➠ Words with h

List contains 92349 Words that "h" contain.

  • - Mixed choir has energy that's impressive
  • - Brave egghead in mixed choir
  • - Valiant baritone's last seen in mixed choir
  • - Valiant choir somehow held a note
  • - Valiant energy in new choir
  • - Like some daring feats
  • - Daring; noble
  • - Deserving of a medal for valor
  • - Intrepid choir touring round Spain
  • - Daring arrangement for English choir
  • - Risking one's life for another
  • - Kind of couplet for Chaucer
  • - An adjective for St. Patrick
  • - Daring
  • - Selflessly courageous
  • - Courageous attempt at chore overwhelms one
  • - Nobly courageous
  • - Brave, valiant
  • - Woman's stoic followers are very brave
  • - Extremely brave
  • - Brave anonymous lady and I entered Orange County
  • - Grand hotel bedroom regularly leaving one cold
  • - Twisted River echoes form of epic poetry
  • - admirably brave
  • - Extremely courageous
  • - like a purple heart recipient
  • - undaunted by cooking rice? oh!
  • - Like a knight in shining armor
  • - That man from old police force capturing ring is deserving of a medal
  • - Extraordinarily bold
  • - Very brave
  • - Supremely courageous
  • - Undaunted, the woman's in charge, taking over
  • - Like the Avengers
  • - Showing extreme courage
  • - lion-hearted
  • - Showing no fear in the face of extreme difficulty
  • - Lifesaving, say
  • - Like a super saver?
  • - Supremely courageous and brave
  • - Like Justice League members
  • - Like many rescues
  • - Had leading role meeting Third Reich and got caught - how is that deserving of a medal?
  • - Like Superman's deeds
  • - Not villainous
  • - Imposing or impressive: very courageous
  • - Fearless in command, chasing the girl's love
  • - Brave hearts from Ireland found in European Community
  • - Earning a Purple Heart, say
  • - Undaunted, he leads or retreats in command
  • - Deserving of a medal
  • - Beyond noble
  • - Worthy of a medal
  • - First humongous country in European community is fearless
  • - At end of month, European Commission admits this country is plucky
  • - Like saving a puppy from a tree
  • - What heartthrob seems to girls
  • - Like Superman and Spider-Man
  • - Medal-worthy, maybe
  • - Worthy of a TV movie, perhaps
  • - Very courageous
  • - Like rockers in videos
  • - Like brave deeds
  • - Worthy of great praise
  • - Cape-worthy?
  • - Like some stanzas and rescues
  • - Like a Bronze Star recipient
  • - Like Odysseus or Theseus
  • - Kind of couplet
  • - Type of couplet
  • - Like Mighty Mouse
  • - Like Superman
  • - Braving danger
  • - Like Superman or Batman
  • - Like Superman or Robin Hood
  • - Deserving a medal
  • - Type of poem or deed
  • - Like some couplets
  • - Like Alvin York
  • - Altruistic
  • - Beyond the call of duty.
  • - Supremely noble.
  • - Larger than life size.
  • - Strong, brave and noble.
  • - Like 'Wonder Woman'
  • - On a large scale
  • - High-flown
  • - Illustrious
  • - Larger-than-life
  • - Grand
  • - Intrepid
  • - Valorous
  • - Courageous
  • - Fearless
  • - Stout-hearted
  • - Valiant
  • - Bold
  • - Gallant.
  • - Stout
  • - Noble
  • - Like some measures
  • - Dauntless
  • - Medal-worthy
  • - Brave
  • - Epic
  • - Splendid
  • - Awe-inspiring
  • - Like Superman and Wonder Woman
  • - Spend extravagantly, flaw exposed before turn to buy drinks round
  • - The French stand to spend up big
  • - castigate hooligan about cinders
  • - ruffian has weaved inside to land blow
  • - hooligan has worked in strike
  • - Physically attack oaf who's a tree-hugger
  • - Thug remains inside to hit suddenly
  • - Almost everyone sent back, call for strike
  • - Left a call to attack
  • - How to fight miserliness?
  • - Attack yobbo hugging tree
  • - hooligan has tree to strike
  • - Starts to leap around, yell and thrash
  • - the french female to yell and spend a lot
  • - speak angrily to a quiet hooligan outside
  • - Burnt remains concealed by thug's attack
  • - Verbally attack, with "at" [2 wds]
  • - Make angry verbal attack
  • - physically attack
  • - 'Attack' the French cry
  • - Lose temper when the French buy the drinks!
  • - Break into violent action when the French call
  • - Make a verbal attack
  • - Hit without restraint the French cry
  • - React in anger
  • - be open handed, or use one's fists?
  • - Make a harsh attack
  • - Attack with words
  • - Attack verbally or physically
  • - Attack suddenly
  • - Become suddenly aggressive, as Whip is not in The House
  • - Punch wildly
  • - Cry after the Parisian's attack without restraint
  • - The French yell and wildly attack
  • - Bay under Californian city making you spend a fortune
  • - Verbally attack, with 'at'
  • - Respond angrily
  • - Spend extravagantly on the foreign version of Scream
  • - Attack in anger and don't stint
  • - The French cry 'Attack!'
  • - Erupt in anger
  • - Noted yell?
  • - Make a verbal assault.
  • - Spend extravagantly
  • - Spend wildly
  • - React angrily
  • - Attack verbally
  • - React violently
  • - Attack
  • - Rail
  • - give generously when there's a whip-round
  • - Marquee attracts cavorting hookers — on which you wait nervously
  • - Anxious, on ...
  • - If you're on them you won't be able to stand the suspense
  • - "So beauuutiful!" (Also a Britney Spears song): 3 wds.
  • - So-o-o sexy!
  • - 'Très sexy!'
  • - "How sexy!"
  • - "So beauuutiful!"
  • - "Eet ees so nice!"
  • - Cook the old man clam after shelling? Mon Dieu!
  • - "Wow, wow, wow!"
  • - Song performed by Britney Spears in "The Smurfs 2" who has a wax statue at Madame Tussauds, London: 3 wds.
  • - Song by Britney Spears in "Smurfs 2" which can also be used an exclamation: 3 wds.
  • - Stereotypical French exclamation
  • - Wolfish comment
  • - Wolf's comment
  • - "Wow, that's fancy!"
  • - "Schmancy!"
  • - "Look at you, all fancy-schmancy!"
  • - '73 Faces album/hit
  • - 'Wow, that's beautiful!'
  • - 'C'est magnifique!'
  • - Nice way of expressing approval?
  • - 'How marvelous!'
  • - 'Très chic!'
  • - French "Wowza!"
  • - 'Fa-a-ancy!'
  • - 'Lux-x-xurious!'
  • - 'Hubba hubba!'
  • - "C'est si bon!"
  • - Reaction to a pretty mademoiselle
  • - "Mm-mmm!"
  • - Exclamation of approval
  • - "Va-va-voom!"
  • - Arles exclamation
  • - Fifi's "Wow!"
  • - Fashion world exclamation
  • - "How fancy!"
  • - Gallic exclamation
  • - Fashion-show exclamation
  • - It may be said after kissing the tips of one's fingers
  • - Exclamation heard at the Moulin Rouge
  • - Relative of "Va-va-voom!"
  • - 1990 hit from Perfect Gentlemen
  • - Shriek going to church, avoiding a traipse in mud, by the sound of it
  • - Following work, lacking first sign of energy, child's put down
  • - Silence the opposition.
  • - Sit on
  • - Put the kibosh on
  • - crush on master from greyfriars's son
  • - Sucking sound obscured HQ's clue
  • - Sucking noise when walking in mud
  • - A soft sucking noise
  • - Sound of walking through mud
  • - Sound of walking in mud
  • - Sound of boots in mud
  • - Noise of walking through wet mud
  • - Sucking sound of mud
  • - Make a soft sucking sound
  • - Splat
  • - Sound of walker in mud
  • - Sound of boot in mud
  • - Sneak before church avoiding a crush
  • - Gurgling noise to suppress almost completely during school
  • - Sound of muddy walk
  • - Crush down
  • - Crush
  • - Silence
  • - Suppress
  • - Strange sound a shoe makes
  • - welly-in-mud sound?
  • - 'Totally!'
  • - "That's what I'm talkin' about!"
  • - Informal yes
  • - Yep kin
  • - Repeated word in the Beatles' 'She Loves You'
  • - Yes (informally)
  • - Informal "certainly"
  • - Strong approval, when shouted
  • - Repeated word in the Fab Four's 'She Loves You'
  • - Fist pumper's cry
  • - "Awright!"
  • - Informal concurrence
  • - "I suppose so"
  • - Given period of time, husband at last agreed
  • - Opposite of 9 Down
  • - Nope alternative
  • - You I see as OK
  • - Unpolished assent
  • - Word often shouted by Lil Jon in an Usher song of the same name
  • - "That's the ticket!"
  • - 'We did it!'
  • - 'Woo-hoo!'
  • - 'Hooray!'
  • - Slangy "Sure!"
  • - "Sure," slangily
  • - "Of course," slangily
  • - Slangy assent
  • - "No question"
  • - Okey-dokey
  • - Hot dog.
  • - 'Um, sure'
  • - "What he said"
  • - Right on
  • - Hell
  • - "I .... know"
  • - "What she said"
  • - 'That's true!'
  • - 'Okey-doke'
  • - Okay, in a way
  • - You said it!
  • - Word of agreement
  • - "Definitely"
  • - "You betcha!"
  • - "That's right"
  • - 'Couldn't agree more'
  • - Positive reply
  • - 'Uh-huh!'
  • - ".., indeed!"
  • - ...... right?
  • - "You bet!"
  • - 'Woo- --!'
  • - "Amen"
  • - Triumphant cry
  • - Okay
  • - OK
  • - O.K.
  • - Shout of approval
  • - I agree!
  • - "Amen to that!"
  • - "Good going!"
  • - Sweet ...
  • - Great
  • - Affirmative answer
  • - "Sure thing"
  • - Encouraging word
  • - .... you!
  • - Let's do it!
  • - "Sure!"
  • - 'Why not!'
  • - "I guess so"
  • - "Sounds good"
  • - 'Agreed'
  • - 'All right'
  • - Cry with a fist pump
  • - 'Is that so!'
  • - agreement [inf]
  • - Informally, I agree you need a husband
  • - "Hell ...!" (teen's excited affirmation)
  • - Usher hit whose title is a cheer
  • - Yes! (inf)
  • - usher song with an exclamation point in the title
  • - Embellish something unnecessarily
  • - Add unnecessary adornments
  • - "Luckily, my replacement blooms grew in beautifully. In fact, I was inspired to ... by planting an extra row!"
  • - Attempt to beautify that which is already beautiful
  • - Add unnecessary ornamentation
  • - Overdo it
  • - *Add unneeded ornamentation
  • - Try to improve what is already beautiful
  • - To perform redundant beauty treatment, I'll dye light bristles
  • - Idiom taken directly from Shakespeare's 'King John'
  • - Often-used misquotation for Shakespeare.
  • - Small mound (but a mountain for a drama queen)
  • - they say not to make a mountain out of one
  • - Make a mountain out of a ...
  • - A mountain can be made of it
  • - Spooner's entire factory shouldn't make a big deal from this?
  • - Worrier's mountain
  • - "To make a mountain out of a ..." (overreact)
  • - Should not be made into a mountain!
  • - Mountain's contrast
  • - You can make a mountain out of one
  • - Potential mountain?
  • - Small problem, metaphorically
  • - Don't make a mountain out of one, they say
  • - Potential mountain, for some
  • - Sign of a lawn infestation
  • - Certain mound of earth
  • - Mountain, to some
  • - Mound of earth thrown up by a burrowing mammal
  • - Garden mound
  • - Hell! Limo hit pile of earth
  • - Evidence of digging in the garden?
  • - spooner's entire paper factory is no big deal, so it's said
  • - *Issue that can be blown out of proportion, idiomatically
  • - Earth thrown up from crumbling hole in works
  • - Lawn-pest evidence
  • - Proverbial trifle
  • - No river attended by the navy in the Arctic?
  • - situated to the north
  • - Rent horn out in Arctic hemisphere
  • - Arctic underground line
  • - From the River Trent to the Scottish border?
  • - Above the 53rd
  • - Line from the other side of Watford?
  • - From the Arctic, say
  • - Line represented in black on the Tube map
  • - Arctic, boreal
  • - The Royal Navy's after number right at the top of their charts?
  • - Coming from areas closer to the Arctic
  • - From the Union
  • - Toward the Arctic
  • - Arctic
  • - Hemisphere above the equator
  • - From the Arctic perhaps
  • - And not subsequently welcoming resistance, like Alan Bennett or Victoria Wood, for example
  • - ".... Exposureu"
  • - Tube line inspector finishes article probing Vikings' fates
  • - Opposite of southern
  • - Tropic of Cancer hemisphere
  • - Aurora borealis
  • - Throne decorated with navy line
  • - From Manchester or Newcastle?
  • - London's black underground line
  • - Hornet bothered sailors in Scotland?
  • - — Spy (apple)
  • - Honduras' hemisphere
  • - Hornet bothered sailors from Carlisle perhaps
  • - Black-liveried Tube line
  • - Regional drama about right to get on radio
  • - ... lights, aurora borealis
  • - Boreal
  • - Like some magnificent lights
  • - ...... Pacific Railway
  • - From Canada, say
  • - .... lights
  • - Type of lights
  • - ".... Exposure"
  • - Canada's hemisphere
  • - ...... Spy (red-striped apple)
  • - Cross or lights
  • - Party wing.
  • - Septentrional.
  • - ...... Rhodesia.
  • - Termite — that wine (anag)
  • - Wine that fermented wood chomper
  • - Colorful name for a termite
  • - Insect in that wine put out
  • - Termite
  • - Undermine from within