➠ Words with c

List contains 99148 Words that "c" contain.

  • - Discovery Channel subj.
  • - Bill Nye's subj.
  • - Subj. with projects
  • - Subj. of three of the six Nobel Prizes
  • - Tech. sch. study
  • - Prep sch. course
  • - "MythBusters" subj.
  • - Technical subj.
  • - Subj. with labs
  • - Subj. with lab work
  • - Subj. that may have a lab
  • - School subj. with a lab
  • - Sch. course concentration
  • - Proteomics subj.
  • - Grade sch. subj.
  • - Empirical method subj.
  • - Discover magazine subj.
  • - Comp. ...... (Silicon Valley subj.)
  • - Bill Nye's subj. on TV
  • - Bill Nye subj.
  • - "The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!" subj.
  • - Sch. class
  • - Grade sch. subject
  • - Junior high subj.
  • - Nobel subj.
  • - School subj.
  • - High school subj
  • - Lab subj
  • - Subj. with a lab, often
  • - Subj. such as ecology
  • - Sch. study
  • - Sch. subj
  • - Grade school subj.
  • - "Hard" or "soft" subj
  • - Elementary school subj
  • - Subj. involving telescopes or microscopes
  • - Sch. subject
  • - Grade sch. class
  • - Subj. that may include a lab
  • - Sagan subj
  • - 'Nova' subj
  • - Subj. for Bill Nye
  • - Discovery magazine subj
  • - Subj. in the Dewey Decimal System's 500s
  • - ......-fi ("the city we became" genre)
  • - E.g. Phy. or Chem.
  • - Word with "fi" to mean a movie genre
  • - Neurology or genetics, for example: Abbr.
  • - Nobel pursuit?: Abbr.
  • - Astrophysics and cosmology, for short
  • - "Computer" or "Political" follower, for short
  • - Botany e.g. (Abbr.)
  • - ...-fi: genre of fiction
  • - Bio or physics (Abbr.)
  • - lib .... (bibliothecography)
  • - School subject, for short
  • - Botany, for one: Abbr.(Used today)
  • - Zoology or archaeology, briefly
  • - Chem., e.g.
  • - ......-fi (film type)
  • - Zool., e.g.
  • - ......-fi (literary genre)
  • - Poli ...... (college major, for short)
  • - MIT study
  • - Biol. or bot.
  • - ......-fi (movie genre)
  • - ......-fi (book genre)
  • - Zool. or geol.
  • - Physics, for one: Abbr.
  • - Phys., but not phys. ed.
  • - Part of MS
  • - It may be applied: Abbr.
  • - Ecol. or biol.
  • - Bot. or chem.
  • - Biology, for one: Abbr.
  • - Astron., e.g.
  • - A high school dept.
  • - ......-fi ("Doctor Who" genre)
  • - Zool., for one
  • - Zool. or ecol.
  • - Word with FI
  • - RPI study
  • - Poli ...... (college field of study)
  • - Physics or chemistry, for example: Abbr.
  • - Phys. or chem.
  • - One of several H.S. subjects
  • - Many an ology: Abbr.
  • - Kind of fair: Abbr.
  • - Geog. or geol.
  • - FIpreceder
  • - Fi lead
  • - Econ. or ecol.
  • - Ecol. or geol.
  • - Ecol. or econ.
  • - Course in H.S.
  • - Chemistry, for one: Abbr.
  • - Bot. or biol.
  • - Biology or chemistry: Abbr.
  • - Biology or chemistry, for example: Abbr.
  • - Biol. or zool.
  • - Bio., for one
  • - Bio., e.g.
  • - Area of coll. study
  • - Anat. or biol.
  • - Acoustics, e.g.: Abbr.
  • - "Fi" head
  • - ......-fi (literary category)
  • - ......-fi ("Star Trek" genre)
  • - Zymurgy, e.g.: Abbr.
  • - Zoology, e.g.: Abbr.
  • - Zoology or astronomy, for example: Abbr.
  • - Zool. or biol.
  • - Zool. or astron.
  • - Univ. requirement
  • - The 500s, in the Dewey Decimal Classification: Abbr.
  • - The 500s in the Dewey Decimal Syst.
  • - Technical study: Abbr.
  • - Tech. counterpart
  • - Subject with projects: Abbr.
  • - Subject in H.S.
  • - Poly-...... (college major)
  • - Poly .......... (college course, for short)
  • - Poli-...... (coll. major)
  • - Poli follower
  • - Poli ...... (univ. course)
  • - Poli ...... (common major)
  • - Physics, e.g. (abbr.)
  • - Physics or zoology, for example: Abbr.
  • - Physics or chemistry: Abbr.
  • - Physics or botany, for example: Abbr.
  • - Physics or biology: Abbr.
  • - Physics or biology, for example: Abbr.
  • - Phys. or chem., e.g.
  • - Phys. or biol.
  • - Partner of fi
  • - Part of STEM: Abbr.
  • - Part of M.S.: Abbr.
  • - Part of a coll. curriculum
  • - Paleon., e.g.
  • - Ology (abbr.)
  • - Nobel area: Abbr.
  • - Neurobiology, e.g.: Abbr.
  • - Navig., for one
  • - Medicine, e.g.: Abbr.
  • - Med., e.g.
  • - Liberal arts field: Abbr.
  • - Lab work, for short
  • - Lab goings-on (Abbr.)
  • - Lab field: Abbr.
  • - Kinesiology, for one (abbr.)
  • - JHS subject
  • - J.H.S. course
  • - It's often followed by "fi"
  • - It's not always exact: Abbr.
  • - It's followed by "fi"
  • - It often has lab work: Abbr.
  • - It might be physical: Abbr.
  • - It may be polit.
  • - It may be exact: Abbr.
  • - It goes after poli and before fi
  • - It can follow poli or precede fi
  • - Geology or zoology, for example: Abbr.
  • - Geology or biology, for example: Abbr.
  • - Geol. or geog., e.g.
  • - Geol. or astron.
  • - Geog., e.g.
  • - Genetics, e.g.: Abbr.
  • - Genetics, briefly
  • - Forestry, e.g.: Abbr.
  • - Forensics, for ex.
  • - Field with a method: abbr.
  • - Field of three Nobel Prizes: Abbr.
  • - Fi's partner
  • - Fi's pal
  • - Fi's first
  • - Fi leader
  • - Faraday's forte: abbr.
  • - Fair type: Abbr.
  • - Fair subject (abbr.)
  • - Env ...... (coll. class)
  • - Ecology, e.g., briefly
  • - Ecology or geology: Abbr.
  • - Ecol. or anat.
  • - Ecol. or agric.
  • - Ecol. is one
  • - Course with a lab: Abbr.
  • - Course with a fair: Abbr.
  • - Course guide abbr.
  • - Comp ...... (college major)
  • - Comp ...... (college discipline)
  • - Coll. study
  • - Class with the periodic table on the wall, often: Abbr.
  • - Chemistry, for example: Abbr.
  • - Chemistry or zoology, for example: Abbr.
  • - Chemistry or physics: Abbr.
  • - Chemistry or physics, for example: Abbr.
  • - Chem. or ecol.
  • - Chem. or bot.
  • - Chem. or bio.
  • - Botany or physics: Abbr.
  • - Botany or biology, for example: Abbr.
  • - Bot. or phys.
  • - Bot. or geology
  • - Bot. or geol.
  • - Bot. or entomol.
  • - Bot. or biology
  • - Biology, for example: Abbr.
  • - Biology, e.g. (abbr.)
  • - Biology or physics: Abbr.
  • - Biology or physics, for example: Abbr.
  • - Biol. or phys.
  • - Biol. or chemistry
  • - Biol. or Astron.
  • - Biol. is one
  • - Biogeographer's concern, broadly: Abbr.
  • - Bill Nye's specialty: Abbr.
  • - Bill Nye's field (abbr.)
  • - Batracology, e.g.: Abbr.
  • - B.S. part
  • - Astronomy or physics: Abbr.
  • - Astronomy or geology: Abbr.
  • - Astron., for one
  • - Astr. or biol.
  • - Artillery, e.g.: Abbr.
  • - Anatomy or astronomy, for example: Abbr.
  • - Anat., for one
  • - Anat., e.g.
  • - Anat. or chem.
  • - ACT section (Abbr.)
  • - "Nova" subject: Abbr.
  • - "MythBusters" subject: Abbr.
  • - ....-fi (UFO stories)
  • - ....-fi (literary or film genre"
  • - ....-fi (flying-saucer stories)
  • - ......-fi, Verne genre
  • - ......-fi movie ("Star Trek" or "Star Wars")
  • - ......-fi conventions
  • - ......-fi (UFO movie genre)
  • - ......-fi (type of story)
  • - ......-fi (Robert Heinlein's literary genre)
  • - ......-fi (Heinlein genre)
  • - ......-fi (Heinlein and Asimov genre)
  • - ......-fi (genre of "Interstellar")
  • - ......-Fi (cable channel)
  • - ......-fi ("Star Wars" genre)
  • - ......-fi ("Interstellar" genre)
  • - ......-fi ("Inception" genre)
  • - ......-fi ("Annihilation" genre)
  • - ...... Fi (name of a cable network from 1999 to 2009)
  • - .... fi (slang)
  • - H.S. requirement
  • - HS course
  • - Lab work (abbr.)
  • - Univ. department
  • - College dept.
  • - Univ. course
  • - School study: Abbr.
  • - Coll. course
  • - College course: Abbr.
  • - MIT course
  • - Part of STEM
  • - H.S. subject
  • - School subject: Abbr.
  • - Part of B.S.
  • - Botany, for one: Abbr
  • - Biol. or geol
  • - Biol. or chem
  • - Abbr. after 'comp' or 'poli'
  • - — -fi film
  • - — -fi flick
  • - The "S" of STEM: Abbr
  • - Env .... (Yale major)
  • - Ecology, e.g.: Abbr
  • - FI preceder
  • - "Comp" or "poli" follower
  • - It may be natural: Abbr
  • - Bio. or chem
  • - Chem. or biol
  • - Geol. or chem
  • - HS department
  • - Bio., chem., or biochem
  • - H.S. dept
  • - Biol. or ecol
  • - — -fi movie
  • - Biol., e.g
  • - Bot. or ecol
  • - The "S" of STEM, briefly
  • - Geol. or chem., e.g
  • - What "-fi" may follow
  • - Chem. or phys
  • - Biol., for one
  • - Vet .... (medical specialty)
  • - HS dept
  • - Biol. or anat
  • - Comp ...... (coll. major)
  • - Area of educ
  • - Bot. or bio
  • - Chem., for one
  • - Poli ...... (college major, briefly)
  • - B.S. part: Abbr
  • - What "fi" often follows
  • - Tech. school study
  • - Univ. study
  • - H.S. study
  • - H.S. course
  • - JHS course
  • - Geol., e.g
  • - Comp ...... (college major, informally)
  • - Poli-...... (college major)
  • - High school dept
  • - "Fi" lead-in
  • - 51-Across, e.g
  • - Phys., e.g
  • - Bot., e.g
  • - Phys. or entom
  • - Ecol., e.g
  • - Psych., e.g
  • - "Fi" front
  • - Part of NSF: Abbr
  • - 'Ology,' for short
  • - Philos., e.g
  • - ...... Poly
  • - Vet
  • - See 21-Across
  • - H.S. class
  • - Tech ......
  • - ___-fi (genre for writers N.K. Jemisin and Andy Weir)
  • - Poli ___ (college major choice)
  • - Biology or Physics, for short
  • - Astronomy or botany: Abbr.
  • - ...-fi ["Stranger Things" genre]
  • - experimental discipline?: abbr.
  • - what comes before "fi"?
  • - ...-fi, genre of "The Terminator"
  • - NPR rhyme for Fri
  • - unsafe, as some roads
  • - unsafe for driving, say
  • - Frost-coated, like winter windows
  • - 'Cover me with white cold ... kisses and let me rest tonight': Maya Angelou
  • - Frigidly cold
  • - I see ... it sounds cold
  • - Dripping in jewelry, slangily
  • - Slippery, as some winter pavements
  • - the tops of intensely cold yardarms will be
  • - One heartless city is unfriendly
  • - highly unfriendly
  • - Cold, like Uranus or Neptune
  • - Lidocaine cream is marketed as ....Hot
  • - Less than friendly
  • - Frigid and slippery, like winter roads
  • - Unfriendly or slippery
  • - biting, chilly
  • - slippery in winter
  • - Dangerous, as winter roads
  • - i see why in a way, it's a very cold spell
  • - Aloof and unfriendly
  • - needing some salt, perhaps
  • - freezing or very cold
  • - Real slick
  • - Like some unnerving stares
  • - Slippery after a sleet storm e.g.
  • - Dangerous road conditions
  • - I see why it is cold, in other words
  • - Extremely unfriendly
  • - Very cold, like the surface of Uranus
  • - Like some frozen and slippery roads
  • - Extremely unwelcoming
  • - not very welcoming
  • - Frigid, I see. Sounds like it!
  • - Not very approachable
  • - Frozen and slippery, like winter roads
  • - like sidewalks in winter, often
  • - Like hockey rinks
  • - Frigid, cold
  • - Cold and aloof
  • - Low or subnormal temperature
  • - Cold and distant
  • - Distant and aloof
  • - Cold like Arctic waters
  • - Extremely cold and frigid
  • - Frozen like the arctic waters
  • - ... wind (intensely cold)
  • - Cold and slippery, like winter roads
  • - Cold, slippery
  • - Frozen and slippery, like some roads
  • - Exceedingly cold
  • - Like some wintry streets
  • - Frozen over and slipper, as some winter roads
  • - like some runway models' stares
  • - Frozen, like some roads during winters
  • - On very cold days, the base of the downspouts become this
  • - Like snow-covered roofs
  • - Frigid, or cold
  • - Like slippery roads
  • - Cold, as a response
  • - conducive to slipping
  • - conducive to skidding
  • - Bitterly cold, as of winds
  • - Cold, like some stares
  • - Slippery, as a street