➠ Words with r

List contains 182972 Words that "r" contain.

  • - Former cold-war antagonist
  • - Foe in a four-plus-decade "war"
  • - Communist nation that opposed the US during the Cold War: Abbr.
  • - Cold War-era map abbr.
  • - Cold War rival: Abbr.
  • - Cold War power, briefly
  • - Cold War opponent: Abbr.
  • - Cold war foe, for short
  • - Cold War faction (Abbr.)
  • - Cold War empire, briefly
  • - Bloc that included modern Moldova
  • - Bloc that dissolved in 1991
  • - Bloc established officially in Moscow in 1922
  • - America's Cold War foe, for short
  • - Cold War country, briefly
  • - Cold war bloc?
  • - Cold war foe
  • - Cold War adversary
  • - Cold War concern
  • - Cold War abbr.
  • - Cold War country
  • - Cold War-era letters
  • - Cold War side
  • - Bloc letters until 1991
  • - Cold War nation: Abbr
  • - Cold War adversary: Abbr
  • - Cold War country: Abbr
  • - Cold War power: Abbr
  • - Estonia's former bloc, briefly
  • - Dissolved bloc (abbr.)
  • - Eastern Bloc letters until 1991
  • - Cold War initials
  • - Cold War inits
  • - Cold War letters
  • - Treaty signer with Ger. in 1939
  • - They sent Laika the dog into space in 1957
  • - The Olympics' 1980 host and 1984 boycotter
  • - The KGB's country
  • - The Cyrillic P in its name stood for "Respublik"
  • - Team that lost to the American hockey team in the "Miracle on Ice" at the 1980 Olympics: Abbr.
  • - TASS country
  • - Superpower's initials
  • - Superpower that splintered into multiple nations in the 1990s: Abbr.
  • - Superpower that left the map in the 1990s
  • - Superpower that dissolved in the 1990s
  • - Superpower of old
  • - Superpower no more
  • - Subj. of a 1991 breakup
  • - State that was the eventual result of the Russian Revolution: Abbr.
  • - State in Eurasia from 1922 to 1991
  • - State for which "Animal Farm" is an allegory
  • - Stalingrad's land, for short
  • - Stalin's land, in brief
  • - Stalin's fed.
  • - Stalin ruled it
  • - Sputnik's bpl.
  • - Sputnik launcher, briefly
  • - Space Race rival of the U.S.
  • - Space race competitor, for short
  • - Soviet states (1,1,1,1)
  • - Sov. Union
  • - Signer of the SALT agreements
  • - Setting of the first Tintin comic
  • - Setting of the 1983 film "Gorky Park"
  • - Setting of the 1942 book "Behind the Urals"
  • - Security Council mem.
  • - SALT superpower
  • - SALT I participant
  • - Russia's locale
  • - Russia, pre-1991
  • - Russia, of yesterday
  • - Russia was part of it: Abbr.
  • - Russia was once part of it: Abbr.
  • - Russia used to be part of it: Abbr.
  • - Russia at one point
  • - Rus., Ukr., etc., once
  • - Red state, once
  • - Red state, formerly
  • - Red letters of a grim power.
  • - Red giant, once?
  • - Red giant that's broken apart
  • - Red giant that disintegrated?
  • - Reagan's "evil empire," for short
  • - Ray Stevens' "Surfin' ......"
  • - Pres. Reagan's "evil empire"
  • - Pre-1992 map abbr.
  • - Pre-1991 world power
  • - Pre-1991 power
  • - Pre-'91 empire
  • - Powers' crash site: abbr.
  • - Poland's neighbor: Abbr.
  • - Part of the world in darkness.
  • - Onetime USA foe
  • - Onetime UN power
  • - Onetime NATO target
  • - Onetime international basketball powerhouse: Abbr.
  • - One-time superpower
  • - One-time Red giant (abbr.)
  • - One of the Allies of W.W. II
  • - Old UN member
  • - Old polit. letters
  • - Old NATO target
  • - Old NATO concern
  • - Old map letters: abbr.
  • - Old Eurasian letters
  • - Old atlas abbreviation
  • - Now, it's just Russia
  • - Now CIS
  • - NATO target
  • - Nation that was once led by Stalin: Abbr.
  • - Nation that split into Russia and 14 other nations in the 1990s: Abbr.
  • - Nation that launched the first satellite
  • - Nation in stunning 1991 news
  • - Nat. where Putin was born
  • - Muscovite's home
  • - Moscow's land, once: Abbr.
  • - Moscow's land, once
  • - Moscow's former country: Abbr.
  • - Moscow's fed., once
  • - Moscow's domain
  • - Locale in a Beatles title
  • - Locale in a Beatles song title
  • - Locale in a 1968 Beatles song
  • - Locale in a Beatles title spot
  • - Lith. and Ukr. were part of it
  • - Letters on the Allied side in WWII
  • - Letters on old Asian maps
  • - Largest nation: Abbr.
  • - L.A. Olympics boycotter
  • - Kremlin initials
  • - Korbut's homeland: Abbr.
  • - Khrushchev's land: Abbr.
  • - Khrushchev's land, for short
  • - Khrushchev's concern
  • - KGB's place
  • - KGB's nation
  • - KGB's milieu
  • - KGB's land
  • - KGB's home
  • - Kazakhstan was once part of it (abbr.)
  • - Kazakh, Uzbeck et al.
  • - K.G.B. country
  • - Its parts included an Arm. and a Lat.
  • - Its flag had a hammer and sickle
  • - It's now C.I.S.
  • - It's motto was "Workers of the world, unite!": Abbr.
  • - It dissolved on 12/31/91
  • - It dissolved in '91
  • - It disappeared on Dec. 26, 1991
  • - It broke up in Dec. of '91
  • - It broke up in Dec. 1991
  • - Initials on old maps
  • - Initialism in a Beatles title
  • - Home to every undisputed world chess champions during the 1950's and 1960's
  • - Home of N. K. V. D.
  • - Home of chess champs, once
  • - Helsinki signatory
  • - Hammer and sickle land.
  • - Gymnast Korbut's homeland
  • - Group of red states, for short?
  • - Gromyko's land: Abbr.
  • - Gp. dissolved 12/26/1991
  • - Gorby's crumbled empire: abbr.
  • - Gorbachev's nation: Abbr.
  • - Gorbachev's nation, once
  • - Gorbachev's land, for short
  • - Gorbachev's land
  • - Gorbachev's fed.
  • - Gorbachev's empire
  • - Gorbachev's country: Abbr.
  • - Gorbachev's country, once
  • - Ger. invaded it in June 1941
  • - Georgia's loc.
  • - Georgia, etc.: Abbr.
  • - Georgia was a part of it: Abbr.
  • - Former world pwr.
  • - Former world power, shortly
  • - Former UN Security Council member
  • - Former state whose motto was "Workers of the world, unite!"
  • - Former Soviet Union, abbr.
  • - Former Soviet Union
  • - Former Soviet inits.
  • - Former Russian nation: Abbr.
  • - Former red states?
  • - Former red giant?
  • - Former permanent member of the U.N. Security Council
  • - Former Olympics powerhouse
  • - Former nation that included current nations Ukraine and Russia: Abbr.
  • - Former largest nation, for short
  • - Former inits. in Kiev
  • - Former gp. of red states?
  • - Former GDR ally
  • - Former G.D.R. ally
  • - Former Eurasian superpower
  • - Former empire inits.
  • - Former country that was once led by Brezhnev: Abbr.
  • - Former "evil empire"
  • - Focus of a big breakup in '91
  • - Five-Year Plan nation
  • - Five-Year Plan implementer, for short
  • - Federation satirized in "Animal Farm"
  • - Fed. of Brezhnev
  • - Fallen Russian govt.
  • - Ex-UN member
  • - Ex-superpower letters
  • - Ex-superpower
  • - Evil Empire acronym
  • - Euro has-been
  • - Eurasian nation: Abbr.
  • - Eur. state
  • - Eur. power
  • - Estonia used to be pt. of it
  • - Erstwhile power
  • - Erstwhile empire, in brief
  • - Empire until 1991: Abbr.
  • - Empire until '91
  • - Crimea's locale
  • - Country with a hammer-and-sickle flag, for short
  • - Country that launched Sputnik: Abbr.
  • - Country that disappeared in '91
  • - Country renamed in 1991
  • - Country mentioned on the Beatles' "White Album"
  • - Country in a classic Beatles title
  • - Country in a Beatle song
  • - Country in a 1969 Beatles song
  • - Country founded in 1922: Abbr.
  • - Country founded in 1922
  • - Country estab. in 1922
  • - Country dissolved Dec. 8, 1991
  • - Cosigner of the ABM Treaty
  • - Controversial 1972 basketball gold medal winner vs. the USA: Abbr.
  • - Communist powerhouse, once
  • - Communist country that lasted from 1922 to 1991: Abbr.
  • - Collapsed red giant?
  • - CIS forerunner
  • - CCCP was on its stamps
  • - CCCP on 20th-century maps
  • - C.I.S., once
  • - C.I.S. predecessor
  • - Buryat Republic's locale
  • - Brezhnev's fed.
  • - Brezhnev's domain
  • - Boycotter of the L.A. Games
  • - Boycotter in 1984 headlines
  • - BOAC flier's destination in a 1968 song
  • - BOAC destination, in song
  • - BOAC destination in a Beatles hit
  • - Big red state, once
  • - Big blotch on old maps
  • - Beatles' "Back in the ---"
  • - Beatles song "Back in the ......"
  • - Bearish initials
  • - Back in the ...... (Beatles song)
  • - Archangel's country: Abbr.
  • - Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty signatory, briefly
  • - Amer. WWII ally
  • - Amer. ally in WWII
  • - Amer. ally in W.W. II
  • - Ally of E. Germany
  • - Aka CCCP
  • - Afghanistan occupier, in the 1980s
  • - Abbr. on pre-1992 maps
  • - Abbr. in outdated atlases
  • - Abbr. in old atlases
  • - 1991 breakup site
  • - 1991 breakup newsmaker
  • - 1980 Summer Olympics host
  • - 1960 European Championship winner
  • - "The Kremlin Letter" state
  • - "Rocky IV" setting: Abbr.
  • - "Red" initials
  • - "Red Heat" setting, briefly
  • - "Miracle on Ice" upset victims
  • - "Miracle on Ice" loser
  • - "Master and Margarita" locale
  • - "Evil empire," to Pres. Reagan
  • - "Evil Empire," according to Reagan
  • - "Breaking Stalin's Nose" backdrop
  • - "Back in the......" (1968 song)
  • - China's neighbor
  • - Warsaw Pact country: Abbr.
  • - Warsaw Pact member: Abbr.
  • - World power: abbr.
  • - One of the WWII Allies
  • - A neighbor of Pol.
  • - WWII power
  • - Soviet union
  • - SALT signer
  • - Neighbor of Pol.
  • - Space Race participant
  • - Russia, once
  • - 1980 Winter Olympics host
  • - An Afg. neighbor
  • - Lenin's land: Abbr
  • - Eur. land
  • - Member of the U. N.
  • - Neighbor of Hung.
  • - U.N. member.
  • - Former empire
  • - World's largest country
  • - Eur. country
  • - Warsaw Pact member
  • - Great power
  • - Hammer and sickle
  • - Global power that broke up in '91
  • - Home of the KGB
  • - Former abbr. for Russia
  • - "A Gentleman in Moscow" setting, briefly
  • - World power from 1922-1991
  • - KGB state, once
  • - Khrushchev's fed
  • - Pre-'91 superpower
  • - Red letters?
  • - Country in a Beatles song
  • - KGB organizer
  • - Confederation that included Latvia, for short
  • - Red state, once, for short
  • - Geographical inits. until 1991
  • - World power initials until 1991
  • - Mir launcher: Abbr
  • - Red states, once
  • - Former UN member
  • - KGB's base
  • - Founding member of the U.N. Security Council, for short
  • - What Russia used to be
  • - '84 Olympics no-show
  • - Georgia was once a part of it
  • - Khrushchev's country: Abbr
  • - 44-Across' land: Abbr
  • - Khrushchev's country
  • - KGB country
  • - Setting of HBO's 'Chernobyl'
  • - The Beatles' 'Back in the ......'
  • - Defunct Asian country, briefly
  • - CCCP, to the West
  • - World power until 1991, briefly
  • - MiG developer
  • - Space Race inits
  • - Second country to develop the atom bomb
  • - Pre-'91 world power
  • - Georgia used to be part of it
  • - Atlas abbr. before 1991
  • - World power until '91
  • - Allegiance of "The Americans" on TV, ironically
  • - State led by Lenin, in brief
  • - Country in a Beatles title
  • - 'The Evil Empire' (Abbr.)
  • - "Back in the ......" (Beatles hit)
  • - Former superpower's letters
  • - Superpower until '91
  • - Space Race competitor
  • - Gorbachev's land: Abbr
  • - "Rocky IV" setting
  • - Largest country until late '91
  • - Map initials until 1991
  • - KGB's country
  • - SALT signatory
  • - Setting of several Solzhenitsyn novels
  • - WWII ally
  • - Pres. Putin was born in it
  • - Space Race contender
  • - 'Evil Empire,' per RWR
  • - Former map letters
  • - UN member, 1945-1991
  • - He might provide assistance after a crash
  • - Land in a Beatles song
  • - Map initials no more
  • - Russians dismiss a sin by old European empire, initially
  • - 'Back in the ....'
  • - 1922-91 initials
  • - It broke up in 1991 (Abbr.)
  • - American ally in W.W. II
  • - World power until 1991 (Abbr.)
  • - Big part of old maps
  • - It's Russia now
  • - Dissolver of Dec. 1991
  • - World power until 1991
  • - It broke up in 1991
  • - Software purchaser
  • - Bygone Russian group
  • - World power.
  • - Old map letters
  • - Old atlas abbr
  • - Abbr. on old maps
  • - Old map abbr
  • - acronym aptly made of the first four letters of "russia"
  • - Space Race rival for the U.S
  • - Former eastern European nation
  • - Former Soviet Union (inits)
  • - It broke up on Dec. 26, 1991
  • - russia, on older globes
  • - Country whose Cyrillic name was CCCP
  • - bear country, once: abbr.
  • - which country topped the medals table at the 1980 summer olympics?
  • - nat. dissolved in 1991
  • - old country radio station streamed ugly faces in the mirror
  • - Back in the .., Soviet-themed hit for the Beatles
  • - flicker, shimmer — of hope?
  • - Small sign of hope
  • - Faint or unsteady light