➠ Words with r

List contains 182972 Words that "r" contain.

  • - Like certain rubs or wines
  • - Like the ground during a drought
  • - Like laundry that's ready to fold
  • - Like emotionless humor
  • - Like a room in need of a humidifier
  • - Like unbuttered toast
  • - desert-like, or deadpan humour?
  • - Like paint that's safe to sit on
  • - like unemotional eyes, maybe
  • - like a cab
  • - Like some humor and wine
  • - like tig notaro's humor
  • - Like a towel waiting for you to leave the shower
  • - Like wine labeled "sec"
  • - like the sahara desert
  • - Like some humor and martinis
  • - Like some wines and humour
  • - Like overcooked Thanksgiving turkey
  • - Like chapped lips
  • - Like some humor or wine
  • - Like a martini without much vermouth
  • - Like a salad without dressing
  • - Like an unused towel
  • - Like a county that doesn't sell alcohol
  • - Unbuttered, as toast
  • - Like Chianti
  • - Like zinfandel
  • - Like some counties and humor
  • - Unbuttered, like toast
  • - Toast specification
  • - Like some wit or wine
  • - Medic close to thirsty or parched
  • - Hang on a clothesline, perhaps
  • - put on a line
  • - Canada .. (Famous ginger ales)
  • - Not even close to wet
  • - Hang out, maybe
  • - doctor has year without alcohol
  • - Itchy – and every other one is freezing
  • - uninteresting when needing a drink
  • - Home and ...., safe and secure
  • - Turn a grape into a raisin, say
  • - Chapped maybe
  • - Word with clean or rot
  • - Unmoisturized
  • - Teetotal Democrat on track
  • - Extra ... martini (lacking vermouth)
  • - Help out the person washing dishes
  • - Make no longer wet
  • - Doctor yesterday's beginning to be teetotal
  • - Not serving alcohol
  • - 3/7 of laundry is ready to fold
  • - arid, rainless
  • - thirsty doctor seen before end of surgery
  • - Ironic, harsh sense of wit
  • - Not at all humid
  • - doctor, unknown, dehydrated
  • - precedes clean, cough
  • - Droll prohibitionist
  • - low in sugar
  • - Use a towel to remove water
  • - Thirsty doctor has last of sherry
  • - Kind of humor, maybe
  • - Canada ... (brand of ginger ale)
  • - word before mouth or goods
  • - Devoid of moisture, say
  • - ... run (rehearsal)
  • - without much moisture
  • - Devoid of dampness
  • - As ... as a bone (free of moisture)
  • - There wasn't a ... eye in the house!
  • - Parched or arid
  • - Antonym of wet
  • - Drought-stricken and moistureless
  • - A ... White Season (André Brink novel)
  • - "I'll wash, you ..."
  • - "... as a desert" (no moisture)
  • - With zero moisture
  • - Kind of humor, also known as deadpan
  • - It's boring on the wagon
  • - *Partner of "various"
  • - "High and ..." (left in a powerless situation)
  • - Word with "humor" or "cleaning"
  • - Put on the line, say
  • - Dull but not raining
  • - dull because unable to supply alcohol?
  • - would a drink make less boring?
  • - ... run (trial)
  • - arid conditions, lacking water?
  • - an island that lacks fresh water, say
  • - The opposite of wet
  • - Not damp
  • - Hang Me Up to ... (Cold War Kids song)
  • - ...... as a bone
  • - Wash's partner
  • - Not sweet, as wine
  • - Wine adjective
  • - Prohibitionist
  • - Liquor-free
  • - Humorless
  • - Word on deodorants
  • - Prohibition promoter
  • - Moisture-free
  • - Martini preference
  • - Word before cell or spell
  • - Martini designation
  • - Kind of cleaning
  • - Help in the kitchen
  • - Funny in a subtle way
  • - Empty, as a well
  • - Do a carwash job
  • - Champagne classification
  • - Andrew Volstead, for one
  • - Without butter, e.g.
  • - Without butter
  • - Wine preference
  • - Washday word
  • - Volsteader
  • - Type of dock
  • - Towel down
  • - Prohibiting the sale of alcohol
  • - Opposite of sweet
  • - On the wagon, perhaps
  • - Not sweet, as a wine
  • - Martini choice
  • - High's partner
  • - Hang out, perhaps
  • - Brut
  • - As exciting as watching paint ......
  • - Allowing no alcohol
  • - "How ...... I am . . ."
  • - Word with wall or run
  • - Without butter, say
  • - Without any toppings, in restaurant-speak
  • - With not much vermouth
  • - With much vermouth
  • - Wipe with a towel
  • - Wipe the dishes
  • - Wipe dishes
  • - Winehouse "Tears ...... on Their Own"
  • - What you hope ground will be with lawn seats
  • - What fresh pumpkin seeds need to do
  • - What "brut" means on champagne bottles
  • - Wall or well preceder
  • - Volstead Act supporter
  • - Unsweetened
  • - Unspirited?
  • - Triple sec.
  • - Teetotaling reformer
  • - State of the country during Prohibition
  • - Sit in the sun, perhaps
  • - Sec, as wine
  • - Rehabilitated, in a way
  • - Ready to go off-line?
  • - Put on a clothesline
  • - Prohibition backer
  • - Peter Tosh "You Don't Miss Your Water (Till Your Well Runs ......)"
  • - Out of the rain, often
  • - Oenophile's "sec"
  • - Racecourse tout
  • - Tout good man tucking into boiling tripe
  • - Tout has time with corrupt priest
  • - Racing tout
  • - Tout at a track
  • - Tout upset priest after Towcester's first
  • - Scuttlebutt provider at the track
  • - Track tout
  • - Tote tout
  • - One with the inside track at the track?
  • - Racetrack tout
  • - Track habitue
  • - Race track figure
  • - Tout
  • - Track figure
  • - Tout's trip set off
  • - Entry of this priest flustered bookmaker
  • - Good or bad, he's a better adviser
  • - Time to get exceptional priest, one to offer advice
  • - source of gratuities at the race-course?
  • - time to turn priest into racing expert
  • - A good one will give the better value for money
  • - Result forecaster
  • - Point and the rest turn race guide
  • - Convert finally changed priest for one offering better advice
  • - Betting adviser
  • - One might be asked "What are the odds?"
  • - racing expert to dump rest off
  • - One giving wanted (or unwanted) betting advice
  • - One who sells betting advice
  • - Bookmaker?
  • - Racing pundit
  • - One giving better information
  • - Who provides better information?
  • - Betting pundit
  • - Partly regret spitting over better advisor
  • - One providing better information?
  • - Time with drunk priest who gives better information
  • - One offering advice quietly on street gets into row
  • - One with inside dope
  • - Racetrack informant
  • - Inside dope source
  • - Who to go to for better advice?
  • - Source of better advice, priest gets conversion after time
  • - Dump mainly serious adviser on course
  • - Financial adviser on course lists theory, dismissing regulars
  • - Pressure good type to go into bank as better adviser
  • - Giver of betting advice
  • - Bettor's buddy
  • - Means to attract attention in row -- I'll give better advice
  • - Forecaster goes over time with the weather ultimately
  • - Informal informant
  • - Help in beating the odds
  • - Bettor's consultant
  • - Bettor's adviser
  • - Betting advisor, perhaps
  • - Race bettor's adviser
  • - Information broker
  • - One with better information?
  • - Info seller
  • - Information broker of sorts
  • - Bettor's info man
  • - "Sure thing" seller
  • - Dope sheet holder
  • - Adviser of a sort
  • - Informant
  • - One offering betting recommendations
  • - he will have marked cards, of course
  • - Racecourse regular's attempt to attract attention during row
  • - Keynote, e.g.
  • - Give a keynote, say
  • - Keynote, say
  • - Deliver a keynote, e.g
  • - Keynote
  • - Keynote, maybe
  • - Give one's address, maybe
  • - Deliver a keynote, say
  • - Talk big
  • - Make a formal speech
  • - Speechify
  • - Make a speech
  • - Speak to a crowd
  • - Speak from a podium, say
  • - Emulate Lincoln
  • - Give a big speech to hundreds
  • - Address the masses
  • - Order from judge to speak up
  • - Make big speeches
  • - Hold the floor
  • - Speak formally
  • - Have the Senate floor, say
  • - Speak at a podium, say
  • - Speak from a platform
  • - Emulate Frederick Douglass
  • - Traitor into Old English makes speech
  • - Make a big speech
  • - Provide an address
  • - Speech from mayor at Evesham
  • - Spout a speech
  • - Take the stump
  • - Speak loftily
  • - Speech from traitor in Old English
  • - Address a crowd
  • - Speak, and put a value on love
  • - Supply an address
  • - Speak with style
  • - Speak publicly
  • - Speak to an audience
  • - Give speech from floor at eleven
  • - Give out one's address?
  • - Speak from a lectern, perhaps
  • - Speak grandly
  • - Deliver a stemwinder
  • - Make a speech count supporting leader of Opposition
  • - Some get a rollicking over talk
  • - Hold forth; address
  • - Give speech from floor at eight
  • - Address from a lectern
  • - Speak from a podium
  • - Elocute
  • - Speak in public
  • - Old traitor, finally contrite, to give speech
  • - Offer an address
  • - Address Congress, say
  • - Speak at a podium
  • - Take the soapbox
  • - Speak in terror at educational
  • - Give a stump speech
  • - Speak a little for a tenner
  • - Address a huge crowd
  • - Erato forced to give pompous speech
  • - Give a stemwinder
  • - Speak at the U.N., say
  • - Make deliveries to large groups?
  • - Make speeches
  • - Address the senate, say
  • - Make an address
  • - Use a soapbox
  • - Give a public address
  • - Make an extended delivery
  • - Traitor interrupts Old English talk
  • - Speak before a crowd
  • - Speak from a soapbox
  • - Stand and deliver?
  • - Address an audience
  • - Give a powerful speech
  • - Provide a big address
  • - Make a formal address
  • - Traitor, into Old English, to give speech
  • - Mount the soapbox
  • - Take to the stump
  • - Speak at length
  • - Talk of merit
  • - Give a sermon, e.g
  • - Make addresses
  • - Emulate a politician, in a way
  • - Address a convention
  • - Stump
  • - "Speak!"
  • - Deliver an address
  • - Give an address
  • - Make a delivery
  • - Deliver a lecture, say
  • - Give a speech
  • - Take the podium
  • - Take the floor
  • - Lecture
  • - Take to the soapbox
  • - Speak one's mind
  • - Speak one's piece
  • - Give a political speech
  • - Electioneer
  • - Spellbind
  • - ... Talk
  • - ...... say!
  • - Emote
  • - Spout
  • - Spout forth
  • - Pontificate
  • - Speak pompously
  • - Hold forth
  • - Harangue
  • - Sound off
  • - Declaim
  • - Discourse
  • - Proclaim
  • - Speak alternatively; took a meal
  • - talk at zero speed
  • - Speak or deliver a speech
  • - Address
  • - Speak impressively
  • - address publicly
  • - Give a speech, primarily on robbery and tax evasion
  • - Speak from a dais, perhaps
  • - Talk grandly, pontificate
  • - talk ã la bryan
  • - talk, or a telling off in front?
  • - Give a formal talk
  • - speak of the poor at every opportunity
  • - Speak pompously, very elaborate but not new
  • - talk or possibly eat
  • - Harangues
  • - Hold forth over level of tax?
  • - Speak pompously, hold forth
  • - for a teacher having to give a speech
  • - Lecture embraced by educator, a test
  • - deliver a fancy speech
  • - speak before congress, say
  • - ring with speed and speak
  • - Main impact of series carried by telecommunications company
  • - Full force, impact
  • - Chief impact
  • - Main impact
  • - Main impact of an attack
  • - Major impact
  • - Main impact of a blow
  • - Primary impact
  • - Major impact, as of an attack
  • - Main part of the impact.
  • - Full force of impact.
  • - Impact
  • - Full impact [of a blow]
  • - bear the ...... of (be primarily affected by)
  • - Main force of a blow
  • - Full force
  • - Main force
  • - Principal force
  • - Main thrust
  • - Force to be borne
  • - Main burden
  • - Main force of attack
  • - Main force as of a storm
  • - Heaviest part
  • - Hardest part
  • - Heaviest or hardest part
  • - Force of an attack.
  • - Main shock.
  • - Shock
  • - main force of second class weak one
  • - Second smallest one in the main force
  • - Force