➠ Words with a

List contains 213213 Words that "a" contain.

  • - Talk from the soapbox
  • - Take to the pulpit
  • - Spout from the dais
  • - Speak to the people?
  • - Speak on the stump
  • - Speak in the Senate
  • - Speak from the rostrum
  • - Speak for everyone in the room?
  • - Sound off in the Senate, e.g.
  • - Offer addresses
  • - Harangue the crowd
  • - Give a commencement address, say
  • - Furnish an address
  • - Captivate the crowd with words
  • - Address the throng
  • - Address the hall
  • - Address the assembly
  • - Work on the stump
  • - Word from the Latin for "pray"
  • - Talk to the people
  • - Talk on the stump
  • - Take to the podium
  • - Supply one's moving address?
  • - Stump the crowd?
  • - Stump the audience?
  • - Speak to the Senate, say
  • - Speak to the Senate
  • - Speak on C-Span, say
  • - Speak of the devil, maybe
  • - Speak from the stage
  • - Speak from the soapbox
  • - Speak from the podium
  • - Speak for the Congressional Record, say
  • - Speak at commencement, say
  • - Speak above the crowd?
  • - Sound off from the dais
  • - Say a few words in public
  • - Present an address
  • - Preach, say
  • - Preach from the pulpit
  • - Make use of Speakers' Corner, say
  • - Make a toast, say
  • - Make a delivery to the masses
  • - Grandstand, say
  • - Go on the stump
  • - Give the main speech
  • - Give the keynote address
  • - Give the keynote
  • - Give an inaugural address
  • - Give a keynote address, e.g.
  • - Give a formal address
  • - Deliver the keynote address, say
  • - Deliver addresses
  • - Deliver a TED Talk, say
  • - Deliver a message, say
  • - Captivate the crowd, maybe
  • - Be the elocutionist
  • - Appeal to the masses?
  • - Address peers
  • - Address an assembly
  • - Speak from a podium, say
  • - Address the masses
  • - Hold the floor
  • - Have the Senate floor, say
  • - Speak at a podium, say
  • - Provide an address
  • - Take the stump
  • - Give a keynote, say
  • - Address a crowd
  • - Supply an address
  • - Give out one's address?
  • - Hold forth; address
  • - Keynote, say
  • - Address from a lectern
  • - Offer an address
  • - Address Congress, say
  • - Take the soapbox
  • - Address a huge crowd
  • - Speak at the U.N., say
  • - Address the senate, say
  • - Make an address
  • - Give a public address
  • - Give one's address, maybe
  • - Address an audience
  • - Provide a big address
  • - Make a formal address
  • - Mount the soapbox
  • - Take to the stump
  • - Make addresses
  • - Address a convention
  • - Deliver an address
  • - Give an address
  • - Deliver a lecture, say
  • - Take the podium
  • - Deliver a keynote, say
  • - Take the floor
  • - Take to the soapbox
  • - ...... say!
  • - Address
  • - address publicly
  • - speak of the poor at every opportunity
  • - speak before congress, say
  • - Use assembly language?
  • - Use a soapbox, e.g.
  • - Use a podium
  • - Talk formally
  • - Spout rhetoric
  • - Spout off on a soapbox
  • - Speak to a large crowd
  • - Speak pompously, e.g.
  • - Speak like Clay or Bryan
  • - Speak in a pompous manner
  • - Speak from a lectern
  • - Recite rhetoric
  • - Preach, maybe
  • - Preach, e.g.
  • - Mount a soap box
  • - Magniloquize
  • - Give a valedictory, e.g.
  • - Give a sermon
  • - Give a mighty speech
  • - Give a keynote, e.g.
  • - Give a big speech
  • - Expound at length
  • - Emulate Everett
  • - Emulate a valedictorian
  • - Do some stumping
  • - Do like Demosthenes
  • - Deliver lectures
  • - Deliver from a dais
  • - Deliver an impassioned presentation
  • - Deliver a valedictory
  • - Deliver a stump speech
  • - Deliver a formal speech
  • - Deliver a declamation
  • - Be eloquent, in a way
  • - Be Bryanesque
  • - What spread-eagleists do
  • - What spell-binders do
  • - What a politico loves to do
  • - Wax rhetorical
  • - Wax rhetoric
  • - Wax bombastic
  • - Use a lectern
  • - Tub-thump
  • - Talk with style
  • - Talk bombastically
  • - Stump, maybe
  • - Stand up to speak
  • - Stand on a soapbox
  • - Stand and deliver, perhaps
  • - Spread wisdom as people should let me do more often
  • - Spout speeches
  • - Spout on July 4
  • - Speak with pomposity
  • - Speak with pomp
  • - Speak with bombast
  • - Speak like Stephen Douglas
  • - Speak like Martin Luther King Jr.
  • - Speak like a senator
  • - Speak in Hyde Park
  • - Speak from a stump
  • - Speak from a balcony, perhaps
  • - Speak floridly
  • - Speak before throngs
  • - Speak before Parliament, e.g.
  • - Sound off, perhaps
  • - Publicly hold forth
  • - Preach, perhaps
  • - Preach with passion
  • - Preach from a soapbox
  • - Play to a C-Span camera
  • - Overcome glossophobia
  • - One might do it from a soapbox
  • - Mount a soapbox
  • - Make speech to crowd
  • - Make speech
  • - Make like Cicero
  • - Make grand statements
  • - Make an impressive delivery
  • - Make an important delivery
  • - Make allocutions
  • - Make a pompous speech
  • - Make a long-winded speech
  • - Make a delivery, in a way
  • - Lecture, e.g.
  • - Indulge in bombast.
  • - Imitate Demosthenes
  • - Hold forth, à la Douglas
  • - Go campaigning, in part
  • - Give a windy speech
  • - Give a valediction, e.g.
  • - Give a loud speech to many
  • - Give a long speech
  • - Get a banquet going, perhaps
  • - Emulate William Jennings Bryan
  • - Emulate Stephen Douglas
  • - Emulate Pericles
  • - Emulate Obama
  • - Emulate Mario Cuomo
  • - Emulate King
  • - Emulate Jesse Jackson
  • - Emulate Henry
  • - Emulate Daniel Webster.
  • - Emulate D. Webster
  • - Emulate Cuomo
  • - Emulate Crassus
  • - Emulate Clay
  • - Emulate Cato
  • - Emulate Aeschines
  • - Emulate a demagogue
  • - Do speechmaking
  • - Do politicking
  • - Deliver rhetoric
  • - Deliver encomiums
  • - Deliver a stem-winder
  • - Deliver a spiel
  • - Deliver a pompous speech
  • - Declaim like Demosthenes
  • - Declaim from a podium.
  • - Climb up on a soapbox
  • - Captivate a crowd, perhaps
  • - Captivate a crowd with words
  • - Campaign, in part
  • - Bloviate from a podium
  • - Become hortatory
  • - Become a soapboxer
  • - Be on a soapbox
  • - Be Ciceronian
  • - Be bombastic, perhaps
  • - Be all speechy
  • - Be a tub-thumper
  • - Avail oneself of a rostrum
  • - ........ fratres
  • - Expound
  • - Hold court
  • - Speak theatrically
  • - Speak eloquently
  • - Sermonize
  • - Emulate Webster
  • - Spiel
  • - Spout (off)
  • - Talk pompously
  • - What spellbinders do
  • - "Preach!"
  • - .... speak (in a way)
  • - Keynote, e.g.
  • - Talk big
  • - Make a formal speech
  • - Speechify
  • - Make a speech
  • - Speak to a crowd
  • - Emulate Lincoln
  • - Give a big speech to hundreds
  • - Order from judge to speak up
  • - Make big speeches
  • - Speak formally
  • - Speak from a platform
  • - Emulate Frederick Douglass
  • - Traitor into Old English makes speech
  • - Make a big speech
  • - Speech from mayor at Evesham
  • - Spout a speech
  • - Speak loftily
  • - Speech from traitor in Old English
  • - Speak, and put a value on love
  • - Speak with style
  • - Speak publicly
  • - Speak to an audience
  • - Give speech from floor at eleven
  • - Speak from a lectern, perhaps
  • - Speak grandly
  • - Deliver a stemwinder
  • - Make a speech count supporting leader of Opposition
  • - Some get a rollicking over talk
  • - Give speech from floor at eight
  • - Speak from a podium
  • - Elocute
  • - Speak in public
  • - Old traitor, finally contrite, to give speech
  • - Speak at a podium
  • - Deliver a keynote, e.g
  • - Speak in terror at educational
  • - Give a stump speech
  • - Speak a little for a tenner
  • - Erato forced to give pompous speech
  • - Give a stemwinder
  • - Make deliveries to large groups?
  • - Keynote
  • - Make speeches
  • - Use a soapbox
  • - Keynote, maybe
  • - Make an extended delivery
  • - Traitor interrupts Old English talk
  • - Speak before a crowd
  • - Speak from a soapbox
  • - Stand and deliver?
  • - Give a powerful speech
  • - Traitor, into Old English, to give speech
  • - Speak at length
  • - Talk of merit
  • - Give a sermon, e.g
  • - Emulate a politician, in a way
  • - Stump
  • - "Speak!"
  • - Make a delivery
  • - Give a speech
  • - Lecture
  • - Speak one's mind
  • - Speak one's piece
  • - Give a political speech
  • - Electioneer
  • - Spellbind
  • - ... Talk
  • - Emote
  • - Spout
  • - Spout forth
  • - Pontificate
  • - Speak pompously
  • - Hold forth
  • - Harangue
  • - Sound off
  • - Declaim
  • - Discourse
  • - Proclaim
  • - Speak alternatively; took a meal
  • - talk at zero speed
  • - Speak or deliver a speech
  • - Speak impressively
  • - Give a speech, primarily on robbery and tax evasion
  • - Speak from a dais, perhaps
  • - Talk grandly, pontificate
  • - talk ã la bryan
  • - talk, or a telling off in front?
  • - Give a formal talk
  • - Speak pompously, very elaborate but not new
  • - talk or possibly eat
  • - Harangues
  • - Hold forth over level of tax?
  • - Speak pompously, hold forth
  • - for a teacher having to give a speech
  • - Lecture embraced by educator, a test
  • - deliver a fancy speech
  • - ring with speed and speak
  • - Relapse in recovery
  • - Relapse
  • - Prepared part of body for a reversal
  • - Disappointment or misfortune, often unexpected
  • - Disappointment of group needing support
  • - Hindrance, hitch
  • - delay in returning the television?
  • - firm support brings disappointment
  • - Check scenery support
  • - Hitch, delay
  • - Blow to progress
  • - placed to the rear as a halt to progress
  • - Unanticipated check in progress
  • - a reverse
  • - Unwanted delay
  • - Check to progress
  • - Hindrance
  • - Reversal in progress
  • - Snag that actors can see behind the scenes?
  • - Snag in a plan
  • - Delay in progress
  • - Temporary defeat
  • - Reversal of fortune
  • - Snag, hold-up
  • - Disappointment with TV returned
  • - Problem group given support
  • - An unfortunate happening
  • - Tes?
  • - It may be temporary
  • - Progress delayer
  • - Football player studying theater design?
  • - Architectual detail
  • - Prorogue
  • - Feature of some skyscrapers
  • - Recessed section, as in a wall.
  • - Unexpected check.
  • - Untimely defeat.
  • - Skyscraper must.
  • - This bankruptcy was to Sir Walter Scott.
  • - Reverse
  • - Postpone
  • - Hinder
  • - Delay
  • - ...... reversal
  • - Disappointment
  • - Hitch
  • - ... check
  • - Defeat
  • - Hold-up of fixed support
  • - A complication
  • - Temporary problem
  • - It's recessed, which is a disappointment
  • - to hinder
  • - Second business student occupied by a Brazilian dance
  • - Prepared part of body for a reversal
  • - ...... reversal