➠ Words with i

List contains 175554 Words that "i" contain.

  • - Mai ..., decades-old cocktail
  • - "Chi" preceder to mean a low impact exercise form
  • - mai ...... (cocktail made with rum)
  • - mai ... [festive cocktail]
  • - Babilonia of figure skating
  • - half a martial art
  • - ...-Pan (second book of James Clavell's Asian Saga)
  • - Mai-... (colorful cocktail)
  • - D'Pharaoh Woon-A-...
  • - Chi preceder naming a Chinese martial art involving meditation
  • - Mai ..., rum based cocktail
  • - Mai ..., a popular cocktail
  • - Taipei is the capital of ...wan
  • - Mai ..., popular cocktail which was prominently featured in Elvis Presley's rom-com "Blue Hawaii"
  • - word on a tiki bar menu
  • - with pan, a clavell title
  • - Red ...... (food fish of Japan)
  • - Native of Thailand
  • - Mai ...... (tropical cocktail)
  • - Second half of a cocktail
  • - Sea bream, in a sushi bar
  • - Mai ...... (rhyming cocktail)
  • - Mai ...... (Polynesian-themed cocktail)
  • - Porgy of Japan
  • - Native of an Asian country
  • - Mai ....: fruity cocktail
  • - Mai ...... (tropical cocktail made with dark and white rum)
  • - Mai ...... (sweet rum cocktail)
  • - Mai ...... (rum cocktail often served with a paper umbrella)
  • - Last half of a drink?
  • - Language-stock of Indo-China.
  • - Lake west of Shanghai
  • - A Southeast Asian
  • - A language in Bangkok
  • - "Clueless" character who calls Cher "a virgin who can't drive."
  • - ...... chi (type of exercise)
  • - People of SE Asia.
  • - Half a cocktail
  • - Mai ....: cocktail
  • - Of Thailand
  • - Second half of a rhyming cocktail
  • - One of Cher's friends in 'Clueless'
  • - Word on a tiki-bar menu list
  • - Red snapper, at a sushi restaurant
  • - Mai ...... (rum cocktail)
  • - Citizen of Thailand
  • - Babilonia of skating
  • - Mai ...
  • - cher's mentee in clueless
  • - .. chi, traditional Chinese martial art
  • - James Clavell's novel "...-Pan"
  • - Mai ... (umbrella drink)
  • - '... Chi Master' (Jet Li film)
  • - .... chi; retiree's exercise, perhaps
  • - Mai ... (rhyming drink)
  • - ... chi (slow exercise)
  • - brittany murphy's clueless character
  • - ... Chi, Chinese martial art form
  • - ... chi sword
  • - Japanese sea bream, on sushi menus
  • - Clavell's ...-Pan
  • - Chinese martial art: ... chi
  • - ... chi
  • - ... chi (martial art)
  • - Martial art: ........ chi
  • - ...-chi, defensive martial art, also known for its health benefits
  • - ...-Pan Clavell's
  • - Pacific porgy
  • - Randy's skating partner
  • - "......-Pan" (James Clavell novel)
  • - Red ...... (sushi order)
  • - Bangkok dweller
  • - "......-Pan" (1966 James Clavell novel)
  • - ...... chi (meditative exercise)
  • - Tavern drink: mai ......
  • - Southeast Asian ethnicity
  • - SE Asian language family
  • - Red ...... (Japanese food fish)
  • - Popular sushi fish
  • - Olympic skater Babilonia
  • - Lao's neighbor
  • - Japanese fish
  • - James Clavell novel "......-Pan"
  • - It comes before chi
  • - Bangkok man
  • - ...... chi (low-impact exercise)
  • - ...... chi (gentle martial art)
  • - ...... chi (exercise system)
  • - ...... chi (Chinese martial art featuring slow movements)
  • - Unhip "Clueless" girl
  • - UFC fighter Tuivasa
  • - Thailander
  • - Thailand citizen
  • - Southern Chinese people
  • - Southeast Asian language group
  • - Seventh-century Chinese emperor .... Tsung
  • - SE Asian language group
  • - Red snapper for sushi
  • - Red porgy
  • - Randy's rink-mate
  • - Randy's ice partner
  • - Paddy-rice people
  • - Mount ......, sacred Chinese site
  • - Lead-in for wan, pei or chi
  • - Laotian neighbor
  • - Laotian language group
  • - Laos, Shan and Siamese.
  • - Language family including Lao and Shan
  • - Lake near Shanghai
  • - Kung Fu ...... Chi
  • - Japanese porgy
  • - James Clavell's ......-Pan
  • - James Clavell bestseller "......-Pan"
  • - It follows mai and precedes chi
  • - It comes after mai
  • - Ice-skating champ Babilonia
  • - Ice skater Babilonia
  • - Far East tongue
  • - Chow ...... Fook (jeweler)
  • - Chinese callisthenics, ... chi
  • - Burmese, perhaps
  • - Brittany Murphy's "Clueless" role
  • - Asian people: Var.
  • - 1976 Winter Olympics skater Babilonia
  • - "Clueless" role
  • - "Chi" intro
  • - "......-Pan" (1966 novel)
  • - "......-Pan" (1966 best seller)
  • - .......... chi (meditative exercises)
  • - ...... Shan (National Zoo panda born in 2005)
  • - ...... sabaki (martial arts movement)
  • - ...... Lung (villainous snow leopard in "Kung Fu Panda")
  • - ...... chi, Oriental martial art
  • - ...... chi ch'uan (slow-moving martial art)
  • - ...... chi ch'uan (Chinese martial art)
  • - ...... chi ch'uan (Chinese exercise)
  • - ...... chi (meditative martial art)
  • - ...... chi (meditation system)
  • - ...... chi (Chinese martial art featuring slow motions)
  • - ...... chi (Chinese exercise)
  • - ...... chi (Chinese exercise system)
  • - ...... Babilonia, figure-skating star
  • - Japanese food fish
  • - Siamese: Var.
  • - Asian-language family
  • - Asian language group
  • - Asian native
  • - Pacific fish.
  • - Southeast asian
  • - Asian people.
  • - Bangkok native
  • - Asian language
  • - Sushi fish
  • - Religion
  • - Asian ....
  • - Faith
  • - Skater Babilonia
  • - ...... chi (martial arts form)
  • - Word after mai or before chi
  • - Asian faith
  • - Red ...... (sushi fish)
  • - Siamese citizen
  • - See 42-Across
  • - .... chi class
  • - ...... chi ch'uan
  • - .... sushi: Japanese sea bream
  • - ...... chi (exercise method)
  • - ...... chi ch'uan (martial art)
  • - ...... chi (Chinese discipline)
  • - Chi preceder
  • - "Chi" lead-in
  • - Mao-...... (Chinese liquor)
  • - Mai ...... (rum drink)
  • - Siamese
  • - Mai ...... (drink)
  • - ...... chi chuan
  • - ...... chi (exercise regimen)
  • - ...... chi (Chinese martial art)
  • - ...... chi (meditative discipline)
  • - Word before "chi" and after "mai"
  • - ... chi, Chinese meditative exercise
  • - Distress
  • - Woes in Yiddish
  • - Aggravation, informally
  • - Woe, from the Yiddish
  • - Trouble, in Yiddish
  • - "Oy, vey!" cause (Var.)
  • - Woes, to a Yiddish speaker
  • - "Oy, vey!" cause
  • - "Oy vey!" elicitor
  • - Headaches, oy vey
  • - Aggravation, slangily: var.
  • - Woe, so to speak
  • - Trouble, slangily
  • - Yiddish aggravation
  • - Trouble, in slang
  • - Trouble, in Yiddish slang
  • - Reason to say "oy, vey!"
  • - Topics of many self-help books
  • - Woes
  • - Woe
  • - Aggravation
  • - US backing is about right after tense trouble in Israel?
  • - Aggravation, in Yiddish
  • - Tangelo variety that sounds unattractive?
  • - Jamaican tangelo
  • - Type of citrus fruit
  • - Jamaican form of tangelo
  • - Unattractive-sounding tangelo variety
  • - Relative of a tangelo
  • - Tangelo type
  • - Type of fruit
  • - Fruit aka the Jamaican tangelo
  • - jamaican tangelo, by another name
  • - tangelo type that sounds hideous
  • - Fruit crop each year from Puglia
  • - A fruit from Jamaica
  • - Jamaican fruit
  • - Aptly named hybrid fruit
  • - Hybrid citrus from Jamaica
  • - Fruit similar to a grapefruit
  • - Homely fruit?
  • - Not an attractive fruit
  • - Fruit named for its supposedly repulsive appearance
  • - Wrinkly citrus fruit
  • - "Unattractive" Jamaican fruit
  • - Sweet, juicy hybrid fruit
  • - Repulsive state of a wrinkly fruit that's a hybrid
  • - Grapefruit kin
  • - Hybrid between a tangerine and a grapefruit
  • - Grapefruit relative
  • - Pupil guiltily holds back fruit
  • - Wrinkly hybrid fruit
  • - Grapefruit/tangerine hybrid
  • - 'Blemished' fruit
  • - Fruit with a cutesy name
  • - Not-so-cute fruit
  • - Lumpy citrus
  • - Wrinkled citrus fruit
  • - Aptly named citrus
  • - ...... fruit (wrinkly citrus)
  • - Aptly named fruit hybrid
  • - Unattractive fruit
  • - Variety of citrus fruit between grapefruit and orange
  • - Wrinkly grapefruit hybrid
  • - Hybrid grapefruit
  • - Cross between a grapefruit, Seville orange and a tangerine
  • - Aptly named wrinkly fruit
  • - Fruit with a wrinkly rind
  • - Trademark for a hybrid citrus fruit grown in Jamaica
  • - Large Jamaican fruit
  • - Fruit that's not pretty?
  • - Juicy hybrid fruit
  • - Jamaican citrus fruit
  • - Hybrid citrus fruit
  • - Unveil gum tree and turn up fruit
  • - Fruit that's a cross between a grapefruit and an orange
  • - Large fruit with wrinkles
  • - Wrinkly Jamaican fruit
  • - Fruit is nasty-looking, we hear
  • - Citrus fruit with lots of wrinkles
  • - Grapefruit and tangerine cross
  • - Tangelolike fruit
  • - Citrus fruit variety
  • - Citrus named for its appearance
  • - Thick skinned fruit
  • - Large fruit from Jamaica
  • - Large wrinkly fruit
  • - Trademarked citrus fruit
  • - This fruit bug lives to a limited extent
  • - Tangerine and grapefruit hybrid
  • - Misshapen citrus fruit
  • - Wrinkly hybrid
  • - Fruit named for its unsightliness
  • - Fruit refined with difficulty cut in half
  • - Certain Jamaican fruit
  • - Homely citrus fruit
  • - Fruit that's unlike peach, by the sound of it
  • - Fruit that isn't cute?
  • - Large fruit
  • - Edible fruit
  • - Jamaican export
  • - Certain citrus
  • - Citrus fruit
  • - Certain citrus fruit
  • - Certain fruit
  • - Fruit
  • - Tropical fruit
  • - Wrinkly-skinned fruit
  • - Wrinkled fruit
  • - Fruit sounding nothing like a peach
  • - Caribbean fruit
  • - fruit not prized for its looks
  • - fruit with a trademarked name
  • - pugilist tips off the fruity hybrid
  • - Citrus fruit whose name doesn't sound pretty
  • - Citrus fruit with an insulting name
  • - Fruit named for its unsightly appearance
  • - Pointed at the top
  • - Like the Sorting Hat at Hogwarts
  • - Like a top
  • - like some sections
  • - Type of section
  • - Like a dunce cap Charlie is given after trick with iodine
  • - Spired; pyramidal
  • - Like a party hat or fleece coat from Isaac
  • - Hyperbola, for one
  • - shaped like a witch's hat or bugles
  • - ... section (funnel-like)
  • - relating to a certain geometric shape
  • - Describes a round tapered shape
  • - Like hyperbolas and ellipses
  • - Like a spruce
  • - Ellipse or hyperbola
  • - Like a tapering object
  • - Like dunce caps
  • - Like megaphones
  • - ...... sections (ellipses, parabolas and hyperbolas)
  • - Like a dunce cap
  • - Like Bugles snacks
  • - Like some waffles
  • - Shaped like a typical volcano
  • - Like some construction sight markers
  • - Circle, ellipse, parabola or hyperbola
  • - Party hat-shaped
  • - Volcano-like
  • - Like certain parlor containers
  • - Parabola, ellipse or hyperbola
  • - Like solid form of image putting one off
  • - Ellipse or parabola, e.g
  • - Shaped like a tepee
  • - Like a witch's hat
  • - Shaped like a traffic pylon
  • - Like some drinking cups
  • - *Like wizards' caps [90 degrees]
  • - Shaped like a gnome's hat
  • - Parabola or ellipse
  • - Curve, in geometry
  • - Kind of section
  • - ...... section (geometry topic)
  • - Shaped like a wigwam
  • - Like some "SNL" heads
  • - Like a dunce's cap
  • - Like highway traffic markers
  • - Like some traffic markers
  • - Dunce cap-shaped
  • - Like megaphones and party hats
  • - Dunce cap shape
  • - Like some water cooler cups
  • - .... section (geometric curve)
  • - Like orange traffic markers
  • - Like heads on Remulak
  • - Shaped like a party hat
  • - Section or projection
  • - Volcanic in appearance
  • - Like some traffic barriers
  • - .......... projection (map system)
  • - Shaped like a haystack
  • - Fastigiate
  • - Shaped like some shells
  • - Geometric section
  • - Of a geometric shape
  • - Of a geometric solid.
  • - ...... sections, in geometry.
  • - Shaped like 52 Across.
  • - Flat-based and tapering.
  • - Shaped like a peak.
  • - Round and tapering to a point.
  • - Shaped like an ice cream holder.
  • - Resembling a volcanic peak.
  • - Like some paper drinking cups
  • - Plane curve
  • - Term in geometry.
  • - Cylindrical and tapering
  • - Like volcanoes
  • - Shaped like a megaphone
  • - Funnel-shaped
  • - Megaphone-shaped
  • - Tepee-shaped
  • - Shaped like a dunce cap
  • - Shaped like a funnel
  • - Tapering.
  • - Volcano-shaped.
  • - Shaped like a volcano.
  • - Section
  • - ellipse, hyperbola, or parabola
  • - Shaped like a funnel or an ice cream holder
  • - like a cornetto?
  • - Virus that attacks the immune system
  • - Immune system attacking virus (abbr)
  • - Virus that causes an acquired disease, that may be spread through intimate contact : Abbr.
  • - "Dallas Buyer's Club" focus
  • - "let's stop ...... together" (cdc initiative)
  • - Retrovirus for short
  • - Target of vaccine research
  • - Target of lots of vaccine research
  • - Condition treated by AZT
  • - "Dallas Buyers Club" topic
  • - Canadian who won a Gold medal in triathlon
  • - Former Canuck goal tender