➠ Words with r

List contains 182972 Words that "r" contain.

  • - Wimbledon playing surface
  • - Football pitch surface
  • - Playing surface at Wimbledon
  • - Playing surface
  • - Wimbledon court surface
  • - Veld surface
  • - Yankee Stadium surface
  • - Wimbledon surface
  • - Tennis surface
  • - Tennis court surface
  • - Wimbledon's playing surface
  • - Lawn surface
  • - Narrow-leaved green herbage
  • - It isn't always greener on the other side
  • - Tell on lawn
  • - Gunter —, winner of the 1999 Nobel Prize in Literature
  • - Sheep pasture
  • - It may cover a tennis court
  • - Common stain on a baseball uniform
  • - what a lawn is made of
  • - source of some jersey stains
  • - Rat that's a feature in a garden
  • - Golf green growth
  • - Plant used for lawns
  • - They say it's greener on the other side
  • - What mowers mow
  • - Green cover plant
  • - "Keep off the ..." (park sign)
  • - informer's lawn
  • - Give information to police, about blades or drugs
  • - Left appears right in glass lawn
  • - this is used to keep the blades close to the ground
  • - bladed plant
  • - some court coverage?
  • - Where a treacherous [circled letters] can be found
  • - Needs regular mowing
  • - 1999 literature nobelist günter
  • - "Leaves of ...," poetry collection by Walt Whitman which he edited for over three decades
  • - "Is it the ... in that field?" "No, but you're getting close."
  • - Grade one. started smoking some weed
  • - Spill the beans on the lawn?
  • - A writer's turf
  • - What makes up the green cover of a field
  • - informer on the ground?
  • - stock requirement subject to domestic cuts
  • - Blades that don't cut ... but that are themselves cut
  • - greener on the other side?
  • - tennis court covering, sometimes
  • - What covers a lot of ground?
  • - Natural alternative to artificial turf
  • - Bamboo, for one
  • - Zoysia is one
  • - Word with widow or skirt
  • - Where dew forms
  • - What Astroturf replaces
  • - What a lawn mower cuts
  • - Veld covering
  • - Smoking material of today
  • - Quitch, e.g.
  • - Meal for cows
  • - Mary Jane alter ego?
  • - Lawn greenery
  • - Lawn essential
  • - Kind of widow
  • - Hula-skirt base
  • - Herbage
  • - Foxtail or dogfoot
  • - Fescue, for instance.
  • - Fescue, e.g.
  • - Fescue or rye
  • - Fescue
  • - Fake greenery in an Easter basket
  • - Fairway growth
  • - Bluejoint, e.g.
  • - Blue Kentucky product
  • - AstroTurf resembles it
  • - "Splendor in the ......"
  • - "Leaves of ......"
  • - Third-day creation
  • - Ganja
  • - Little Greek donkey's turf
  • - Lawn or pasture
  • - Lawn stuff
  • - Common plant
  • - Natural product that's a must for green shopper
  • - Word which can precede snake, roots, and widow
  • - Blades on the ground
  • - Lawn growth
  • - Lawn covering
  • - Little Greek donkey finding turf
  • - Typical ground cover
  • - Green rat?
  • - Slang word meaning both marijuana and informant
  • - 33 Across material
  • - Some blades
  • - Shop less, arguably, after going around stores
  • - Pasture growth
  • - One of 2 providing marijuana
  • - Crook who sneaks in King George mug
  • - Informant (slang)
  • - Yellow ........ widow
  • - "The Tin Drum" author
  • - Main constituent of lawn is weed
  • - Blades cut by blades
  • - What a cow eats
  • - Lawn plant
  • - Informer, nark
  • - Skunk or weasel?
  • - Some organic clippings
  • - Be an informer
  • - Pot plant
  • - Blades for cutting, often
  • - Astroturf alternative
  • - Steppenwolf "Don't Step On the ......, Sam"
  • - Alternative to ass or gas
  • - Hard-to-remove stain
  • - Hula skirt material
  • - Hawaiian skirt material
  • - Some clippings
  • - Fairway cover
  • - Snake's place?
  • - Central Park feature
  • - Hippie's drug
  • - Cereals, e.g.
  • - Bermuda, for one
  • - Material for some skirts
  • - Manet's "Luncheon on the ......"
  • - Joint contents
  • - Common knee stain for kids
  • - 4 Down material
  • - Pothead's purchase
  • - Grazing matter
  • - Certain skirt material
  • - Lawn cover
  • - Fescue, for one
  • - It grows under an idler's feet
  • - "The ...... Harp" (1995 Piper Laurie/Sissy Spacek movie)
  • - Green blades
  • - Blades that are cut by blades
  • - Sward stuff
  • - Llano growth
  • - Rye or fescue
  • - Zoysia, for one
  • - Meadow feature
  • - Not Astroturf
  • - Common stain
  • - Whitman's "Leaves of ...."
  • - Lawn matter
  • - It's in the park
  • - Crab or blue follower
  • - Mower's target
  • - Sod
  • - Bermuda ......
  • - Park feature
  • - Green stuff
  • - Rough stuff
  • - Lawn .......
  • - Pastureland
  • - Pasture
  • - Rye, for one
  • - Cow chow
  • - Cow food
  • - It covers a lot of ground
  • - Police informer
  • - Vegetation
  • - {/Title figure in an Aesop fable/}
  • - Marijuana
  • - Green land?
  • - Bamboo, e.g
  • - Weed.
  • - Pot
  • - Informer
  • - Informant
  • - Turf
  • - Lawn material
  • - Ground cover
  • - Lawn makeup
  • - Dope
  • - informant on the lawn
  • - Feed for grazing animals
  • - Lawnmower target that marks the beginning of 16a
  • - Fescue or bamboo, eg
  • - what cows graze on
  • - alternative to astroturf
  • - Main food of a graminivore
  • - *Sniff sniff* The smell of this freshly cut lawn stuff is always nostalgic and reminds one of playgrounds
  • - grey beast of burden in vegetation
  • - Could such a widow make hay?
  • - spill the beans all over the lawn!
  • - "Did you know, a hen tosses and ... 1a fifty times a day to stop the embryo from sticking to the shell?"
  • - Chances to play in a board game
  • - Takes a right
  • - Acts on a revolving stage?
  • - Lefts, rights and uies
  • - Road features that might be left, right or "U"
  • - makes a left or right
  • - Take ...... (go one at a time)
  • - Goes left or right
  • - Goes right or left
  • - Does a pirouette, e.g
  • - Succession in a board game
  • - Becomes a traitor
  • - Lefts and rights
  • - Drivers make them often
  • - Hangs a right
  • - They might be left on the road
  • - Makes a left, e.g.
  • - Hangs a left
  • - Rights, e.g.
  • - Right, left and U
  • - Changes color, as a leaf
  • - Acts in a variety show.
  • - Changes orientation
  • - converts and fits
  • - Goes round giving entertainment
  • - crucial moments in formula 1
  • - emotional shocks of revolutions
  • - switches direction
  • - Goes round providing entertainment
  • - converts not bearing right in backstreet
  • - spins in two directions after grass is trimmed
  • - they're taken in risk
  • - Nauseates one when it goes off
  • - "Players take ... to roll the dice."
  • - Slalom challenges
  • - Doughnuts, for instance
  • - Chess players take them
  • - Changes directions
  • - Becomes unfit to eat
  • - In borscht urn some goes bad
  • - Starts to rot
  • - Curling ins and outs
  • - Chances to play more than one of the sides today?
  • - They're taken in chess
  • - Rotations
  • - Game units
  • - Circles tortuous unknown roads, not seeing openings
  • - Throws of the dice, maybe
  • - Spins, rolls or draws
  • - Chances to play for all sides today?
  • - Changes one's ways, literally
  • - Chances to play
  • - Parts of directions
  • - Players take them
  • - Revisits an earlier time
  • - Spins in board games, say
  • - They're taken in checkers
  • - Blinkers signal them
  • - Board-game spins
  • - Becomes sour
  • - Blinkers indicate them
  • - Rolls over
  • - They're taken in sequence
  • - Part 3 of remark
  • - Racetrack features
  • - Game positions
  • - Changes colors
  • - Game divisions
  • - "As the World ......"
  • - ...... on the heat
  • - Variety acts
  • - Spins.
  • - Diverts.
  • - Changes, as leaves.
  • - Short walks or rides.
  • - Vaudeville acts.
  • - Reverses.
  • - Converts.
  • - What directional signals are for.
  • - Convolutions.
  • - Veers.
  • - What the earth does.
  • - Times of chronological change.
  • - Sorry! attempts?
  • - Short walks?
  • - Faculty of perceiving sounds
  • - acquiring information of the court proceedings
  • - ...being informed of a trial
  • - receiving news of the trial
  • - learning makes sense
  • - getting news of the trial
  • - receiving information of a trial
  • - Sense related to one's ears
  • - sound device to help with the trial
  • - Trial making sense?
  • - an audience for the trial
  • - Legal process shows sense
  • - Trial shows sense
  • - One of the senses
  • - One of the five senses
  • - receiving news of what goes on at court
  • - sense that it takes place in court
  • - one could hardly expect justice to be seen to be done in it
  • - it's needed when a man gets a telephone call
  • - giving attention to a court case
  • - Trial may be exhausting, needing hotel for women
  • - perceiving sounds
  • - Chance to state a case
  • - being informed about judicial proceedings
  • - Listening to
  • - Court procedure
  • - It's auditory
  • - Legal process
  • - It may occur pretrial
  • - Male circle welcoming a trial
  • - Pretrial event
  • - Court routine
  • - Preliminary examinations.
  • - Judicial audition.
  • - Judicial investigation.
  • - Senate event
  • - Trial
  • - Court proceeding
  • - Court event
  • - Legal proceeding
  • - Listening to arguments
  • - Leader shortly taking band for audition
  • - Author anew
  • - Author's chore
  • - Change recorded details
  • - alter, as an article
  • - Rehash [text]
  • - give another shot, as a short story
  • - Major revision of text
  • - Overhaul, as an article
  • - major revision of a book
  • - Text that has been modified
  • - make another record
  • - put on record again
  • - edit, when nothing can be saved?
  • - Script revision
  • - Edit in the extreme
  • - Do over, as a chapter
  • - Revise an article
  • - Request from an editor
  • - Pen again
  • - Do over, as a script
  • - Script overhaul
  • - Do over, as a manuscript
  • - Revise copy
  • - Make publishable, maybe
  • - Editorial function
  • - Script change
  • - Big revision
  • - New version
  • - Text revision
  • - Newspaper's ........ desk
  • - New draft
  • - Amend a manuscript
  • - City-desk concern
  • - Do a job in journalism.
  • - Do a newspaper job
  • - Do a second draft
  • - Second draft, for example
  • - Editor's request
  • - Editor's job
  • - Editor's order
  • - Put another way
  • - Second draft
  • - Change, as copy
  • - Edit
  • - Do some editing
  • - Edit, in a way
  • - Change the wording of a book or speech
  • - foolishly we took on a trier to put pen to paper again
  • - Extend
  • - Modernise; extend
  • - Extend, as a Netflix subscription
  • - Extend (a subscription or membership, eg)
  • - Modernize.
  • - Ask for more Time
  • - Freshen
  • - Start again
  • - Make over
  • - Begin again
  • - Improve, in a way
  • - Start over
  • - Transform
  • - Invigorate
  • - Take over
  • - Replenish
  • - Revive.
  • - Buy some time
  • - Fix up
  • - Restore
  • - Résumé
  • - 'Keep it coming!'
  • - Father left town to begin again
  • - ___ a book from the library
  • - keep getting money in the mail?
  • - Sign up again, as a subscription
  • - Bring back to life
  • - Subscribe for another year
  • - not let one's subscription lapse
  • - Form again
  • - Start again with Frenchman on top
  • - Legally update a licence
  • - Subscriber's option
  • - A refreshing thing to do
  • - Update partner after split turned gross!?