➠ Words with o

List contains 176857 Words that "o" contain.

  • - Where the cities Eugene and Beaverton are: Abbr.
  • - What's found in mines and many crossword grids
  • - What to take the lead from
  • - What some seams are made of
  • - What redstone is in the game "Minecraft"
  • - What one of the hypocycloids in the Pittsburgh Steelers' logo represents
  • - What might be grabbed in a rush
  • - What is 1/100 of a Danish krone?
  • - What can be mined in "South Korea"?
  • - Vein of value
  • - Valuable substance found in rocks
  • - Valuable stuff in a vein
  • - Valuable stuff in a pocket
  • - Valuable stuff in a mine
  • - Valuable stuff in a lode
  • - Valuable find in the ground
  • - Valuable find in rock
  • - Unrefined metal in a rock
  • - Unrefined metal found in rocks
  • - Thing of miner concern?
  • - The gold in them thar hills, say
  • - The Douglas fir is its state tree: Abbr.
  • - The Decemberists' home state, for short
  • - The Columbia R. forms part of its border
  • - The Columbia R. forms much of its northern border
  • - Target of a strip search?
  • - Substance in a vein
  • - Subject of testing
  • - Stuff worth something in a mine
  • - Stuff picked out of a mine
  • - Stuff picked out in mines
  • - Stuff of mine?
  • - Stuff in the crust
  • - Stuff in seams
  • - Stuff in deposits
  • - Stuff in a vein
  • - Stuff in a bank
  • - State where the Portland Trail Blazers play: Abbr.
  • - State where the Portland Trail Blazers are based: Abbr.
  • - State where the Fred Armisen's "Portlandia" is set: Abbr.
  • - State that's north of California and Nevada: Abbr.
  • - State that borders the Pacific Ocean: Abbr.
  • - State that borders Idaho to the west: Abbr.
  • - State s. of Washington
  • - State in the Pacific Northwest: Abbr.
  • - State directly south of Washington: Abbr.
  • - St. plagued by wildfires in 2017
  • - South of Wash.
  • - Source of scandium
  • - Source of nickel
  • - Source of minerals
  • - Source of many metals
  • - Source of lead
  • - Source of iron, e.g.
  • - Source of inedible iron
  • - Something in that vein?
  • - Something found in veins
  • - Something found in a rush
  • - Some search for it in vein
  • - Small change in Denmark
  • - Settlers of Catan mineral
  • - Setting of Pacific U.
  • - Setting of Crater L.
  • - School of mines topic
  • - Runaway ...... Cart (former roller coaster in Branson, Missouri)
  • - Rocky find in a mine
  • - Rock that's of interest to miners
  • - Rock that's a source of metal
  • - Rock often found in crosswords
  • - Rock often ending in -ite
  • - Rock of ages
  • - Rock in mines
  • - Rock in a shaft
  • - Rock in a seam
  • - Result of a vein search?
  • - Resource-rich material
  • - Resource needed to build cities in Settlers of Catan
  • - Resource in the game Settlers of Catan
  • - Resource in the board game The Settlers of Catan
  • - Raw metal found in rocks
  • - Raw material in a mine
  • - Raw material found in mines
  • - Raw material found in a mine
  • - Potential resource on an asteroid
  • - Pickax-wielder's resource
  • - Parts of a krona
  • - Part of a rocky deposit
  • - One of Earth's treasures
  • - Object of stoping
  • - Nickel in a pocket, say?
  • - Nickel in a pocket, perhaps?
  • - Mountain resource
  • - Money in Denmark or Sweden
  • - Mineral resource in the video game Minecraft
  • - Mineral in a wall, perhaps
  • - Mineral in a mine car
  • - Minecraft resource
  • - Middle state on the West Coast: Abbr.
  • - Withdrawal from a deposit
  • - Willemite or wolframite
  • - Willamette Valley state: Abbr.
  • - Where Portland is: Abbr.
  • - Where Portland and Eugene are: Abbr.
  • - Where Everclear is from, for short
  • - What's processed to make metal
  • - What's mined to keep?
  • - What you may mine
  • - What miners try to find
  • - What miners might strike
  • - What may hold gold
  • - What may be under a mountaintop
  • - What iron may be extracted from
  • - What assay offices examine
  • - What an open car might hold
  • - What a seam may hold
  • - What a picker may pick
  • - What a gold digger is looking for
  • - W. state whose largest city is named for a New England city
  • - Vermilion Range product
  • - Vein treasure
  • - Vein output
  • - Vein item
  • - Vein hope
  • - Vein deposit
  • - Vein contents, perhaps
  • - Valuable vein contents
  • - Valuable thing down and dirty
  • - Valuable stuff that gets dug from mines
  • - Valuable stuff from down under
  • - Valuable rocks found underground
  • - Valuable rock find
  • - Valuable picks?
  • - Valuable mined material
  • - Valuable mine material
  • - Valuable mine deposit
  • - Valuable metal-bearing rock
  • - Valuable material that needs refining
  • - Valuable material extracted from a mine
  • - Valuable diggings
  • - Uranium source, e.g.
  • - Unrefined metal from rocks
  • - Unpurified metal
  • - Unprocessed rock
  • - Unprocessed mineral
  • - Unprocessed mine rock
  • - Unprocessed metal
  • - Undergrounddiscovery
  • - Underground-railroad cargo
  • - Underground wealth
  • - Underground stuff
  • - Underground metal?
  • - Underground material
  • - Underground discovery
  • - Underground collection
  • - Underground bands
  • - Underground asset
  • - Tram's haul
  • - Tram-car contents
  • - Tram rock
  • - Tram cargo, perhaps
  • - Tram car filler
  • - Tram car cargo, frequently
  • - Trail terminus: Abbr.
  • - Trail Blazers' home state: Abbr.
  • - Titanium dioxide, to titanium
  • - Tinstone or bauxite
  • - Tin container, perhaps
  • - This really smelts!
  • - Tantalite, e.g.
  • - Taconite, to iron
  • - Taconite or pitchblende
  • - Swedish cents
  • - Sudbury Basin export
  • - Substance for smelting
  • - Stuff to refine
  • - Stuff to dig up
  • - Stuff to be smelted
  • - Stuff that's mined and refined
  • - Stuff that may hold gold
  • - Stuff that gets smelted
  • - Stuff that gets refined into metal
  • - Stuff picked from a mine
  • - Stuff from veins
  • - Strip mine yield
  • - Strike with a pickax?
  • - Strike discovery
  • - Stibnite, for one
  • - Steel-furnace input
  • - State whose largest city is Portland: Abbr.
  • - State where you could find Eugene and Beaverton: Abbr.
  • - State where Mount Hood is located: Abbr.
  • - State where "Portlandia" is set: Abbr.
  • - State where "Portlandia" is filmed: Abbr.
  • - State where "Portlandia" and "Grimm" are set: Abbr.
  • - State where "Grimm" and "Portlandia" are set: Abbr.
  • - State that's home to Nike H.Q.
  • - State that's home to Mount Hood: Abbr.
  • - State that borders Nevada and California: Abbr.
  • - State next to Ida.
  • - State between Washington and California: Abbr.
  • - Stamp mill stuff
  • - Stamp mill material
  • - Sphalerite, to zinc
  • - Sphalerite, e.g.
  • - Sphalerite is one
  • - Special rock
  • - Soo Canal's cargo
  • - Something to slag
  • - Something to pick out
  • - Something that may be amalgamated
  • - Something picked at with a pickax
  • - Some slurry stuff
  • - Some Scandinavian coins
  • - Some hard rock
  • - Some freight cargo
  • - Some can dig it
  • - Some bucket conveyor material
  • - Smithsonite or pentlandite, e.g.
  • - Smelting need
  • - Smelting input
  • - Smeltery's raw material
  • - Smeltery rock
  • - Smeltery pile
  • - Smeltery grist
  • - Smelter's material
  • - Smelter stock
  • - Smelter food
  • - Slag source
  • - Slag base
  • - Silver or iron, e.g.
  • - Silver container
  • - Siderite or mispickel
  • - Shipment to a refinery
  • - Shipment from Duluth
  • - Shaft lining
  • - Shaft discovery
  • - Sen. Morse's state: Abbr.
  • - Seamy material?
  • - Seam-y stuff?
  • - Seam valuable
  • - Seam makeup
  • - Seam find
  • - Seam discovery
  • - Scandinavian currency
  • - Rush participant's prize
  • - Rush igniter
  • - Rush goal
  • - Rocky subject?
  • - Rocky riches
  • - Rocky metal
  • - Rocks sent to a refinery
  • - Rocks for a refinery
  • - Rock-solid asset?
  • - Rock-band discovery
  • - Rock you might dig
  • - Rock worth money
  • - Rock worth mining
  • - Rock worth bucks
  • - Rock with value
  • - Rock with valuable nuggets
  • - Rock with promise
  • - Rock with gold or silver, say
  • - Rock to be refined
  • - Rock that's extracted from a mine
  • - Rock that's an asset
  • - Rock that some people dig
  • - Rock that needs refinement
  • - Rock that may yield revenue
  • - Rock that may contain iron
  • - Rock such as magnetite
  • - Rock such as hematite
  • - Rock sought by miners
  • - Rock salt, e.g.
  • - Rock salt is one
  • - Rock obtained from a mine
  • - Rock mined by miners
  • - Rock hound's find, perhaps
  • - Rock from which metals might be extracted
  • - Rock from which metal is obtained
  • - Rock for refining
  • - Rock extracted from mines
  • - Rock enjoyed by metal fans?
  • - Rock containing metal
  • - Rock bands, possibly?
  • - Riches from ditches
  • - Reward for those who mine their business?
  • - Return on a deposit?
  • - Refinery shipment
  • - Refinery rock
  • - Refinery intake
  • - Really good rock
  • - Raw mining product
  • - Raw mine material
  • - Raw metallic substance
  • - Raw material from an iron mine
  • - Pyromorphite, e.g.
  • - Pyrometallurgists treat it
  • - Pyrites, e.g.
  • - Pyrite or mispickel
  • - PST st.
  • - Prospectors might find it
  • - Prospector's yield
  • - Prospector's target
  • - Prospector's prospect
  • - Prospecting discovery
  • - Prill or stibnite
  • - Prill or pyrite
  • - Prill or bauxite
  • - Prill is one
  • - Precious mineral source
  • - Precious metal source
  • - Potentially valuable material from underground
  • - Potential pay dirt
  • - Portland's st. [avxwords.com now has archived bundles - just $8/year]
  • - Pocket material
  • - Pitchblende or wulfenite
  • - Pickax picking
  • - Penny : pound :: ...... : krone
  • - Paydirt yield
  • - Pay dirt for a miner
  • - Pay dirt contents
  • - Panner's quest
  • - Paco, e.g.
  • - Pacific st.
  • - Pacific Northwest state that borders California: Abbr.
  • - Old Swedish coins
  • - Nugget source
  • - Nothing could be finer to a miner
  • - Norwegian wherewithal
  • - No ordinary rock
  • - Nickel source, e.g.
  • - Nice rock to pick?
  • - Natural product
  • - Natural metal
  • - Natural aggregation
  • - Mt. Hood's home
  • - Mt. Hood setting
  • - Mt. Hood locale
  • - Mt. Bachelor's home
  • - Mountain treasure
  • - Motherlode yield
  • - Mother lode yield
  • - Mother lode material
  • - Mother lode load
  • - Molybdenite, for molybdenum
  • - Mispickel or pyrite
  • - Mispickel or ocher
  • - Mispickel or cinnabar, e.g.
  • - Mispickel or bauxite
  • - Mispickel is one
  • - Minnesota shipment
  • - Mining yield
  • - Mining matter
  • - Miners' strike
  • - Miners' gathering
  • - Miners pick it out
  • - Miners dig this
  • - Mineral-packed rock
  • - Mineral that yields metal
  • - Mineral sought by miners
  • - Mineral rock
  • - Mineral quest
  • - Mineral mined for its metal
  • - Mineral for a miner
  • - Mineral dug from a mine
  • - Mineral containing valuable metal
  • - Miner's yield
  • - Miner's valuable discovery
  • - Miner's score
  • - Miner's reward
  • - Miner's raw metal
  • - Miner's profit
  • - Miner's product
  • - Miner's metal
  • - Miner's material
  • - Miner's extraction
  • - Miner's discovery, perhaps
  • - Mined item
  • - Mined content
  • - Mined asset
  • - Mine-car mineral
  • - Mine-car load
  • - Mine-car contents
  • - Mine stuff that's good to find
  • - Mine score
  • - Mine sample.
  • - Mine removal
  • - Mine haul
  • - Mine finding
  • - Mine cartload
  • - Mine cart filler
  • - Mine cart fill
  • - Mine car filler
  • - Mine car cargo
  • - Millerite, e.g.
  • - Mill shipment
  • - Metals source
  • - Metallurgy sample
  • - Metallurgist's stuff
  • - Metallurgist's specimen