➠ Words with l

List contains 133543 Words that "l" contain.

  • - Goatish creature, one into ladies?
  • - Loose woman cycling I love, being ladies' man
  • - Fictional ladies' man
  • - Ladies' man
  • - playful philanderer left before horatio got upset
  • - Womaniser in Nicholas Rowe's 1702 play The Fair Penitent
  • - Observe spy stopping to rake
  • - A seducer of women in some 17th and 18th century plays
  • - seen in sackcloth, a riotous libertine
  • - Libertine group originally haunting a former capital
  • - Successful womaniser
  • - Player, classically
  • - Womaniser
  • - Philanderer first seen in Cervantes
  • - Seducer styled hair after time in loo
  • - Seducer, reluctant, comes to a Brazilian port
  • - Hotel in Rialto run by old lover
  • - Romeo type
  • - Womaniser, philanderer
  • - One who seduces women with ease
  • - Obsessive seducer
  • - Rowe rake
  • - Loverboy
  • - Gay deceiver
  • - A rake.
  • - Gay Romeo.
  • - Character in "The Fair Penitent."
  • - A gay deceiver.
  • - Gay rake.
  • - Gay and unscrupulous rake.
  • - Lady-killer
  • - Seducer
  • - .... Romeo
  • - Casanova
  • - Don Juan
  • - Philanderer
  • - Rake
  • - Seducer reluctant to have a port
  • - A Bandon cast-off?
  • - Renounce a legal claim to
  • - repudiate diana's insurance demand
  • - renounce aim after sid comes up with 150
  • - Repudiate record sounding weak
  • - Deny one plugs hit record at first
  • - Renounce Circle Line train
  • - Deny record demand following merger
  • - to renounce 500 is the demand
  • - Deny policeman's allegation
  • - Deny or refuse to acknowledge
  • - reject responsibility to record liberal objective
  • - renounce the pretension of 1001
  • - Abandon one consumed by record hit
  • - Deny, refuse to acknowledge
  • - Deny detective's restrained person detaining one
  • - Deny climate's changing, ignoring note introduced by investigator
  • - Deny Mica's lid broken
  • - Refuse to acknowledge album left on train
  • - Reject record hit penning single
  • - Deny record's flawed acoustically
  • - Deny responsibility
  • - Refuse to acknowledge
  • - Renounce.
  • - Repudiate
  • - Deny
  • - deny democrat is right
  • - Refuse to acknowledge responsibility
  • - Defendant's "guilty" or "not guilty" statement
  • - Cop a...... (compromise in court)
  • - Cop a ...... (make a deal with the prosecutor)
  • - An excuse
  • - Allegation, in law.
  • - A prisoner may enter one
  • - "Spare me" or "not guilty"
  • - "Put me in, coach!," e.g.
  • - "Guilty" or "innocent," e.g.
  • - ......-bargain (try to get a reduced sentence)
  • - ...... bargain (deal that can reduce a criminal defendant's sentence)
  • - ...... bargain (deal between a prosecutor and a defendant)
  • - Request for help
  • - Emotional appeal
  • - Something heard in court
  • - Answer, in court
  • - Answer to a judge
  • - Heartfelt request
  • - Urgent request
  • - "Guilty" or "not guilty"
  • - Excuse made by Tuck, endlessly?
  • - Humble request for help
  • - Maybe guilty in triple assault
  • - Often-urgent request
  • - Bombeck who wrote 'I Lost Everything in the Post-Natal Depression'
  • - "Not guilty" or "no contest"
  • - Submission in court
  • - Answer to a legal charge
  • - A judge hears one
  • - Emotional request
  • - Response in court
  • - Request for mercy?
  • - Self-defense, to a judge
  • - Desperate request
  • - Earnest request
  • - Lead-in to bargain or deal
  • - An appeal or entreaty
  • - Self-defense, in court
  • - Part of a legal bargain
  • - Request from Martin leaving Parliament
  • - Humble request
  • - 'Guilty' or 'no contest'
  • - Request sees enjoyment cut by half
  • - Guilty perhaps in multiple assaults
  • - Self-defense in court, for one
  • - Request from the desperate
  • - Judge's request
  • - Response to a charge
  • - Subject of a court bargain
  • - Ardent request
  • - It's entered in court
  • - Request
  • - Urgent call
  • - Make, afresh, a bit of an appeal
  • - ... bargain (deal struck by the prosecution and a defendant)
  • - Urgent entreaty, a ... for calm
  • - An answer to a charge
  • - ___ bargain (negotiated agreement in court)
  • - eastern european dropping round with a petition
  • - Response to a charge by an accused in court
  • - request for a bit of simple advice
  • - earnest request entertained by top leader
  • - Serious request
  • - a request made in an urgent or emotional manner
  • - Defendant's "not guilty" statement, for example
  • - Defendant's "not guilty," for example
  • - Defendant statement
  • - Cry for mercy, e.g.
  • - Courtroom answer
  • - Court sentence?
  • - Court petition
  • - Copped thing
  • - Common bargaining subject
  • - Casserole bit ["Guilty," e.g.]
  • - Bargaining focus
  • - Bargaining factor
  • - Arraignment response
  • - Arraignment part
  • - Arraignment follower
  • - Answer to the judge
  • - Answer of the accused
  • - Answer from the accused
  • - Advocatory statement
  • - Adjuration
  • - Accused's answer
  • - Accused person's answer
  • - Accused one's answer
  • - "Spare me!," for one
  • - "Save yourself!," e.g.
  • - "Save me!," e.g.
  • - "Remember the less fortunate," e.g.
  • - "Please let me go!" e.g.
  • - "Not guilty by reason of mental defect," e.g.
  • - "Nooooo don't make me go to bed, come ONNNNN Mooooooommmmmmmm," e.g.
  • - "Nolo," for instance
  • - "Nolo," e.g.
  • - "No more!," e.g.
  • - "Necessity, the tyrant's ......"
  • - "Listen!," e.g.
  • - "Help!," e.g.
  • - "Go easy on me," for one
  • - "Don't shoot!," e.g.
  • - "Don't hurt me!" is one
  • - "Don't hurt me!" e.g.
  • - "Don't go!," e.g.
  • - "Can I? Huh?" for one
  • - "Absolutely not guilty!" e.g.
  • - ......-bargain (try to reduce one's sentence)
  • - ...... bargaining (courtroom activity)
  • - ...... bargain (court deal)
  • - Courtroom response
  • - It may be copped
  • - S O S, e.g.
  • - Court word
  • - Guilty, for example
  • - Legal item.
  • - Court stance
  • - Court submission
  • - Exhortation
  • - Solicitation
  • - Court position
  • - Earnest appeal
  • - Cry for help
  • - Legal action
  • - Legal move
  • - Legal excuse
  • - Supplication
  • - Orison
  • - Entreaty
  • - "Not guilty," for one
  • - "Not guilty," for example
  • - Court declaration
  • - "Have mercy," for one
  • - 'Help me,' e.g
  • - Defense statement
  • - Desperate appeal
  • - Courtroom statement
  • - "Guilty," e.g
  • - Self-defense, for one
  • - Heartfelt appeal
  • - 'Don't leave me this way,' for one
  • - SOS, e.g
  • - Court bargaining chip
  • - Result of bargaining
  • - 'Nolo contendere,' e.g
  • - Arraignment statement
  • - Courtroom claim
  • - Kind of bargain
  • - Nolo contendere, for one
  • - Temporary insanity, e.g
  • - Fund-raising letter, e.g
  • - Guilty perhaps some disciple admits
  • - Innocent, for one
  • - 'Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope,' e.g
  • - No contest, for one
  • - One may be copped
  • - Type of bargain
  • - Court claim
  • - Excuse source of gratification when half-cut
  • - Something to cop
  • - Begging word
  • - Entered response
  • - Claim place on middle of seat
  • - Defendant's answer
  • - Call for leniency, say
  • - Outcome of bargaining, perhaps
  • - "Spare me!" e.g
  • - S O S, basically
  • - Statement of desperation
  • - "Help me!" for one
  • - Court statement
  • - Court proposition
  • - Courtroom entry
  • - "Have mercy!" e.g
  • - Tot's "Can I?"
  • - 'Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi,' e.g
  • - Pretext
  • - 'Not guilty,' e.g
  • - Petition
  • - Excuse
  • - Earnest entreaty
  • - .... appeal
  • - Bargaining ......
  • - Help, for example
  • - Innocent, e.g
  • - Tofu source
  • - Desperate cry
  • - Call for help
  • - Argument
  • - Reason
  • - Court proceeding
  • - Court event
  • - Court action
  • - Court activity
  • - Skirt feature
  • - Bargain
  • - Defense
  • - Prayer
  • - Tell it to the judge
  • - leap around making appeal
  • - No contest for example
  • - "Not guilty" for some
  • - Earnestly asks for fresh sperm oil
  • - Prays for earnestly
  • - Begs, as for mercy
  • - Begs
  • - what the beggar does could be simple or involved
  • - entreats the little devils to accept the traditional learning
  • - entreats the little devil to take on various acting parts
  • - Earnestly entreats
  • - Says "please" and then some
  • - More than just asks
  • - Beseeches
  • - Entreats
  • - Is a solicitor learning to stop troublemakers?
  • - Pleads
  • - a feature of the victorian room above the gas-fitting, we hear
  • - plain-clothes crew near the spanish structure above fireplace
  • - Employ too many workers initially to erect large shelf