➠ Words with e

List contains 244952 Words that "e" contain.

  • - Monotony I find in strangely muted setting
  • - means to divorce man, gets tense with monotony
  • - Monotony; boredom
  • - Monotony
  • - Dullness, monotony
  • - Boring monotony
  • - duet i'm rendering causes boredom
  • - Routine diet adjusted by mum after the start
  • - i'm in the duet but i find it boring
  • - Routine dullness
  • - Vapidity
  • - Rasta left traumatised by boredom
  • - Boredom, ennui
  • - State of dullness
  • - Unusually muted, embracing the speaker's boredom
  • - Junk diet Greek character's given up in boredom
  • - Thrill's opposite
  • - Result of doing the same old same old
  • - Rote learning, to most people
  • - Grinding sameness
  • - Ho-humness
  • - Boring quality
  • - Lack of variety
  • - Night guard's problem
  • - Humdrum stuff
  • - Ordinariness
  • - Finger-drumming time
  • - Thumb-twiddling cause
  • - Wearisomeness
  • - What satiety sans variety breeds
  • - Want of merriment.
  • - Sheer boredom.
  • - Irksomeness.
  • - Dullness
  • - Dreariness
  • - Dullsville
  • - It's all the same
  • - Kind of a drag?
  • - Cause of yawns
  • - Ennui
  • - Boredom
  • - Feeling of boredom
  • - Yawn-inducing state
  • - Weariness
  • - Yawn inducer
  • - Grind
  • - Blah
  • - Corporation accepting a lot of change in the boring stuff
  • - Alfred whose name is attached to a series of prestigious prizes
  • - alfred who invented dynamite
  • - Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin were all nominated for a ..... Peace Prize
  • - Peace Prize benefactor Alfred
  • - famed chemist alfred
  • - An international prize for success; .... laureate
  • - Prestigious prizes awarded for Physics, Peace, etc
  • - Prize for Mother Teresa
  • - Annual prize for peace
  • - One of two for Marie Curie
  • - Prize for Jimmy Carter
  • - Prize for Wangari Maathai
  • - 1991 prize for nadine gordimer
  • - ...... peace prize (2021 award for maria ressa)
  • - Prize given for outstanding achievements, named after Alfred ...
  • - Christmas stocking originally bought for chemist
  • - Swedish prize benefactor, Alfred ...
  • - Prize for Toni Morrison
  • - Prize for Carter
  • - Inventor for whom element #102 was named
  • - Honor for Bob Dylan
  • - ...... Peace Prize (honor for 17-year-old Malala Yousafzai)
  • - Element 102 is named for him
  • - Prize for Malala Yousafzai
  • - 2009 honor for 28/29 Down
  • - Prize for Carter and Obama
  • - 2009 prize for Obama
  • - Alfred --, inventor of dynamite
  • - 2012 distinction for the European Union
  • - 2016 prize for Bob Dylan
  • - Recognition for a scientist
  • - 2016 honor for Bob Dylan
  • - 1953 prize for Churchill
  • - Award for Bunche and Bellow
  • - One of two for Linus Pauling
  • - 1984 prize for Desmond Tutu
  • - Dynamite inventor Alfred
  • - Prize for Nelson Mandela
  • - Honor for four presidents
  • - Dynamite patentee Alfred
  • - Name on some prestigious medals
  • - Prize for 78-Across
  • - Scientist for whom an element is named
  • - Alfred's prize
  • - Prize for Curie
  • - Prize for France
  • - name on some prestigious prizes
  • - Alfred ......, Swedish inventor of dynamite
  • - Sort some belongings for Alfred
  • - prize-giver is back in intolerable bondage
  • - swedish inventor gets award in november and april lastly
  • - Swedish chemist who in 1895 founded five annual prizes
  • - possibly noble swede
  • - prize won by marie curie and toni morrison
  • - Magazine in east Rouen upset prize winners
  • - Prestigious prize with six categories
  • - Superior person. The Spanish explosives expert
  • - Renowned swedish prize
  • - prize with literature and chemistry categories
  • - Peace Prize giver
  • - Prized inventor of dynamite
  • - Person of distinction with the Spanish prize-giver?
  • - Annual Swedish prize
  • - chemist born during christmastime
  • - swedish inventor whose business was booming?
  • - Peace Prize won by Martin Luther King Jr. in 1964
  • - Swedish literature prize that Kazuo Ishiguro won in 2017
  • - Philanthropic scientist in Brazil's capital during Christmas
  • - Prize declined by Sartre
  • - John B. Goodenough is the oldest person ever to get one (at age 97)
  • - Prize won by four American presidents
  • - ... Peace Prize, Obama and Carter have been its recipients
  • - Award won by Malala Yousafzai
  • - prize guy - you have to knock, we hear!
  • - Prize given to Carter and Obama
  • - Writer's prize
  • - Wiesel won one
  • - Walesa's prize
  • - The European Union has one
  • - Swedish prize-giver
  • - Swedish philanthropist and inventor of dynamite
  • - Swedish engineer
  • - Stockholm name
  • - Stockholm institute
  • - Scientist honored with element 102
  • - Saul Bellow's prize
  • - Ralph Bunche's prize.
  • - Prize won by Marie Curie
  • - Prize won by Gandhi (... what? He never one won of these? Baffling!)
  • - Prize Walesa won
  • - Prize that Pirandello won in 1934
  • - Prize name since 1901
  • - Prize man
  • - Prize given to Carter in 2002
  • - Prize eponym
  • - Peace Prize creator
  • - Oslo's .... Peace Center
  • - October announcement
  • - Noted Swedish philanthropist
  • - Mother Teresa's prize
  • - Memorable munitions man
  • - Man with a bang-up idea?
  • - Familiar name in prizes
  • - Famed Swede
  • - Dynamite discoverer
  • - Boris Pasternak declined one
  • - Bob Dylan won this Prize in Literature
  • - Award won by Obama in '09
  • - Actuator of above award
  • - ...... Prize in Literature
  • - Dynamite man
  • - Coveted award
  • - Coveted prize
  • - Peace Prize endower
  • - .... Peace Prize
  • - Depiction on a Peace Prize medal
  • - Prize founder
  • - Name on a Walesa award
  • - Prestigious prize
  • - Prize-endowing Swedish chemist
  • - Dynamite inventor
  • - Stockholm-born inventor
  • - & 27 Down International award
  • - Prize that comes with 9 million kronor
  • - Annual award from Stockholm
  • - Dynamite guy?
  • - 'Not a pretty girl,' you say, 'a chemist'
  • - Prize funder
  • - Inventor of dynamite
  • - Peace Prize benefactor
  • - Peace Prize name
  • - Swedish chemist who invented dynamite
  • - 116-year-old prize
  • - Noted Swede taking article from Middle East country, heading North
  • - Surname on a Peace Prize
  • - and 21 Across: Prestigious international award
  • - Swedish inventor of dynamite
  • - Prize awarded to Mandela
  • - Prize declined by Sartre and Le Duc Tho
  • - Prize since 1901
  • - Prestigious prize provider
  • - Swede who had 350 patents
  • - Prize won by four presidents
  • - Stockholm prize
  • - Physics prize of note
  • - Chemist with 350 patents
  • - Prize with six categories
  • - Prize won by Obama
  • - Peace award
  • - Peace Prize donator
  • - One of the Prize guys
  • - Prized name?
  • - Guy whose work was a blast?
  • - Prize won by Roosevelt, Wilson, Carter and Obama
  • - Prize won by Obama and Carter
  • - Swedish philanthropist
  • - Prestigious-prize benefactor
  • - Prize name
  • - Obama has one
  • - Dynamite creator
  • - Big prize since 1901
  • - Chemistry prize of note
  • - Prize won by Einstein and Yeats
  • - Prestigious prize awarded each December
  • - Element #102 eponym
  • - Wiesel's award
  • - Coveted annual prize
  • - Prize won by 3 U.S. presidents
  • - Prize that Sartre declined
  • - Prestigious prize awarded every December
  • - Element #102 is named after him
  • - Chemist who funded prestigious prizes
  • - Prize won by Gore
  • - Annual announcement from 13-Down
  • - Swedish industrialist
  • - Type of prize
  • - Rabin won one
  • - Literature prize of note
  • - His invention was dynamite
  • - Prestigious annual prize that began in 1901
  • - Tutu won one
  • - Noted prize
  • - Prized prize
  • - See 15-Down
  • - Prize
  • - coward with a black heart is a man of science
  • - don the stage in role of childhood chum?
  • - childhood companion's drama casts elf and owl
  • - Friend in frolics
  • - such material makes nonsense
  • - Pajamas material
  • - Loosely-woven material
  • - Pajama material
  • - Winter pajamas material
  • - Muleta material
  • - Nightgown material
  • - Winter sheet material
  • - Slacks or shirt material
  • - Sheet material
  • - flatter material
  • - smooth talker uses this soft woven fabric
  • - fabric that produces flattery
  • - Washer or blank coin, now primarily used by the Spanish
  • - cloth for washing your face
  • - Soft soap or its applicator?
  • - materially speaking, that's mere soft-soap!
  • - One may have a nap on it
  • - Washrag
  • - soft-soap and a face-cloth
  • - flattery left woman in florida
  • - A soft worsted fabric
  • - Cleaner: soft soap?
  • - Face washer
  • - Soft woollen fabric
  • - Washing cloth
  • - Facecloth
  • - Nirvana's signature fabric
  • - Facecloth — soft soap
  • - With 38 Across, thick-fabric sleepwear
  • - Soft-soap; facecloth
  • - Woollen fabric requiring soft soap
  • - Small piece of towelling for washing oneself
  • - Fabric; bland talk
  • - Soft soap and face-cloth
  • - Light fabric
  • - Nightgown fabric
  • - Fine lines about Stuart monarch, or flattery?
  • - Soft soap and facecloth
  • - Lumberjack fabric
  • - Fallen out over name for blarney
  • - Cloth used to wash the face and body
  • - Blandishments, fine lines describing former queen
  • - Soft soap that may be used on the face?
  • - Light woollen textile used for clothing
  • - Cloth; evasive talk
  • - Soft soap or another bathroom item
  • - Swansdown, e.g.
  • - Cozy cloth
  • - Face cloth
  • - Soft cotton
  • - Shirt fabric
  • - Soft fabric
  • - Woollen fabric
  • - Evasive talk
  • - Cloth
  • - Bathroom item
  • - Winter wear
  • - A soft wool fabric
  • - Written translation on film — it's missing. Not immediately obvious
  • - ingenious variety of bustle
  • - Like a nuanced view? It's not evident in words on screen
  • - Nuanced translation of dialogue ignores it
  • - Understated, it should be expunged from screen translation
  • - ingenious passenger vehicle set-up finds let-out
  • - Newspaper employee let out to be precise
  • - sublet in an unobtrusively shifty way
  • - let on the bus like that - most ingenious!
  • - Underwater craft let loose, not immediately obvious
  • - Delicately complex or understated
  • - Understated or not immediately obvious
  • - Toned down, delicate
  • - such bustle but insidious in operation
  • - Able to make fine distinctions
  • - bringing up the tail-end?
  • - bringing up to stand on own two hind legs?
  • - Bringing up
  • - Bringing up baby
  • - back at home with first of grandchildren getting up
  • - Rising on hind legs
  • - Breeding
  • - "Raising .........."
  • - Parental activity
  • - Raising, in a way
  • - Parents' activity
  • - Raising, like a child
  • - like many animals of 48 inches?
  • - quadrupedal
  • - Quadruped
  • - uneasily the others find the french cunning
  • - yell with stress awfully and uneasily
  • - uneasily
  • - With impatience
  • - One working on a calculus problem?
  • - Toothy profession of Philip Sherman, who captures Nemo in "Finding Nemo"
  • - Teeth-expert
  • - Person who drills and fills your teeth
  • - Teeth specialist
  • - A number of people possibly sit and tend to shift about
  • - Treater of teeth
  • - One who knows the drill
  • - X-ray examiner, perhaps
  • - Ted isn't wrong - he sets most people's teeth on edge!
  • - One with a job to fill?
  • - Canine examiner
  • - Worker at a filling station?
  • - One who works with canines
  • - One who gets to the root of the problem?
  • - One who might get to the root of the problem?
  • - Drillmaster? (and a hint at this puzzle's theme)
  • - One who's down in the mouth?
  • - Person who's feeling down in the mouth?
  • - A professional who examines teeth
  • - Person whose job is treating people's teeth
  • - He looks down in the mouth
  • - Medical man
  • - Bridge builder
  • - Tooth doctor
  • - Driller dies: TNT exploding
  • - One able to fill some of the time at work?
  • - Canine care specialist
  • - Tooth care specialist
  • - One with an opening to fill?
  • - Driller dies — TNT unstable
  • - Flossing recommender
  • - Number of people in an office?
  • - One concerned with bites
  • - Ted isn't merry, he looks down in the mouth
  • - Crown repairer
  • - Drill user makes hollow first
  • - One might deal with canine depression -- it's barking
  • - One filling hollow first?
  • - One looks down in the mouth when at work
  • - Traps repairer?
  • - Tooth specialist
  • - Tooth surgeon
  • - Stinted (anag.)
  • - Tooth puller
  • - Job with many openings?
  • - Doc Holliday, for one
  • - Drillmaster?
  • - Driller and filler
  • - Bridge expert
  • - Bridge contractor?
  • - Canine cleaner
  • - Number, at times
  • - Crown maker
  • - Driller, at times
  • - Mouth mirror user
  • - Down-in-the-mouth sort?
  • - Canine doctor
  • - Drill master?
  • - Filling fellow
  • - William Thomas Green Morton was one
  • - Molar mender
  • - William T. G. Morton was one
  • - Cary Middlecoff's calling.
  • - Fluoridation may ease his work.
  • - Orthodontist.
  • - he's apt to look down in the mouth
  • - Oral healthcare expert
  • - Oral health expert