➠ Words with r

List contains 182972 Words that "r" contain.

  • - Environmentally ... (conscious of the planet)
  • - Informed or conscious
  • - conscious of a battle to the east
  • - Conscious of a conflict ending in peace
  • - Conscious of the facts
  • - Cognisant, conscious
  • - Self-... (conscious of one's character)
  • - conscious of fighting between anglican and episcopalian heads
  • - Conscious of a revolutionary green European
  • - Conscious of war between the capitals of Albania and Estonia
  • - Synonym for cognizant or conscious
  • - Conscious of fighting within hospital department
  • - Conscious of a town in Herts
  • - Conscious of something
  • - Conscious (of)
  • - Conscious conflict in A&E
  • - Conscious of a revolutionary green source of energy
  • - Acquainted with or conscious of
  • - Conscious a conflict leads to peace, ultimately
  • - Conscious of major trouble in accident and emergency
  • - Conscious of fighting in Accident and Emergency
  • - Conscious of a major fight to get central agreement
  • - Conscious respect surrounding rising artist
  • - Conscious
  • - informed, conscious
  • - Self-... (knows oneself well, say)
  • - cognisant of a hertfordshire town
  • - Alert for inhabitants of Warsaw area
  • - Well ... (in the know how)
  • - Listening and with eyes wide open
  • - having knowledge of a sport, say
  • - Informed about a conflict beginning to escalate
  • - Informed in a note about conflict
  • - Well-... (far from clueless)
  • - mindful to get away in scotland again
  • - ... of (in the know about)
  • - informed, "a queen's in fear"
  • - knowing what's going on
  • - Self-... (mindful of one's own self)
  • - Fully cognizant
  • - Self-... (mindful of one's own needs)
  • - Knowing a place in Herts
  • - Being in the know
  • - Was informed (similar to 18a)
  • - Alert, mindful of
  • - Turned in to On the Ball
  • - knowing there's a conflict with the east
  • - knowledgable
  • - A revolutionary green energy that's switched-on
  • - knowing there's a fight to get a point
  • - 'I'm well ... of that'
  • - Knowing a Hertfordshire town
  • - Be knowledgeable about
  • - Self-... (understanding how you come across to others)
  • - Knowing of
  • - "Not that I'm ...... of"
  • - Apprised
  • - Tuned in to
  • - On top of it
  • - Not spaced-out
  • - Not blind
  • - Having savvy
  • - Witting
  • - Sensing
  • - Salvador's 8th album
  • - Regardful
  • - Posted, so to speak
  • - Popular record company/compilation
  • - Plugged in, so to speak
  • - Onto, with "of"
  • - Not uncognizant
  • - Not taken by surprise
  • - Label that seeks unknowns
  • - John Brown's Body "So ......"
  • - Hip to, with "of"
  • - Cognisant (of)
  • - Appraised (of)
  • - "I'm ...... of the situation" ("I know what's going on")
  • - "Believe me, I'm well ......!" ("Oh, I know!")
  • - ...... of (knowing about)
  • - Omniscient
  • - Fully up-to-date
  • - ...... onto
  • - Not ignorant of
  • - Alerted (to).
  • - Bearing in mind
  • - Self
  • - On (to)
  • - Well-informed
  • - Not oblivious
  • - Far from clueless
  • - Cognisant, mindful
  • - Not in the dark
  • - Mindful
  • - Up on the latest info
  • - Cognizant
  • - Having knowledge of
  • - In the loop
  • - Clued in
  • - In the loop, so to speak
  • - Mono no ......, Japanese term for a gentle sadness at life's impermanence
  • - Tuned in to On The Ball
  • - Sentient
  • - Informed A&E about fighting
  • - Not out of it
  • - "I'm well ......"
  • - Knowing in Bosnia war ended
  • - Hardly in the dark
  • - Far from oblivious
  • - Alive to hostilities in A&E
  • - Seeing it all
  • - Looped in
  • - Now enlightened
  • - Knowing of a fight prior to start of election
  • - Up on things
  • - Knowing
  • - No stranger to most of the hospital unit in accident and emergency
  • - Far from unwitting
  • - On top of the facts
  • - Clued up in law arena
  • - On the ball in law area
  • - Already enlightened
  • - Cognisant
  • - Knowing there's a conflict over recreational drug
  • - Self-....: personally mindful
  • - Up on stuff
  • - Observant
  • - Acquainted with or mindful of
  • - With eyes darting
  • - Enlightened
  • - Opposite of "in the dark"
  • - Not clueless
  • - Forewarned
  • - Au fait to wear a dress
  • - A battle with leader in Europe? That's wise
  • - Plugged in
  • - Well-apprised
  • - Academy newbie
  • - Not duped
  • - Knowing a monarch should be held in high regard?
  • - Hip, so to speak
  • - Opposite of "oblivious"
  • - Fully informed
  • - Briefed
  • - Not ignorant
  • - Knowing (of something)
  • - Not uninformed
  • - Not in a fog
  • - Cognizant of one's surroundings
  • - "In the know" managers
  • - Salvador song about being keen?
  • - (hed) p.e. "Self ......"
  • - Up on, with "of"
  • - With it, in a sense
  • - On one's toes
  • - "... alert!"
  • - On the qui vive
  • - With it
  • - Tuned in
  • - Informed
  • - In the know
  • - On the ball
  • - Watchful
  • - Attentive
  • - Vigilant
  • - Paying attention
  • - With eyes wide open
  • - On top of things
  • - Hardly oblivious
  • - Open-eyed
  • - Sophisticated
  • - Up-to-date
  • - Hip
  • - Au courant.
  • - Apprised of
  • - Wise to
  • - Cognizant of
  • - Informed of
  • - Knowing about
  • - Mindful of
  • - Knowledgeable
  • - See 27-Down
  • - ....-savvy
  • - Be in the know, say
  • - Knowledgeable or informed
  • - Informed about current events
  • - "Be bear ..." [rhyming advice for hikers]
  • - not oblivious to a conflict before the end of the debate
  • - Mindful Braveheart merch?
  • - Mock, laugh at
  • - Scoffs at outer directions
  • - Scoff, mock
  • - mock the heartless court funny man
  • - Mock Juliet about English being upwardly mobile?
  • - .... at; heckle
  • - Mock, ridicule
  • - Shout rude comments at
  • - .... at; deride
  • - Scoff or laugh at something
  • - Shout tauntingly at
  • - Mock publicly
  • - Scoffing laugh
  • - Shout scornfully at
  • - Scoff, deride, mock
  • - Boo at
  • - Hoot at
  • - Hiss at
  • - Heckle or mock
  • - Laugh at derisively
  • - Heckle from the bleachers
  • - Boo, scoff
  • - For Louis I, I'm not sure this shows contempt
  • - Scornful shout
  • - For Henri I, queen makes taunt
  • - Rude taunt
  • - Cheer's rhyming opposite
  • - Derision from a heartless jester
  • - Boo when lord ditches Penny for Juliet
  • - A derisive shout or taunt
  • - Heckle or boo
  • - Bit of sarcasm, maybe
  • - Taunt from the stadium crowd
  • - remark from a heckler
  • - Shout derisively
  • - TV Guide pan
  • - Laugh at with derision
  • - Gibe, taunt
  • - Disrespectful noise from the crowd
  • - Be hard on the home team
  • - Shout of ridicule
  • - Loudly taunt
  • - Heckler's shout
  • - Shout scornfully
  • - Loud, mocking call
  • - Loudly razz
  • - Boobird's output
  • - Fool to throw out stone and taunt
  • - Be a heckler
  • - Express derision
  • - Heckler's input
  • - Give a razzing to
  • - Taunt from the bleachers
  • - Spectator's bit of disapproval
  • - In France I hesitate to show contempt by derision
  • - Boo and hiss
  • - Foul call
  • - Sound of bleachers discontent
  • - Give a raspberry to
  • - In France I will precede the Queen, generating ridicule
  • - 'Are you blind, ump?,' e.g
  • - Heckler's remark
  • - Give a raspberry
  • - Rudely mocking remark
  • - Stand-up dread
  • - Judge always getting shout of disapproval
  • - Hiss and boo
  • - Show disapproval
  • - Rude gibe
  • - Not a cheer
  • - Bit of abuse from the stands
  • - Give the raspberry
  • - Big twit?
  • - Rude response
  • - Gibe rudely
  • - Raspberry relative
  • - Boo bird's call
  • - Greet the opposing team
  • - Deriding expression
  • - An inedible raspberry
  • - Critical crowd cry
  • - Scoff or boo
  • - Give a razzing
  • - Raspberry, e.g.
  • - Derisive gibe
  • - Bronx cheer, e.g.
  • - Make rude remarks
  • - Display derision toward
  • - Unsportsmanlike utterance
  • - Impolite shout
  • - Fan's disapproval
  • - Give a raspberry so to speak
  • - Put down derisively
  • - Derisive remark
  • - Voice disapproval
  • - Scorn
  • - Scoff
  • - Act the heckler
  • - Express scorn.
  • - Routine response?
  • - Express disdain
  • - Show scorn
  • - Unkind comment
  • - Show contempt
  • - Show disdain
  • - Rude remark
  • - Pooh-pooh
  • - Derisive shout
  • - Bit of heckling
  • - Bronx cheer
  • - Used leverage
  • - Got some leverage on
  • - Moved by leverage
  • - Moved with a lever.
  • - Peppered with nosy questions
  • - Was too curious about lions, say
  • - snooped in someone's diary
  • - Impertinently inquired
  • - Was too inquisitive
  • - Snooped about? Sounds like arrogance!
  • - Levered open and looked closely inside
  • - Made impertinent inquiries
  • - Asked nosy questions
  • - Used a crowbar
  • - Used a crowbar on
  • - Was meddlesome
  • - Poked one's nose where it didn't belong
  • - Asked too much
  • - Asked too much of someone?
  • - Was 60 Across
  • - What psychiatrist did, revealing pronounced self-importance
  • - Acted the snoop
  • - Got all snoopy
  • - Asked too many personal questions
  • - Used a lever on
  • - Asked a lot of questions, say
  • - Jimmied (open)
  • - Was too nosy
  • - Dug 'Satisfaction' reportedly
  • - Got too personal
  • - Forced with a crowbar
  • - Got too inquisitive
  • - Stuck one's nose where it didn't belong
  • - Had too many questions
  • - Dug for gossip
  • - Asked a lot?
  • - Acted the busybody
  • - Minded someone else's business
  • - Asked too many questions
  • - Asked a lot of questions
  • - Used a lever
  • - Forced (apart)
  • - Meddled
  • - Worked a crowbar
  • - Nosed about
  • - Was nosey
  • - Levered
  • - Forced open
  • - Worked loose
  • - Nosed into
  • - Looked inquisitively.
  • - Raised with a lever.
  • - Kept. Asking. More. And. More. Questions.
  • - Was a busybody
  • - Was nosy
  • - Stuck one's nose in
  • - Got nosy
  • - Minded other people's business.
  • - Was a snoop
  • - Was snoopy
  • - Snooped (about)
  • - Jimmied
  • - Showed curiosity
  • - Was curious
  • - Was inquisitive
  • - Nosed (around)
  • - Snooped (around)
  • - Looked closely
  • - ....-nosed
  • - Snooped
  • - got a bit too personal
  • - forced (open), as a pistachio
  • - Was nosy parker not content with English in papers?
  • - Agent for fusing metal
  • - Metal used for joining
  • - Metal cement
  • - Metal joiner
  • - Alloy used to join metals
  • - Alloy used to join surfaces.
  • - Alloy for uniting metal joints.
  • - Tin-lead alloy
  • - Alloy of lead and tin
  • - Lead-tin alloy
  • - Metal alloy
  • - Metallic alloy
  • - Fuse metal
  • - Fuse metals
  • - Make a hot connection
  • - Use a kind of gun
  • - Plumber's need
  • - Anything that unites.
  • - Weld
  • - Unite, in a way
  • - Fuse together
  • - Fuse, in a way
  • - Hold together
  • - Body shop supply
  • - Bond
  • - Fuse
  • - I leave a fighting man to form a union
  • - Pitcher who signed a $324 million contract with the Yankees in 2019: 2 wds.