➠ Words with e

List contains 244952 Words that "e" contain.

  • - stroke of inspiration
  • - Target of a brainstorm session
  • - Think tank's quest
  • - Think tank nugget
  • - You might bounce it off someone
  • - Genesis of an invention
  • - The embryo of an invention
  • - It may be half-baked
  • - Start of a solution
  • - What's on your mind
  • - Result of cogitating
  • - Result of a brainstorming session
  • - Thinker's output
  • - Start of a plan
  • - Bit of brainwork
  • - Object of thought
  • - It may be bright or novel
  • - Basis of an invention
  • - "The very ......!" ("What nerve!")
  • - Result of cogitating, perhaps
  • - Object of a brilliant thought
  • - It might make you say "Aha!"
  • - It might come off the top of your head
  • - It may come to mind
  • - It may be bounced off someone
  • - It may be big or bright
  • - Flash of brilliance
  • - Result of brainstorming
  • - One may be lost in thought
  • - It might come out of nowhere
  • - It may be fixed or bright
  • - Breaker of a mental block
  • - Beginning of a plan
  • - "You have no ......"
  • - "Do you have any ...... what you've done?"
  • - "Do you have a better ......?"
  • - What a lightbulb symbolizes
  • - What a light bulb might symbolize
  • - Thinker's reward
  • - The start of an invention
  • - Step one of an invention
  • - Start of something big, usually
  • - Start of a brilliant scheme
  • - Something to think up
  • - Something a think tank comes up with
  • - Seed of an invention
  • - Result of cogitating, sometimes
  • - Result of a brilliant thought, perhaps
  • - Product of the imagination
  • - Product of cerebration
  • - It may pop into your head
  • - It may be seminal
  • - It may be preconceived
  • - It may be bright or big
  • - Good piece of one's mind?
  • - Genesis of many great inventions
  • - Flash of brilliance, perhaps
  • - Embryo of an invention
  • - Birth of an invention
  • - "I had no ......!" ("What a surprise!")
  • - You may bounce one off of someone
  • - You may bounce it off someone
  • - What's produced upstairs?
  • - What's on your mind, perhaps
  • - What you may think of
  • - What an inventor starts with
  • - What all great inventions begin with
  • - What a think tank might come up with
  • - What a raised index finger may indicate
  • - What a light bulb symbolizes in comics
  • - What a light bulb symbolizes in comic strips
  • - What a light bulb symbolizes
  • - What a light bulb sometimes signifies
  • - What a light bulb represents in the comics
  • - What a light bulb over someone's head symbolizes
  • - What a light bulb may signify
  • - What a light bulb may mean
  • - What a light bulb indicates in cartoons
  • - What a germ might initiate
  • - What a germ can become
  • - What a comics light bulb symbolizes
  • - What a comic-strip light bulb represents
  • - What a comic strip lightbulb indicates
  • - What a cartoon light bulb represents
  • - What a cartoon light bulb might represent
  • - Tidbit from a think tank
  • - Thinker's thought
  • - Thinker's goal
  • - Think-tank offering
  • - Think-tank creation
  • - Think tank's creation
  • - Think tank topic
  • - Think tank matter
  • - The very beginning of an invention
  • - The thinker's reward
  • - The origin of an invention
  • - The germ of a project.
  • - Stealing the Declaration of Independence is an example of a terrible one
  • - Start of something big, perhaps
  • - Start of creation?
  • - Start of a theory
  • - Start of a plot
  • - Start of a patent
  • - Start of a novel?
  • - Spark, of sorts
  • - Spark of inspiration
  • - Seed of innovation
  • - Result of some brainstorming
  • - Result of ruminating
  • - Result of cerebral activity
  • - Result of brainstorming, at times
  • - Product of reflection.
  • - Product of imagination
  • - Product of cogitation
  • - Product of a picked brain, perhaps
  • - Possible outcome of a brown study
  • - One that's out of one's head?
  • - One may stop a mental block
  • - One may get carried out
  • - One may be called bright when it isn't
  • - One may be big or bright
  • - One may accompany a finger snap
  • - Musical think tank nugget
  • - a die in fancy shape
  • - Startup springboard
  • - Almost perfect plan
  • - It comes into your head
  • - aide's unusual impression
  • - Thought, opinion
  • - A sudden inspiration, often portrayed by a lightbulb in cartoons and comics
  • - Eureka moment
  • - When a light bulb is shown above someone's head in cartoons
  • - "I hadn't the foggiest ...!"
  • - "wait -- i've got an ......!"
  • - Noodle creation
  • - Brainstormer's output
  • - New thought
  • - Creative germ
  • - Mental germ
  • - "The very ......!"
  • - Writer's block breakthrough
  • - Light bulb, in comics
  • - Inventor's spark
  • - Brilliant thought
  • - Brainwave
  • - Lightbulb, in comics
  • - Creative notion
  • - Mental inspiration
  • - Invention beginning
  • - Brain flash
  • - Mental conception
  • - Inventor's flash
  • - Fresh thought
  • - Asset for an inventor
  • - Something that might come to a head?
  • - Prelude to an invention
  • - Noodle concoction?
  • - Inventor's start
  • - Inventor's need
  • - Inventor's germ
  • - Entrepreneur's start
  • - Creative input
  • - Cogitation
  • - Brainstorm result
  • - "It seemed like a good ...... at the time!"
  • - It's formed in your head
  • - It can be good, bad or bright
  • - Creative start
  • - Brain output
  • - "Don't get the wrong ......"
  • - Potential dilemma solver
  • - Possible solution
  • - Noodle product?
  • - Mental creation
  • - Light bulb, in the comics
  • - Invention impetus
  • - Innovator's spark
  • - Cerebral output
  • - Cartoon light bulb
  • - Brainstorming session result
  • - Skull session nugget
  • - Matter for the gray matter
  • - It precedes an invention
  • - Gray matter creation
  • - Entrepreneur's need
  • - Creative starting point
  • - Abstraction
  • - "I've just had a brilliant ......!"
  • - Theory's start
  • - Possibly half-baked noodle concoction?
  • - Noggin nugget
  • - Light bulb for Wile E. Coyote?
  • - It can be big, bright, good or bad
  • - Inventor's "step one"
  • - Invention genesis
  • - Gray matter output
  • - Germ for an invention
  • - Comic-strip light bulb
  • - Cerebral creation
  • - Brain's creation
  • - Asset for an entrepreneur
  • - Writer's block ender
  • - Trial balloon, e.g.
  • - The very notion
  • - Song thought
  • - Sneaking suspicion, e.g.
  • - Seed for a plot
  • - Reason to shout "Eureka!"
  • - Prelude to a solution
  • - Potential solution
  • - Patent genesis
  • - Patent basis
  • - Novel notion
  • - Mental concept
  • - Lightbulb, in toons
  • - Light bulb, in cartoons
  • - It might be bright
  • - Inventor's forte
  • - Inventor's first step
  • - Inventor's basis
  • - Invention's origin
  • - Invention's inception
  • - Invention seed
  • - Invention inspiration
  • - Invention inception
  • - Imaginative concept
  • - Gray matter matter?
  • - Future invention
  • - Creative suggestion
  • - Clueless, no ...
  • - Cerebral spark
  • - Cerebral achievement
  • - Budding plan
  • - Brainy creation
  • - Brainstorming product
  • - Brainstorming bit
  • - Brainstormer's spark
  • - Brain matter
  • - Big or bright thing
  • - "Whose bright ...... was that?"
  • - Writer's block breaker
  • - Word with "big" or "good"
  • - Vandals "An ...... for a Movie"
  • - The thought that counts?
  • - The light bulb, to Edison
  • - Sudden bright thought
  • - Strip light bulb?
  • - Starting point for an invention
  • - Spark, so to speak
  • - Song start
  • - Song concept
  • - Something that comes to mind
  • - Skull session result
  • - Skull session offering
  • - Project's basis
  • - Potential problem-solver
  • - Planning session offering
  • - Phrontistery product
  • - Personal view
  • - Patent's germ
  • - Patent's genesis
  • - Patent prerequisite
  • - Patent predecessor
  • - Patent base
  • - Overhead light bulb?
  • - Orson "Bright ......"
  • - Nearly colorless
  • - Musical inspiration
  • - Mental seed
  • - Mental invention
  • - Lightbulb's meaning, sometimes
  • - Lightbulb, figuratively
  • - Light-bulb lighter?
  • - Light bulb, to Edison and comics
  • - Light bulb, symbolically
  • - Light bulb, metaphorically
  • - Light bulb, in comic strips
  • - Light bulb, in a strip
  • - Light bulb, figuratively
  • - Just a thought
  • - Its icon is a light bulb
  • - It's symbolized by a light bulb
  • - It's just a thought
  • - It's formed in one's head
  • - It starts with a germ
  • - It might be right or bright
  • - It comes before a patent
  • - It can come to mind
  • - It can be half-baked
  • - It can be big or harebrained
  • - Inventor's brainchild
  • - Inventor's "lightbulb"
  • - Inspirational flash
  • - Innovator's inspiration
  • - Incandescent light bulb depiction (because I have yet to see a CFL bulb depict one)
  • - Imaginative plan
  • - Imagination product
  • - Head light bulb?
  • - Flash, perhaps
  • - Flash, maybe
  • - Creator's sine qua non
  • - Creative springboard
  • - Creative contribution
  • - Cranial flash
  • - Cranial bulb?
  • - Comic lightbulb
  • - Cartoonist's light bulb
  • - Bright thing?
  • - Bright thing from gray matter
  • - Bright Mike Gordon song?
  • - Brainstorming contribution
  • - Brain-picker's pursuit
  • - Brain gain
  • - Black cloud : anger :: light bulb : ....
  • - Basis for a patent
  • - "Whose bright ...... was this?"
  • - "That's the general ...."
  • - "I've got it!" elicitor
  • - "I have no ......!" ("Don't ask me!")
  • - "Good ......!" ("Smart move!")
  • - "Good ......!" ("Nice thinking!")
  • - Writer's block buster
  • - Word exclaimed after "no" or "good"
  • - Word after big or bright
  • - Word after "half-baked" or "concrete"
  • - Whence a patent
  • - Visionary's spark
  • - Vacuity's lack
  • - Unseen flash
  • - Unpatentable thing
  • - Toon light
  • - Thought hidden in eight long puzzle answers
  • - Thought sometimes
  • - Thinktank product
  • - Thinking output
  • - Thing often symbolized by a light bulb over someone's head
  • - Thing leading to a patent
  • - Thesis basis
  • - Theorem or noumenon
  • - The chief end in view: Slang.
  • - TED Talk subject
  • - Sudden mental inspiration
  • - Starting point, perhaps
  • - Stars : pain :: light bulb : ..........
  • - Springboard for an inventor
  • - Spitballing result
  • - Spark result
  • - Song light bulb
  • - Something thought up
  • - Something that comes to a head
  • - Something that can't be patented
  • - Something talked about in a TED talk
  • - Something on your mind
  • - Something hatched
  • - Something coming to mind
  • - Skull-session product
  • - Seed for a lyric
  • - Reason to shout "Aha!"
  • - Reason for shouting "Eureka!"
  • - Randy Newman song that came to him?
  • - Puzzlemaker's beginning
  • - Project starter
  • - Productive thought
  • - Producer suggestion
  • - Problem solver, perhaps
  • - Problem solver, at times
  • - Prelude to a plot
  • - Prelude to a patent
  • - Popper into one's head
  • - Planning session product
  • - Planning session nugget
  • - Planning session input
  • - Plan not yet on paper
  • - Plan for action
  • - People see it when the lights turn on
  • - Patent seed
  • - Patent preceder, presumably
  • - Patent preceder
  • - Overhead exclamation point, in comics
  • - Orson "Here's my bright ......"
  • - Original concept
  • - One might arrive with a finger snap
  • - One could eventually lead to a patent
  • - On-bulb, symbolically
  • - OK Go "A Good ...... at the Time"
  • - Now there's a thought!
  • - Noumenon
  • - Noodle output?
  • - Noodle nugget
  • - Noodle filler?
  • - Noggin output
  • - New slant
  • - Necessity for a patent
  • - Musical mental flash
  • - Musical conception
  • - Mount ...... (Crete's highest peak)
  • - Mind product
  • - Mind flash
  • - Mind find
  • - Mike Gordon song a light went off for?