➠ Words with f

List contains 49091 Words that "f" contain.

  • - female journalist out of bed, bored
  • - annoyed fenian leaders at northern irish party
  • - Annoyed or bored
  • - Bored and angry
  • - Annoyed; bored
  • - Bored, being catered for at college
  • - Bored FBI agent, dupe at heart?
  • - Totally annoyed
  • - Mad or bored
  • - Bored: Slang.
  • - Bored
  • - fattened and bored
  • - Displeased when a G-man gets promoted
  • - Dissatisfied agent not yet retired?
  • - Disgruntled US agent getting out of bed
  • - Sick and tired [2 wds.]
  • - sick and tired of everything and everyone so go away! [slams door]
  • - Sick of being fattened
  • - Totally exasperated
  • - Exasperated [2 wds.]
  • - "I'm so ... with her antics": 2 wds.
  • - Sick and tired of agent in good mood
  • - At the end of your rope
  • - Sick of it all: 2 wds.
  • - At the end of one's rope: 2 wds.
  • - Disgusted with
  • - Out of patience
  • - Terrible feud: chap ultimately exasperated
  • - Thoroughly disgusted
  • - Disheartened by FBI agent at the heart of corruption
  • - Disgusted
  • - Sick of it all
  • - Disgusted and not taking it anymore
  • - Dissatisfied
  • - Disgusted and then some
  • - Taking it no more
  • - At one's limit, and a hint to this puzzle's starred answers
  • - At the limit of one's patience
  • - Unhappy
  • - Hacked off
  • - At the end of one's rope
  • - Unable to take any more
  • - Totally disgusted
  • - Not going to take it anymore
  • - Angry and impatient
  • - At the end of one's patience
  • - Patient no longer
  • - At one's limit
  • - Patient no more
  • - Ready to walk
  • - Mad as hell and not going to take it any more
  • - Angry, and not going to take it anymore
  • - "... had it!"
  • - Sick of the rat race
  • - Disgusted with the whole mess
  • - Disgusted: Slang.
  • - Tired of.
  • - Totally out of patience: Slang.
  • - Surfeited: Slang.
  • - Exasperated: Slang.
  • - Satiated: Colloq.
  • - Sick of it
  • - Pissed off, and then some
  • - Mad as hops
  • - Surfeited.
  • - Disaffected
  • - Sick and tired
  • - Plenty angry
  • - Exasperated.
  • - Disgruntled
  • - Over it
  • - Cheesed off
  • - "I am ... of being the plus one" [tired]: 2 wds.
  • - At your wit's end
  • - feel a bit upset by a trifling annoyance
  • - Trivial annoyance
  • - Lab annoyance
  • - Trifling annoyance
  • - Small annoyance
  • - What Rimsky-Korsakov portrayed for Spooner is a slight inconvenience
  • - slight discomfort
  • - Trivial inconvenience
  • - Very minor inconvenience
  • - Minor inconvenience
  • - Feel a bit unbalanced in what's an irritable spot
  • - Feel a bit peculiar in what's an irritable spot
  • - Feel a bit upset in what's an irritable spot
  • - Minor irritation
  • - Feel a bit awkward? It's a little inconvenience!
  • - Rover's irritant
  • - Why a dog may scratch
  • - It makes a cat scratch
  • - Minor wound
  • - Pet peeve?
  • - A minor irritant may make one feel a bit jumpy !
  • - Trifling inconvenience making you run about a little
  • - Bird of prey (John Houston directed one in Malta)
  • - fail to release one jailbird and bird of prey
  • - Kestrel, for example
  • - Freedom for gangster to trick high-flyer
  • - Kestrel, for one
  • - One hunts criminal by river in Cornwall
  • - Hunter running after injured calf
  • - "F" player in the N.F.L.
  • - new calf performing like a bird
  • - Avenger who stepped into the role of Captain America
  • - 12's bird described circling here has nothing on large rook
  • - Bird cooler entertaining large company
  • - Bird caught on Cornish river to the north
  • - the maltese ... by dashiell hammett (1930)
  • - Fool pursues river bird
  • - Peregrine ..., the fastest aerial animal which can touch speeds of 242 mph
  • - Peregrine ..., bird of prey which is the fastest bird in the world that can reach a speed of 240 mph
  • - eccentric calf performing as a bird
  • - Anthony Mackie's role in "Avengers: Age of Ultron"
  • - Noises coming from confessional produced by high-flyer
  • - Long-winged hawk
  • - Fool going after river bird
  • - Raptor that can fly 240 miles per hour while diving
  • - Fast bird of prey
  • - Long-winged raptor
  • - Fool following river bird
  • - Conservative supports banker, flighty type
  • - Trick to get beneath river bird
  • - Swift-flying raptor
  • - Small but long-winged bird of prey
  • - Anthony Mackie's 'Avengers: Endgame' role
  • - Air Force Academy mascot
  • - Bird in brief dive, gull
  • - Atlanta gridder
  • - Clan of (anag) — raptor
  • - Hunter's helper or 60s Ford
  • - Freedom with gangster to trick high-flyer
  • - Raptor with exceptional vision
  • - Air Force college athlete
  • - High-speed raptor
  • - Gander : goose :: tercel : ......
  • - Air Force athlete
  • - Kasper Gutman's coveted prize
  • - Atlantan that may go out of bounds
  • - Han Solo's "Millennium ......"
  • - A. F. Academy's mascot.
  • - Mascot of the Air Force Academy.
  • - Air Force Academy emblem.
  • - Dam recently dedicated by Presidents Eisenhower and Cortines.
  • - Super Bowl XXXIII loser
  • - Hawk cousin
  • - Peregrine
  • - Eagle's relative
  • - Atlanta athlete
  • - Bird of prey
  • - Bird trained to hunt
  • - Symbol of the Air Force Academy
  • - Bird type
  • - bird kept by toranaga in "shogun"
  • - female, a learner needing to study a bird
  • - more suitable to be a machine assembler
  • - More suitable for one on the assembly line
  • - One doing a more appropriate job?
  • - More suited to being a mechanic
  • - more suitable as a workman
  • - More healthy — worker
  • - More healthy
  • - More suitable
  • - More suitable; workman
  • - More in shape
  • - More qualified
  • - more suitable as a worker?
  • - One better able to do his job?
  • - Mechanic who's not a square peg in a round hole?
  • - Plumber perhaps in better shape
  • - Mechanic is possibly hunkier
  • - Is much better at running Sam out of state firm
  • - the mechanic is less likely to suffer from fatigue
  • - healthier craftsman
  • - Healthier
  • - Lingerie shop expert
  • - Workman better equipped
  • - In improved health
  • - Less likely to be winded
  • - In better shape
  • - Pipe handler, maybe
  • - Tailor, at times
  • - Clothing store employee
  • - Boutique employee
  • - With her, it's snip and tuck
  • - Tailor's assistant.
  • - Mechanical worker
  • - Mechanic.
  • - Garment worker
  • - Less flabby
  • - one installing machinery in superior condition
  • - healthier worker?
  • - mechanic in healthier condition
  • - .... dimension, interpreted as time in physics
  • - Final down in us football
  • - hut for characters not in the first three
  • - Day of fireworks in July
  • - A quarter day?
  • - United breaking out of position
  • - Hut for poor quarter
  • - Twenty-five per cent
  • - just outside the medal places
  • - an actor who addresses the audience is said to be "breaking the ............ wall".
  • - Before fifth
  • - possibly hurt of one below the top three
  • - The one after the third
  • - Invisible "wall" between actors and audience
  • - C-F musical interval — Prince Regent George's eventual regnal number
  • - Between third and fifth
  • - A quarter
  • - Behind the top three
  • - Last down
  • - Punting down, usually
  • - Critical down
  • - Ordinal away, by the sound of it?
  • - Almost winning medal?
  • - Summer holiday (with "the")
  • - 76-Across of 76-Across
  • - Fireworks day (with "the")
  • - Indie band ...... Of July
  • - Where an eddy swirls around Flamborough Head!
  • - Former Welsh county
  • - County in SW Wales
  • - See 43-Across
  • - Kon-Tiki, for one
  • - Means of going down a 36-Down
  • - Huckleberry Finn carrier
  • - Huck's craft
  • - Inflatable lifesaver
  • - Whitewater transport
  • - Right behind basic river vessel
  • - Trim top one on Hooker for a flat sail?
  • - Camp rental
  • - Like the graphics on an Atari 2600, in brief
  • - Finn's vessel
  • - 'Huckleberry Finn' transport
  • - Boat that may be inflatable
  • - Huck's ride
  • - Lose head on ship going to sea with so little room
  • - Adam and Eve on a ...... (poached eggs on toast, in dinerspeak)
  • - Flat, floating structure
  • - No-frills river vessel
  • - It goes with the flow
  • - Inflatable vessel
  • - Inflatable boat
  • - River transport
  • - Flat floater
  • - Mississippi floater
  • - Camper's rental
  • - Big number
  • - Captain's logs?
  • - Large collection
  • - River vessel
  • - Simple boat
  • - Emergency vehicle
  • - George of films
  • - Actor George
  • - Floating vessel
  • - Whole slew
  • - Castaway's creation
  • - Rapids transit
  • - Log craft
  • - Float
  • - Watercraft.
  • - River floater
  • - Pond floater
  • - Sunbathing spot
  • - Huge amount
  • - Host
  • - Lot
  • - Bunch
  • - Great quantity
  • - Whole mess
  • - Passel
  • - Lifesaver, maybe
  • - Crude craft
  • - Barge
  • - Great number
  • - Profusion
  • - Crude carrier
  • - Multitude
  • - Slew
  • - Large amount
  • - Great deal
  • - Large number
  • - Oodles
  • - Whole lot
  • - Large quantity
  • - Whole bunch
  • - Good deal
  • - Flat structure made of planks or logs used as a floating platform
  • - Rapid transit vehicle?
  • - inflatable float
  • - Survival game named for a whitewater vessel
  • - crowd about to abandon ship
  • - Flat substitute for a boat
  • - inflatable vessel for white-water rapids
  • - Suppress word that's an anagram of itself
  • - suffocate itself, perhaps
  • - Suppress (a yawn)
  • - suppress the french fist fight
  • - Steps used in country's borders to contain force and reduce air traffic?
  • - Squash cooked itself
  • - Is left out of hamper?
  • - suffocate itself somehow
  • - Choke yourself? It's the back section
  • - Suppress, like a yawn
  • - Word that's an anagram of itself?
  • - Smother — suppress
  • - Repress — itself (anag)
  • - Asphyxiate — itself (anag)
  • - Conceal, hide or suppress
  • - Suppress, smother
  • - Suppress, as a yawn
  • - Joint in the legs of horses, equivalent to the knee in humans
  • - Crush spirit -- it's over
  • - Suppress, as a cough
  • - Check a word that is an anagram of itself
  • - Suppress mischievous little fellow -- that thing's upsetting
  • - Verb that's an anagram of itself
  • - Suppress list if legislature admits it
  • - Archie's admonition to Edith
  • - Archie's exhortation to Edith
  • - Archie's command to Edith
  • - Bunker's "Quiet!"
  • - Archie Bunker's plea to Edith
  • - Archie Bunker's command
  • - It's an anagram of itself
  • - Horse's knee
  • - Suppress
  • - hold back doctored files about last part of event
  • - Check steps - assuming foxtrot
  • - What a muffler will do?
  • - Choke is left out
  • - hamper fits awkwardly with the french
  • - Try not to laugh after your friend farts at a funeral, say
  • - Restrain, as a laugh
  • - Repress — asphyxiate
  • - Hold back, as a cough
  • - Suffocate
  • - Hold in, as a sneeze
  • - "Quiet!" to Archie Bunker
  • - Hold back, as a yawn
  • - Hold back, as a laugh
  • - Smother the Spanish attacks in retreat
  • - Second dessert dropped? Right, hold your whisht!
  • - Choke
  • - Archie Bunker order
  • - Archie Bunker command
  • - Smother
  • - Bunker command?
  • - Bunker outburst
  • - Keep in
  • - Sit on, in a way
  • - Cut the air supply
  • - Stop, as a yawn
  • - Inhibit, as a yawn
  • - Choke off.
  • - Keep back.
  • - Repress
  • - Sit on
  • - Muffle
  • - Withhold
  • - Constrain
  • - Inhibit
  • - Curb
  • - Hold back
  • - Quench
  • - Quell
  • - Fight back
  • - Squelch
  • - Quash
  • - Keep down
  • - Crush
  • - Hinder
  • - Hamper
  • - Gag
  • - Cut off
  • - Extinguish
  • - Restrain
  • - Put a lid on
  • - ... check
  • - Put the kibosh on
  • - Put down
  • - restrain flies flying around the top
  • - is left to suffocate
  • - Dampen down fire initially in wooden gate
  • - How orating becomes grating and worthless
  • - Worthless person
  • - Useless person that could conceivably make Waterloo subject to flooding
  • - Worthless
  • - Totally worthless
  • - Idler, lovely and free
  • - Most of merchandise free but useless
  • - Going north, food gets cooked for a useless lump
  • - "Much Ado About Virtue" by William Shakespeare
  • - "Sorry"
  • - Useless
  • - Useless to be virtuous without reason