➠ Words with o

List contains 176857 Words that "o" contain.

  • - wear with time
  • - wear down, before getting too much
  • - Wear what the chap did on 'is 'orse
  • - Gradually wear away, like soil near a river
  • - Before going out to do wrong, be destructive
  • - Wear away slowly but surely
  • - Wear down some huge rodents
  • - grind down royal verse
  • - Gradually wear away, like soil
  • - Wear away, as due to wind
  • - Wear away, like some river banks
  • - wear down queen with poem
  • - Grind away before sealing arrangement with bank
  • - wear away by writing poetry after hesitation
  • - Wear away slowly, like rocks
  • - Wear away by natural agents, as soil
  • - Wear away slowly from wind and water
  • - Gradually wear away, as soil
  • - Wear down bit by bit
  • - Wear away, like soil
  • - Wear away, as a beach
  • - Wear down, as confidence
  • - Wear away, as soil
  • - Slowly wear away
  • - Wear through weathering
  • - Wear away, as rock
  • - Wear away, as earth
  • - Break down over time
  • - Become worn down
  • - Wear slowly
  • - Wear in bad weather?
  • - Wear away, as popularity
  • - Wear away due to the tides
  • - Become ground down
  • - Destroy by weathering
  • - Start to crumble? Not entirely 'zero defects'
  • - I hesitate to say some poetic lines are wearing
  • - Weather lady who rules lines
  • - being upset about sonnet, perhaps will eat away at them
  • - Chip away over time
  • - There's nothing in wild deer to have a bad effect
  • - Gradually crumble away
  • - Be gradually worn away
  • - gradually destroy poem with hesitation at first
  • - Weather away, as soil
  • - undermine, as support
  • - Some idle rodents lose ground
  • - slowly disappear, as a coastline
  • - destroy piecemeal
  • - Grind away in bar in central Greece
  • - Some fierce rodents grind away
  • - Wash away, as a coastline
  • - seriously weaken
  • - Wash away, like soil
  • - eat way
  • - Get washed away, like soil
  • - Gradually get through drugs found on both sides of bar
  • - chip away at poem praising long-running medical drama?
  • - eat away part of the rod, evidently
  • - Displace over time, as topsoil
  • - eat away like some active rodent
  • - Wash away gradually like soil
  • - Eat dirt
  • - Become weatherworn
  • - Destroy by degrees
  • - Give way to wind and water
  • - Disintegrate slowly
  • - Cause to deteriorate
  • - Lose support
  • - Destroy over time
  • - Destroy bit by bit
  • - Shorelines do it
  • - Wash away, as soil
  • - Subject to planation
  • - Slowly reduce, as a cliff face
  • - Subject to ablation
  • - Slowly destroy
  • - Gradually deteriorate
  • - Fall off, as support
  • - Crumble over time
  • - Chip away at, as confidence
  • - Chip away
  • - Weather away
  • - Wash away slowly
  • - Undo by degrees
  • - Undermine, as confidence
  • - Trade center in India
  • - Slowly disintegrate
  • - Slip away, as support
  • - Gradually destroy, as shoreline
  • - Fall off, as popularity
  • - Deplete gradually
  • - Decrease, as support
  • - Decrease, as confidence
  • - Vanish over time
  • - Shrink in increments
  • - Lose underpinnings
  • - Lose at the bank?
  • - Go from rock to dust
  • - Eat away at the beach?
  • - Decay by degrees
  • - Crumble, as support
  • - Chip away, as support
  • - Become eaten away
  • - Weather, in a way
  • - Weather gradually
  • - Wash away gradually
  • - Wane, as support
  • - Succumb to wind and water
  • - Slowly reduce, as a cliff
  • - Shrink slowly
  • - Show signs of weakening
  • - Reduce by degrees
  • - Reduce bit by bit
  • - Opposite of strengthen
  • - Make smaller, in a way
  • - Lose underpinnings, e.g.
  • - Gradually chip away
  • - Go from there to barely there
  • - Form a gully
  • - Eat away gradually
  • - Eat away at the bank?
  • - Disassemble naturally
  • - Disappear slowly, in a way
  • - Disappear slowly but surely
  • - Diminish, in a way
  • - Diminish, as support
  • - Diminish bit by bit
  • - Deteriorate over time
  • - Degrade gradually
  • - Crumble into the sea, as shoreline
  • - Create chasms
  • - Cause to gradually vanish
  • - Cause decay
  • - Carve a canyon
  • - Conspicuous weathering
  • - Stagger like a fish eater after finishing breakfast
  • - move slowly like an adder?
  • - summer walk of the very old
  • - What two-year-olds do
  • - Walking in an unsteady manner
  • - Walk like a tosspot
  • - Walk like a two-year-old
  • - Stagger
  • - Stagger like an old junk man?
  • - wobbly step counter?
  • - first of tutors, fish-eater, with unsteady gait
  • - those up in the turret totally feel it sway as if about to fall
  • - Are not on a secure footing, he adds
  • - Team leader getting animal to walk unsteadily
  • - to race with hesitation, or to move slowly
  • - go reeling
  • - Walk shakily from the counter
  • - Be unsteady on one's feet
  • - Be shaky on one's feet
  • - Walk with a cane, say
  • - Threaten collapse
  • - Sway, as if about to fall
  • - Sway as if to fall
  • - Seem about to fall
  • - Dodder
  • - Display unsteadiness
  • - Barely walk
  • - Approach collapse
  • - Actress Audrey
  • - Be unstable
  • - Go this way and that
  • - Wobble
  • - Sway unsteadily
  • - Be unsteady
  • - Threaten to fall
  • - Walk shakily
  • - Move unsteadily
  • - Reel
  • - Wobble while walking
  • - Stumble along Dodder
  • - Rock adder
  • - Walk unsteadily
  • - Sway
  • - Stumble
  • - Oscillate
  • - Rock.
  • - adder to make unsteady progress
  • - Lurch
  • - baby has the hollow right to wobble
  • - temp's money fell, working in this?
  • - flag hotel displayed with swallow, badger and another animal
  • - Fabric produced by girl briefly engaged by company
  • - Having spotted colors
  • - It may be spotted in a pet store
  • - Blotched animal
  • - Particolored animal
  • - Spotted, like a cat
  • - Spotted, like some cats
  • - Spotted like certain cats
  • - Spotted cat
  • - Spotted
  • - Spotted animal can briefly turn docile after scratching flanks
  • - material used in musical i conducted
  • - Fabric firm supports turnover of 100,000 in India
  • - Almost call one company for a stout cotton cloth
  • - Leading couples in casual, light cotton fabric
  • - Bill comes up with a new coil of fabric
  • - Cotton cloth: company importing a line, I see
  • - Material I found in local outlet?
  • - cat with a three-color coat
  • - patchy cat
  • - Unbleached cotton
  • - Plain cloth covered in mystical icons
  • - Chic Ali could use some unbleached cotton
  • - Revolutionary resin — one firm makes this material
  • - Tricolor kitty
  • - Material from West Coast state taken by one company
  • - ... Cooper, daughter of rock icon Alice Cooper
  • - Material about coil wound
  • - colourful cat
  • - Coarse printed cotton cloth
  • - Strong cloth
  • - Type of cotton fabric
  • - material is somewhat topical i conclude
  • - White cloth girl almost in business
  • - Patchwork cat
  • - White cotton fabric
  • - Plain cotton cloth
  • - Multi-hued cat
  • - Blotchy critter
  • - Colorful fabric
  • - Kind of cotton cloth.
  • - Cat with a mottled coat
  • - Printed cotton fabric
  • - Multicolored cat
  • - A coarse cloth
  • - Rarely male cat
  • - Multicolored, as a cat
  • - Boxer about to get into company making cloth
  • - Multihued cat
  • - Chocolatier dismisses other whitish type of material
  • - Mottled mouser
  • - Material about love chaplain oddly suppresses
  • - Type of cotton cloth
  • - A plain cotton cloth
  • - Like some cats or beans
  • - Blotched prowler
  • - Three-color housecat
  • - Cat of many colors
  • - Colorful house cat
  • - Coarse cloth with a bright print
  • - White cotton
  • - Parti-colored puss
  • - State business importing India's cotton fabric
  • - Quilt cloth
  • - "The Gingham Dog and the ...... Cat"
  • - Colorful cat
  • - This cloth hat with stitching might become a Catholic
  • - Unbleached cotton cloth
  • - Charlie and Alice finish off order for a simple fabric
  • - All library's items covered originally in firm cloth
  • - Covers cheese for the greatest first course in Colorado
  • - Prairie textile
  • - Piebald, as a puss
  • - One with a coat of many colors
  • - Tricolor cat
  • - Patterned cotton cloth
  • - Mottled meower
  • - Mottled feline
  • - Black, yellow and white, say
  • - Mottled cat
  • - Tortoise-shell cat
  • - Mottled, in catdom
  • - Kind of cat or bass
  • - Colorful cloth
  • - Cat type
  • - Feline fem
  • - Colorful kitty
  • - Piebald puss
  • - Printed cloth
  • - Parti-colored cat
  • - Catty fabric?
  • - A Gal in ......
  • - Pied
  • - Particolored feline
  • - Black, yellow and white
  • - Like Eugene Field's cat
  • - Printed cotton
  • - Piebald horse
  • - Eugene Field's cat
  • - Fabric for "School Days" queen
  • - Cotton print.
  • - Name for a piebald pony.
  • - Stylish garb in "School Days."
  • - Kind of kitty
  • - Color similar to tortoiseshell
  • - Coarse cotton cloth
  • - Dress material
  • - Cotton fabric
  • - Fabric
  • - Material
  • - Mottled
  • - Multicolored
  • - Like some cats
  • - Kind of cat?
  • - Cotton cloth
  • - From West Coast state, one firm supplying cloth
  • - bill comes back with a new coil of fabric
  • - Merrymaking item
  • - old-time dance centre
  • - Can chap from Gdansk dance around this?
  • - Centre for rustic dancing
  • - Permissive foreigner at the dance centre?
  • - Might E European dance around this?
  • - Tall column that people dance around in the spring
  • - Ribbon-strewn staff
  • - Garlanded column
  • - Ex PM and European dance round this
  • - Broadcast vote on PM that's at the centre of celebration?
  • - Spring dance prop
  • - Lay poem (anag.)
  • - Danced-around post
  • - PM in front of bar, focal point for dancers
  • - Centre of a dance revolution?
  • - PM announced vote -- there was a song and dance about it in spring
  • - Gosh — grabbing a European, one danced round
  • - Feature of seasonal dance, mum meeting unknown European
  • - Beribboned staff
  • - Vertical symbol of spring
  • - Centre of ribbon dance
  • - Springtime stick with streamers
  • - 5/1 fixture
  • - Seasonal dancing center?
  • - Center of some dances
  • - Spring fest need
  • - Streamer-decorated post
  • - Something to dance around
  • - What some celebrations are centered around
  • - Spring fest site
  • - Spring dance focus
  • - Spring post?
  • - Springtime celebration need
  • - Springtime dance site
  • - Central fixture for a spring dance
  • - Dance center of a sort
  • - Thing to dance around
  • - Prop for a spring dance
  • - Spring symbol
  • - Gear for a spring event
  • - Spring prop
  • - Spring festival gear.
  • - Inn in "Barnaby Rudge."
  • - Symbol of spring
  • - Might go over European column
  • - 'pound' shown by marrow one admired
  • - Military areas
  • - Battle areas
  • - Parts of a circle.
  • - Zones of military action.
  • - Areas
  • - origin of costs in varied stores in distinct areas
  • - Military subdivisions
  • - Military zones
  • - Town quarters.
  • - Regions
  • - Zones
  • - Circle parts
  • - Quarters
  • - Divisions
  • - Districts