➠ Words with r

List contains 182972 Words that "r" contain.

  • - Spell "mispell," e.g.
  • - Drop an easy catch, e.g.
  • - Send an email to the wrong person, e.g.
  • - Write the wrong date, e.g.
  • - Enter the wrong password, e.g.
  • - Misspell something, e.g.
  • - mistakenly hit reply all, e.g.
  • - send a screenshot of your d.m.s with your crush to your crush, e.g.
  • - Make a mitsake (this clue, e.g.)
  • - drop a fly, e.g.
  • - Take a bite of decorative fruit, e.g
  • - Click the wrong button, e.g.
  • - Miss an easy fly e.g. (make a blunder)
  • - Write down the wrong answer, e.g.
  • - Drop the ball, e.g.
  • - Commit a faux pas, e.g.
  • - Underestimate, e.g.
  • - Transpose digits, e.g.
  • - Misspeak, e.g.
  • - Flub a catch, e.g.
  • - Bobble the ball, e.g.
  • - Blow one's lines, e.g.
  • - Wander off course, e.g.
  • - Transgress, e.g.
  • - Misspell a word, e.g.
  • - Misplay, e.g.
  • - Misadd, e.g.
  • - Hit the nail on the thumb, e.g.
  • - Fumble the ball, e.g.
  • - Drop an easy one, e.g.
  • - Choose badly, e.g.
  • - Boot a grounder, e.g.
  • - Add instead of subtract, e.g.
  • - Write "mispell," e.g.
  • - Try to fit a square peg in a round hole, e.g.
  • - Trip or slip, e.g.
  • - Transpose digits, say
  • - Throw wildly, e.g.
  • - On return, Rod will make a mistake
  • - Type tyop instead of typo say
  • - Goof up, say
  • - Lose at tic-tac-toe, say
  • - put lace in the dryer, perhaps
  • - Be mistaken over a number of corrections
  • - Call Bill Will
  • - to do this is human, it is said
  • - Miscalculate in East River twice
  • - "To ... is human..."
  • - To do so is human, according to Pope
  • - hesitation? right to find mistake!
  • - state a wrong fact, perhaps
  • - Hit the wrong key, maybe
  • - Verb that can sound either like air or Ur
  • - To do so is human, it's said
  • - commit an infraction
  • - Say the wrong thing, say
  • - Write definately say
  • - Miscount for example
  • - Make a blunder, say
  • - Royal couple put their foot in it
  • - Stray from the proper road
  • - misdial or miscount, say
  • - Say "Whomever did this …," say
  • - Make wrong move with queen taking rook?
  • - require a correction
  • - be human, it's said
  • - Make a mistake, say
  • - Unintentionally reply all say
  • - Be less than perfect
  • - mistake mary-kate for ashley, say
  • - make a mistake with eastern rivers
  • - submit a wrong answer, say
  • - merry-hearted lapse from virtue
  • - Put a foot wrong doing right about turn
  • - Text an embarrassing screenshot to the wrong person say
  • - do what's human
  • - "To .... is humanÉ"
  • - Figure wrongly
  • - Make a wrong turn, maybe
  • - Royal couple misbehave
  • - lose one's way in rochester road
  • - Screw something up
  • - Faultily execute right about turn
  • - Sinfully rob '22 Across' of gold?
  • - play a proper noun in scrabble, say
  • - Misspeak, perhaps
  • - Act human, they say
  • - Blunder or goof
  • - Create a blooper?
  • - Turn left instead of right say
  • - pour hamster food into the dog's bowl, say
  • - Make a typo, for example
  • - ''To ... is human, to forgive divine'' (Alexander Pope)
  • - go left instead of right, say
  • - to go wrong will make the german lose his head
  • - Elicit an "oops"
  • - Be less than totally correct
  • - Make boo-boos in judgment
  • - stray from the proper routine
  • - to blunder or make a mistake?
  • - Drop a routine fly ball say
  • - spell misspell as "mispell," perhaps
  • - Make a tpyo, say
  • - Misspeak, for example
  • - Display one's humanity, in a way
  • - Stray in the summer rain
  • - make mistakes out of terror
  • - Go wrong for some other reason
  • - Accidentally mix in a red crayon among the blues
  • - commit a foul
  • - Play an F instead of an F#, say
  • - slip up out of merriment
  • - "To ... is human, to forgive divine"
  • - Give mistaken evidence of humanity
  • - botch the job, say
  • - To do it is human
  • - Take a wrong turn, for example
  • - fumble or flub
  • - use "it's" instead of "its," perhaps
  • - zig when you should've zagged, say
  • - Go wrong, note, having only two-thirds basic education
  • - Commit a blunder (behave like a human, as per a popular saying)
  • - Go wrong with everything running right originally
  • - Have to say "I'm wrong"
  • - Berry lost by mistake
  • - Forget to wear sunscreen, for example
  • - Spell misspell mispell, say
  • - Make a wrong turn, or make a mistake. ... on the side of caution
  • - Slip! Republican's in East River!
  • - Bungle, say
  • - Put dish soap in the dishwasher, say
  • - Make a hash of something
  • - "To ... is human..." (make a mistake)
  • - Make the wrong decision
  • - ... on the side of caution
  • - Confuse wasabi with guacamole, say
  • - Drop an easy fly ball say
  • - Be right
  • - Make mistake in The Star Chamber finally
  • - hit the wrong button
  • - Get up to no good
  • - Mispronounce someone's name, for example
  • - Be less than terribly wrong
  • - Take the wrong approach
  • - Text the wrong person, say
  • - Mess up, blunder
  • - Make a mistake [like failing to mind the gap?]
  • - Email the wrong person say
  • - Mess up in the field
  • - get lost, say
  • - stray from the proper route
  • - Misspell a word, for example
  • - make a mistake in terrible circumstances
  • - Press 'Reply All' instead of 'Reply,' for example
  • - Confuse mayonnaise and marshmallow spread say
  • - Commit a blunder, say
  • - fail to answer in the form of a question on "jeopardy!," say
  • - Blunder, introducing Republican to Queen!
  • - Misspeak or mistype, for example
  • - forget to set the timer when baking cookies, say
  • - Wander out of terror
  • - Mistake, in old terms
  • - Go the wrong way
  • - Show fallibility
  • - Demonstrate fallibility
  • - Commit a faux pas
  • - Misjudge
  • - Be inaccurate
  • - Make a faux pas
  • - Bobble the ball
  • - Bark up the wrong tree
  • - Slip a cog
  • - Misplay
  • - Be on the side of caution?
  • - Misdo
  • - Behave humanly, in a saying
  • - Make muffs
  • - Go amiss
  • - Drop the ball, literally or figuratively
  • - Behave humanly
  • - Be human, according to a saying
  • - Miss one
  • - Make a slip
  • - Get things wrong
  • - Drop an easy one
  • - Commit a gaffe
  • - Be imperfect
  • - Slip or trip
  • - Misspeak, say
  • - Make a wrong move
  • - Stray from the straight and narrow
  • - Mix things up
  • - It's human to do it
  • - If you're human, you'll do it
  • - Commit a blunder
  • - Misspeak
  • - Miscalculate, say
  • - Make a gaffe
  • - Flub up
  • - Botch one
  • - Boot the ball
  • - Boot one
  • - Be human, so they say
  • - Answer incorrectly
  • - Act proverbially human
  • - Prove fallible
  • - Make mistake
  • - Foul things up
  • - Drop a pop-up
  • - Reckon wrongly
  • - Overthrow, say
  • - Make a wild throw, say
  • - Human thing to do
  • - Go down the wrong path
  • - Get something wrong
  • - Fumble the ball
  • - Fail to be perfect
  • - Drop the ball, say
  • - Display fallibility
  • - Be in the wrong
  • - Act human?
  • - Trip or slip
  • - Play the wrong golf ball, say
  • - Not be perfect
  • - Muff an easy one
  • - Misspell or misspeak
  • - Hit a sour note, say
  • - Have a lapse
  • - Guess wrong
  • - Flub it
  • - Drop a pop-up, say
  • - Zig instead of zag, say
  • - What humans do
  • - Suffer a "brain cramp"
  • - Say the wrong thing
  • - Put one's foot in it
  • - Need to be corrected
  • - Need correcting
  • - Misspeak or misspell
  • - Misfigure
  • - Make missteps
  • - Make a wrong turn, say
  • - Make a typo
  • - It's human to do this
  • - Humans do it
  • - Do this to prove you're human
  • - Delude oneself
  • - Commit a mistake
  • - Commit a boo-boo
  • - Choose badly
  • - Cause an unearned run
  • - Botch something up
  • - Boot a grounder, say
  • - Be human, in a way
  • - Be fallible
  • - Be at fault
  • - Act humanly
  • - "The cautious seldom ......": Confucius
  • - Zig when you should have zagged, say
  • - Zig instead of zag?
  • - Use poor judgment
  • - To do this is human
  • - To be human
  • - To ... on the side of caution
  • - Take a wrong turn, say
  • - Status before statehood: Abbr.
  • - Show one's humanity
  • - Show one's fallibility
  • - Reveal one's humanity
  • - Prove one's humanity
  • - Prove one's fallibility
  • - Prove human
  • - Prompt a correction
  • - Play it poorly
  • - Overthrow, for example
  • - Not be right
  • - Necessitate an "Oops!"
  • - Missay, say
  • - Miss the routine grounder
  • - Miss an easy one
  • - Miss an easy fly
  • - Miss a cue, say
  • - Miss a beat, perhaps
  • - Misreckon
  • - Misquote, say
  • - Misplay a grounder
  • - Miscount
  • - Miscalculate or misspeak
  • - Mess things up
  • - Make the wrong move
  • - Make slip-up
  • - Make a wrong decision
  • - Make a flub
  • - Make a blooper
  • - Make a baseball blooper reel
  • - Lose one's way
  • - Hit the nail on the thumb?
  • - Hit a sour note
  • - Gum up the works
  • - Get one's wires crossed
  • - Get eliminated from a bee, say
  • - Fumble or stumble
  • - Flub the shot, say
  • - Exhibit poor judgment, perhaps
  • - Earn the right to say "My mistake"
  • - Drop one, say
  • - Drop a pop
  • - Do something the wrong way
  • - Do it wrong
  • - Demonstrate one's humanity?
  • - Commit a solecism
  • - Commit a peccadillo
  • - Commit a goof
  • - Choose the wrong path
  • - Bungle up
  • - Botch it up
  • - Botch a catch
  • - Boot one on the field, say
  • - Boot a grounder
  • - Boot a baseball
  • - Bobble, drop or bungle
  • - Bobble a grounder, say
  • - Bobble a fly, say
  • - Behave like a human?
  • - Be stupid, but not on purpose
  • - Be off a bit
  • - Be human, perhaps
  • - Be goof-y?
  • - Be completely wrong
  • - Act human, according to a proverb
  • - ...... on the side of caution (be extra-careful)
  • - Zig when you should zag
  • - Write well as hell, say?
  • - Write the answer to this clue as anything but ERR, say
  • - Write down the wrong answer
  • - Write "a lot" as "alot," say
  • - Work incorrectly
  • - Word spelled backward in INCORRECT, aptly
  • - Wander off logically
  • - Wander logically
  • - Violate a standard
  • - Verb with preposition and noun homophones
  • - Use the salad fork while eating one's entrée, say
  • - Throw wide, say
  • - Throw wide of the mark, say
  • - Tedious or routine
  • - Tedious drone with instrument
  • - Tedious
  • - dull throbbing part of ear
  • - tedious human lost an ear part
  • - Commonplace smell on a ridge
  • - Monotonous drone preceding tattoo
  • - Boring, repetitive
  • - Two ways to make music dull?
  • - Boring, commonplace
  • - Monotonous droning noise reaches the hearer
  • - Common smelt strange, repelling me
  • - mundane sound by tom, say
  • - Be very busy and beat routine
  • - Low sound on beat failing to generate excitement
  • - [Lightsaber] + [Impatient fingers] = Boring
  • - dull sound on percussion instrument
  • - ordinary smell associated with percussion instrument
  • - Ordinary or dull
  • - Boring noise that comes with percussion instrument
  • - Boringly monotonous
  • - Boring hospital doctor beset by signs of indecision
  • - Dull to sing with percussive accompaniment
  • - Mundane, commonplace
  • - Monotonous way to vocalise with instrument
  • - Dull, monotonous
  • - Monotonous rhymes for some
  • - Like Walter Mitty's real life
  • - Dull as dishwater
  • - Like the same old, same old
  • - Monotonous.
  • - Mundane
  • - Ordinary
  • - Commonplace
  • - Prosaic
  • - Dreary
  • - Far from exciting
  • - See 61-Across
  • - Dull
  • - Blah
  • - Boring
  • - Drone and beat, nothing special
  • - durum his majesty took to be boring stuff
  • - Golf club also called a number two wood
  • - Another name for a 2-wood
  • - No. 2 wooden club.
  • - Golf's No. 2 wood club.
  • - Old golf club
  • - Golf club
  • - Smiles unevenly supporting supporter's club
  • - alloy that is used for golf club
  • - Number two wood
  • - Number 2 wood
  • - Driver's cousin
  • - No. 2 wood