➠ Words with r

List contains 182972 Words that "r" contain.

  • - Tom Courtenay's Billy Fisher, say
  • - Backtrack and you'll find he's misled you
  • - teller of untruths about one method of travel
  • - a storyteller
  • - he'll mislead you when returning by rail
  • - half of a jim carrey movie?
  • - Teller of all sorts of fibs
  • - one who gives a false alibi
  • - false witness of a rail crash
  • - 'You know that's not true!'
  • - Person claiming to be a Martian
  • - "A warehouse of facts, with poet and ... in joint ownership" ("The Devil's Dictionary" definition for "imagination")
  • - when doubled, a song by debbie harry from "married to the mob"
  • - when doubled, one whose pants are said to be on fire
  • - A storyteller reverting to abuse
  • - Fulminate over this retailer of pork pies
  • - word of accusation
  • - Purveyor of whoppers
  • - bearer of false witness
  • - Storyteller finds himself in a peculiar situation
  • - He fibs about a mode of transport
  • - He is, as he sounds, a bit unreliable!
  • - Purveyor of untruths
  • - "Beautiful ...," song by Beyonce and Shakira which featured in Beyonce's album "B'Day"
  • - Alternative to road on the rise? One's given false account
  • - he's not to be believed
  • - One shows little authenticity in sound of instrument
  • - When repeated, a Jim Carrey movie
  • - Though dishonest, he'll give £1 with a warm heart
  • - One may cheat a polygraph test
  • - Teller of whoppers
  • - Pork-pie manufacturer in trouble about abattoir's closure
  • - A person you can't trust
  • - Teller of untruths
  • - Person of deceptive familiarity
  • - Teller of falsehoods
  • - Teller of stories
  • - Word repeated in a child's taunt
  • - One with a forked tongue
  • - Kind of dice
  • - When repeated, a 1997 Jim Carrey comedy
  • - When repeated, 1997 Jim Carrey film
  • - When doubled, a Jim Carrey film
  • - Twister of the truth
  • - One who speaks with a forked tongue
  • - One who fails a polygraph test
  • - He's unbelievable
  • - He'd have you swallow a whopper
  • - Half a Jim Carrey movie
  • - Fireflight song about a yarn spinner?
  • - Disbeliever's cry
  • - Detector's quarry
  • - Cry in a mudslinging contest
  • - Author of fiction?
  • - "I don't believe a word you say!"
  • - Worst kind of witness
  • - When repeated, start of a child's taunt
  • - When repeated, a hit 1997 movie
  • - When repeated, a 1997 Jim Carrey movie
  • - When doubled, cry before "pants on fire"
  • - When doubled, a 1997 Jim Carrey movie
  • - Wearer of hot pants?
  • - Three Dog Night song about a fibber?
  • - Spreader of falsehoods
  • - Spreader of fake news
  • - Source of fake news
  • - Someone who's deliberately deceiving
  • - Someone who speaks with a forked tongue
  • - She's not to be believed
  • - Rollins Band "'Cause I'm a ......!"
  • - Repeated, it's a Carrey flick
  • - Repeated word before "pants on fire"
  • - Repeated shout before "pants on fire"
  • - Pinocchio, with a long nose
  • - Pinocchio, when making a point?
  • - Pinocchio, during a growth spurt?
  • - Person with a BS degree?
  • - Person who's not telling the truth
  • - Person who's not straight
  • - Person who's not honest
  • - Person who fails a polygraph test, probably
  • - Part of a Carrey title
  • - One writing a lot of fiction?
  • - One with a forked tongue, so to speak
  • - One who's not upright
  • - One who's not straight
  • - One who's incredible
  • - One who flaunts his B.S.
  • - One who breaks a court oath
  • - One guilty of pseudologia
  • - One guilty of perjury
  • - One glib with a fib
  • - One failing a polygraph
  • - Not a truth-sayer!
  • - Mudslinger's charge
  • - Jim Carrey, in a 1997 movie
  • - Inventor, of a sort
  • - he can't be relied upon to put the fence back
  • - Storyteller hands round essentially descriptive article
  • - Story-teller to use mocking language in revolutionary way
  • - Person whose pants are on fire, figuratively
  • - Fibbing fellow
  • - I dont believe you!
  • - One saying falsehoods
  • - At 51, hard-hearted deceiver
  • - the —, 1991 novel by stephen fry
  • - one noted for pork pies?
  • - one telling untruths
  • - he doesn't tell the truth about transport set-up
  • - 'You're so dishonest!'
  • - Make-up expert?
  • - His tale something plucked from the airwaves?
  • - Thats not true!
  • - He'll trot out some familiar fiction
  • - Person you shouldn't trust
  • - Bull fan?
  • - One whose word cannot be trusted
  • - unreliable narrator, perhaps
  • - Great storyteller
  • - Person not telling the truth
  • - Perjurer perhaps to protest in retrospect
  • - Fabricator in Somalia regularly
  • - one has been dishonest from the outset, like i always remember
  • - Someone who can never be honest
  • - Duplicitous person
  • - Witness committing perjury
  • - fibster indicates line is back
  • - fibber damaging rail
  • - Storyteller in Australia reprimanded
  • - fraudulent source
  • - Pinocchio, eg
  • - Person telling anything but the truth
  • - one saying "my dog ate my homework," probably
  • - one who fabricates
  • - Porky pie teller
  • - Man claiming to be Superman?
  • - Person whose word can't be trusted
  • - Anyone claiming to be from Pluto
  • - courtroom drama shout
  • - Person claiming one plus one is three
  • - dishonest type
  • - Truth avoider
  • - He may even sound somewhat unreliable!
  • - Pathological ... (compulsive fibster)
  • - Con artist, e.g.
  • - Truth fabricator
  • - Makeup artist from track going north
  • - Someone who doesn't tell the truth
  • - "Bad ...," hit song by Imagine Dragons
  • - Facts fabricator?
  • - One fabricating stories
  • - One who shies away from telling the truth
  • - One who gives out misleading facts
  • - One who fabricates facts
  • - One who flouts the truth
  • - One who hides the truth
  • - Someone who does not tell the truth
  • - phony account source
  • - One uttering untruths
  • - Don't believe him!
  • - One who fabricates stories
  • - "That isn't true!"
  • - One who spreads rumors
  • - Someone who spreads wrong information
  • - Someone with "pants on fire," so they say
  • - Fabricator; false witness
  • - One who won't tell the truth
  • - billy ........: novel by keith waterhouse.
  • - "To Tell the Truth" participant
  • - does one travel up by train? don't believe them!
  • - Fact falsifier
  • - suspect source
  • - One who is not speaking the truth
  • - Perjurer
  • - Ananias
  • - Falsifier
  • - Baloney peddler
  • - One not to be believed
  • - Mendacious one
  • - Unreliable source
  • - Tale twister
  • - Make-up artist?
  • - Ananias, e.g.
  • - Whopper teller
  • - Unbelievable person?
  • - Pants-on-fire guy
  • - Dishonest one
  • - Baloney producer
  • - "You made that up!"
  • - Tale spinner
  • - Person who doesn't tell the truth
  • - One might be chronic
  • - Whopper creator
  • - One with no capacity for veracity
  • - Misinformant
  • - "You're making this up!"
  • - Whopper maker
  • - Unreliable gossip
  • - Unbelievable one
  • - Truth fudger
  • - The boy who cried wolf, essentially
  • - Perjury perpetrator
  • - One with crossed fingers, perhaps
  • - Mendacious person
  • - Makeup person?
  • - Worst possible witness
  • - Whopper server?
  • - Whopper inventor
  • - Unreliable narrator
  • - Title role for Jim Carrey
  • - Stranger to truth
  • - Pseudologue
  • - Polygraph flunker, probably
  • - Polygraph challenger
  • - Pinocchio, infamously
  • - Pinocchio type
  • - Perjury practitioner
  • - One who serves up whoppers
  • - One who fibs
  • - Fiction enthusiast?
  • - Fibster
  • - Falsehood teller
  • - Equivocator
  • - Detector target
  • - Comeback to an accusation
  • - Candidate for perjury
  • - Bull artist
  • - Bluffer
  • - Baron Munchausen, e.g.
  • - Baloney manufacturer?
  • - Bad witness
  • - Yarn inventor?
  • - Whopper producer
  • - Whopper manufacturer
  • - Untrustworthy type
  • - Unreliable witness, e.g.
  • - Taradiddler
  • - Shit shoveler
  • - Sex Pistols song about Pinocchio?
  • - Polygraph victim
  • - Polygraph flunker, most likely
  • - Pinocchio, often
  • - Person who commits perjury
  • - Person who can't be trusted
  • - Pants-on-fire type
  • - Pants-on-fire chap
  • - One with flaming pants?
  • - One with burning pants?
  • - One whose pants are on fire?
  • - One who prevaricates
  • - One who is not straight
  • - One to distrust
  • - One not honoring an oath
  • - One might be pathological
  • - One may be habitual
  • - One may be exposed during cross-examination
  • - One good at stretching?
  • - One fibbing
  • - One doing stretches?
  • - Oath betrayer
  • - Not one to believe
  • - No honest fellow, he
  • - Misleading person
  • - Misleading one
  • - Make-up specialist?
  • - Make-up person?
  • - Long-nosed Pinocchio, e.g.
  • - Fish-story teller
  • - Fibbing type
  • - False fellow
  • - Fabulizer
  • - Expert in fabrication
  • - Dishonest speaker
  • - Deceptive one
  • - Ananias, famously
  • - Accusatory shout
  • - Accusative shout
  • - "Billy ......" (Waterhouse book)
  • - Yarn producer?
  • - Word said twice before "pants on fire"
  • - Whopper weaver
  • - Untrustworthy fellow
  • - Untrue Korn song?
  • - Unbelievable sort?
  • - Type who might say "The dog ate my homework"
  • - Truthless one?
  • - Truth teller never believed, per Cicero
  • - Truth evader
  • - Truth embellisher?
  • - Truth bender
  • - The truth is not in him or her
  • - The Boy Who Cried Wolf, usually
  • - Terrible witness
  • - Tergiversator
  • - Taletelling type
  • - Tale weaver
  • - Taking Back Sunday "...... (It Takes One to Know One)"
  • - Story source
  • - Story creator
  • - Stereotypical debate outburst
  • - Speaker with forked tongue
  • - Someone you can't trust
  • - Someone touching their face or avoiding eye contact, probably
  • - Snow man?
  • - Snow blower?
  • - Shoveler?
  • - Schoolyard putdown
  • - Sapphira or Ananias
  • - Rollins Band lead single off "Weight"
  • - Rollins Band hit
  • - Resume padder, e.g.
  • - Rail in reverse
  • - Put-down in an argument
  • - Pseudomaniac
  • - Pre-rehab Pinocchio
  • - Polygraph target
  • - Polygraph dodger
  • - Political accusation
  • - Pinocchio, periodically
  • - Pinocchio, memorably
  • - Person you shouldn't believe
  • - Person whose words can't be believed
  • - Person who tells whoppers
  • - Person who tells big stories
  • - Person who spreads falsehoods
  • - Person twisting the truth
  • - Person to discount
  • - Person telling untruths
  • - Person regularly 'economical with the truth'
  • - Person not telling it like it is
  • - Perjuring witness
  • - Perjuring one
  • - One with hot pants?
  • - One with his pants on fire?
  • - One with fiery pants, proverbially
  • - One whose word isn't golden
  • - One who tells it like it isn't
  • - One who serves people baloney?
  • - One who may need an alibi
  • - One who embroiders to excess
  • - One who commits perjury
  • - One to whom you might say, "I doubt that"
  • - One to not believe
  • - One telling stories?
  • - One saying the wrong thing?
  • - One not to trust
  • - One not telling the truth
  • - One might be convincing
  • - One may be compulsive
  • - One given to tergiversation
  • - One given to stretchers
  • - One doing spinning
  • - One covering tracks, perhaps
  • - One committing perjury
  • - No-good con man
  • - Mythical story teller?
  • - Munchhausen, for one
  • - Mumford and Sons song about fibber?
  • - Mudslinger, maybe
  • - Megadeth song about fibber?
  • - Matilda or Ananias
  • - Many an interrogee
  • - Like Ananias
  • - Libeler, essentially
  • - Libeler, almost by definition
  • - Joe Isuzu, for one
  • - Joan Jett hit "Little ......"
  • - Inventive fellow
  • - Interrogee, often
  • - Iago, notably
  • - Iago, e.g.
  • - Iago was one
  • - Hot pants wearer, so to speak?
  • - Middle of body
  • - Part of the body above the waist
  • - Area of human body between chest and waist
  • - Bottom of a chest
  • - It's below the chest
  • - Part of the torso.
  • - Diaphragm of the body.
  • - Torso part
  • - Torso
  • - this person's retired doctor provided with end of stuff for centre of torso
  • - diaphragm suggesting how song may abruptly end?
  • - When not to interrupt a jazz soloist?
  • - Muffin top's location
  • - Area between stomach and chest
  • - Stomach area
  • - Stomach bug overwhelms powerless wimp
  • - What a crop top exposes
  • - Diaphragm
  • - How one might describe performing jazz player's diaphragm?
  • - Area under a halter
  • - Six-pack location
  • - Waist region.
  • - Exerciser's target
  • - Waist.
  • - Stomach
  • - What a halter leaves bare
  • - Belly area