish!
  • - "Snow White" character flaw
  • - Gucci fragrance
  • - "......, like lightning, seeks the highest places": Livy
  • - Green condition?
  • - Begrudge, maybe
  • - Might feel it when labelmates get rich
  • - "Pity is for the living, ...... is for the dead": Twain
  • - Be begrudging
  • - Green feeling that's a cardinal sin
  • - Member of a "deadly" septet
  • - Some are green with it
  • - The-grass-is-greener feeling
  • - Coveter's sin
  • - It's a sin
  • - One of seven deadly sins
  • - Covetousness
  • - "Green-eyed monster."
  • - Deadly sin
  • - One of the seven deadly sins
  • - One of the deadly sins
  • - A deadly sin
  • - Covet
  • - Begrudge
  • - Be jealous of
  • - Wishful thinking?
  • - Resentful feeling
  • - Resentment
  • - Grudge
  • - green energy
  • - Green-colored sin?
  • - the green stuff?
  • - Chagrin at the fortune of others
  • - Desire for what another has
  • - Desire for someone else's possessions
  • - 'I want what they have' feeling
  • - Yvonne losing heart over something sinful
  • - Emotion new to "Inside Out 2"
  • - Bitterness towards another's success
  • - Turn green with ..., become jealous
  • - resentment shown by loveless messenger
  • - Crusoe was one of the absent actors
  • - Shipwreck victim seeing actors off
  • - Actors off from "Robinson Crusoe"?
  • - actors on holiday – one found on desert island
  • - thrown out to a shipwreck survivor
  • - actors on holiday finding shipwrecked person
  • - Film actors on holiday
  • - Victim of shipwreck
  • - One's alone with actors not present
  • - Actors on holiday find shipwrecked person
  • - rejected actors out of town
  • - Someone shipwrecked and stranded in a desolate place
  • - Perhaps islander's reason for not staging play
  • - chuck, a crusoe-like character!
  • - marine discard?
  • - Discard survivor?
  • - Lonely figure in theatre group, having taken a deviant approach after reflection
  • - Movie with a volleyball named Wilson
  • - robinson crusoe's shed?
  • - one abandoned by players on opponent's ground
  • - One in desperate need of help by Friday?
  • - Players on tour one left stranded?
  • - rejected a method that follows a certain pattern
  • - Any of the "Lord of the Flies" boys
  • - Robinson Crusoe for example
  • - Gilligan, notably
  • - Thrown aside
  • - Someone stranded on a 12 island
  • - Shipwrecked character
  • - Desert island resident
  • - 2000 Tom Hanks movie
  • - 2000 movie where Tom Hanks played a man stranded on an island: 2 wds.
  • - Shipwrecked person
  • - Lands on island with players - it's not a home game
  • - 'Robinson Crusoe' cancelled due to holidays?
  • - Rejected certain players meeting at opposing team's stadium
  • - Robinson Crusoe, notably
  • - Unfortunate sailor's reason for having no play?
  • - TV's Ginger Grant or Eunice Howell
  • - One left behind what's needed for mice to play catching rats, ultimately
  • - Person abandoned on a desert island
  • - Robinson Crusoe, for one
  • - Most of 23 down is on holiday and this is why the gate is closed
  • - Is this why the theatre is closed or used?
  • - One sending a message in a bottle, maybe
  • - 2000 film starring Tom Hanks
  • - 2000 Hanks movie
  • - Gilligan, for one
  • - Crusoe, e.g.
  • - Tom Hanks film of 2000
  • - Gilligan or a Tom Hanks character
  • - 2000 film starring 1-Across
  • - Reject
  • - Alexander Selkirk, for one
  • - Robinson Crusoe.
  • - Alexander Selkirk was one.
  • - Film in which Tom Hanks plays a FedEx employee
  • - Figure in many a New Yorker cartoon
  • - Crusoe, for one
  • - Robinson Crusoe, e.g.
  • - *Tom Hanks film
  • - Alexander Selkirk thrown out?
  • - command rest, maybe, during may
  • - full command
  • - Command(Used today)
  • - Command, apparently like some schoolteachers
  • - Command
  • - Great ability but the rest may change
  • - Great skill shown by captain at the end of the day
  • - Control may rest in the wrong position
  • - Plant is in my control
  • - Within a month the rest fall and there's complete domination
  • - the dominance of mr yates, maybe
  • - strong grasp of a subject
  • - Great skilfulness
  • - Skilful domination
  • - flower in my control
  • - Upper hand, control
  • - army set to show domination
  • - Control — supreme skill
  • - Result of practice, hopefully
  • - Consummate skill
  • - Skill putting answer for first of puzzle's unknowns
  • - The writer's having flower within grasp
  • - Strong grasp
  • - Trainee's aim
  • - Expert know-how
  • - Total control
  • - Outcome of practice
  • - What a winning golfer at Augusta has attained
  • - Complete control
  • - Superiority.
  • - Dominance
  • - Outstanding skill
  • - Great skill
  • - Domination
  • - Expertise
  • - Prowess
  • - Ascendancy
  • - Grasp
  • - Upper hand
  • - The upper hand
  • - ...... skill
  • - Control
  • - fantastic team's on network showing comprehensive skill
  • - Hubbub.
  • - Colour and weep for a racket
  • - uproar over handy cure being reviewed
  • - Clamouring for shade and blubber
  • - colour can dry in a bad way — alarm raised
  • - Commotion(Used today)
  • - Furore breaking under 5
  • - Reports Hugh Andrew over credit racket
  • - Loud public clamour
  • - 1947 film starring Alastair Sim
  • - Loud clamour
  • - Loud and persistent clamour
  • - Creates hullabaloo for Hugh say, as well as Bellow
  • - Loud clamour exploding near duchy
  • - Handy cure mixture leads to public furore
  • - Tone to article is ironic over constant commotion
  • - Public clamor
  • - Public uproar
  • - Uproar
  • - Stink
  • - Hullabaloo
  • - Public protest
  • - Public clamour
  • - Leave off doing something
  • - Knock off
  • - Decide to finish work
  • - Agree on a definition of 24 hours and finish work
  • - Stop working with Conservative friend, suppressing one little article
  • - clock out, say
  • - name the date or finish things?
  • - Bring an activity to end
  • - Agree to stop
  • - Decide to stop doing something
  • - Stop working to phone one close to apoplexy about wrong data
  • - Admit defeat, give up
  • - Start 26 across with information technology initially activated 24-hours from a Bandon place of work
  • - Words to describe 24-hours in a Bandon place of work
  • - Heads or tails? Answer takes 24 hours to turn in!
  • - Stop working in Ring with Ita from dawn to dusk
  • - Stop working for, say, 24 hours?
  • - Give up present title for 24 hours?
  • - Christen Ita after father with ponytail? Give up!
  • - Punch out, perhaps
  • - The next 24 hours?
  • - Go out of the calendar business?
  • - "That's it. I'm going home"
  • - Shut down: Colloq.
  • - Stop work
  • - Turn in
  • - Punch out
  • - Quit
  • - Leave work
  • - Retire
  • - Stop working
  • - Decide to stop working
  • - Wrap up for now
  • - Brand-new news
  • - 2003 holiday romantic comedy with Martin Freeman as a stand-in actor: 2 wds.
  • - 2003 Hugh Grant film
  • - Like belly laughs
  • - Like full-bodied wines with high alcohol content
  • - Like thick stew
  • - Like stew
  • - Like some appetites
  • - Like beef stew
  • - like comfort food
  • - Like much comfort food
  • - Hale's partner
  • - Descriptive of stews
  • - Full-blooded
  • - Substantial, as a meal
  • - Filling and satisfying
  • - Abundantly nourishing
  • - Hale and ....
  • - Comrade sailor
  • - Comrade, sea style
  • - Hale's companion.
  • - Jolly sailor.
  • - Jovial
  • - Wholesome
  • - Convivial
  • - Unrestrained
  • - Sincere
  • - Cordial
  • - Genial
  • - Warm
  • - Vigorous
  • - Abundant
  • - Substantial
  • - Exuberant
  • - Enthusiastic
  • - Energetic
  • - Full-bodied
  • - Robust
  • - Cheerful shout to get one's attention outside craft
  • - Unreserved
  • - Enthusiastic about centralisation?